Chapter 150

Seeing the arrival of the reinforcements, Guan Hai personally led the remaining soldiers and horses to meet them.

After approaching, he also saw clearly that the reinforcements were coming from Tai Shici, who broke out to rescue soldiers before, and Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. Tai Shici wanted to come to break out, and he asked Liu Bei for help.

He is also very familiar with the three brothers Liu Bei. You must know that the three brothers Liu Bei participated in the suppression of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and they also left a reputation before Hulao Pass.

However, seeing that Liu Bei had few soldiers, he didn't take it seriously.

When the two armies were 500 meters apart, they stopped and looked at each other.

Liu Bei looked at Guan Hai's army in front of him, and Guan Hai standing in front of the formation. He also had some memories in his heart. He remembered that he started in the Yellow Turban and experienced many battles. Now that the Yellow Turban Rebellion has passed for so many years, he is still under the leadership of Gongsun Zan. Recommended, only to sit in the current position of Prime Minister Ping Yuan, thinking of him as a Han family clan member, he also failed.

Originally, he was in Pingyuan, and he was also paying attention to the affairs of Xuzhou. He didn't know about the siege of Beihai. He only found out when Tai Shici brought Kong Rong's letter to ask for help.

But he didn't have any soldiers and horses, and he still had many considerations, but Kong Rong had a letter coming, and he still remembered him, thinking that he could relieve the Beihai siege, so he ordered three thousand elite soldiers under his command, and came quickly .

I think he made great achievements in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, because he did not bribe the ten permanent servants, he only got the post of a county magistrate; when he was attacking Dong Zhuo, he followed Gongsun Zan, because Guan Yu beheaded Huaxiong, before Hulao Pass, The three brothers joined forces to defeat Lu Bu, and finally sat on the position of Prime Minister of Pingyuan under the recommendation of Gongsun Zan.

He only has a little reputation, not comparable to Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and his ilk. He has many backgrounds. It can be said that no one in the world can remember him. Since Kong Rong can still think of him, he should lead his troops to rescue him.

While Liu Bei was thinking.

Seeing Liu Bei leading the army against him, Guan Hai didn't open his mouth. He seemed to look down on him and hated him. Although he was a bandit, he was also one of the famous generals among the Yellow Turbans. When was he underestimated?


Guan Hai yelled, straightened his horse and raised his saber, and rushed out first, and went straight to Liu Bei.

Hearing the loud shout, Liu Bei also came to his senses, seeing Guan Hai who was galloping towards him, he was not afraid, he had brothers.

Tai Shici, who was on the side, saw Guan Hai rushing up, so he wanted to rush out to fight. He knew Guan Hai's ability before, and the winner hadn't been decided yet, but he was a little slower.

Guan Yu was a step earlier, and rode out on his horse with his saber straightened out. He squinted his red phoenix eyes without saying a word, and swung the Qinglong Yanyue Dao straight at Guan Hai.

Seeing Guan Yu's attack, Guan Hai raised his sword horizontally to block Guan Yu's slash. He was also secretly shocked. Although he had heard of Guan Yu's bravery, he had never fought against him.

Experts will know if they have it.

Guan Hai also didn't dare to be careless in the face of Guan Yu. He no longer wanted to kill Liu Bei who underestimated him, and challenged Guan Yu seriously.

Guan Yu's half-closed Danfeng eyes also flashed the fighting intent. Although this time he did not have the same momentum as when he killed Hua Xiong, but ordinary generals, it is difficult for him to block his sword, and he can chop off the horse with a single sword. .

When, when, when.
Neither of them was distracted, and they responded wholeheartedly. The two big knives collided with each other in mid-air.

However, Guan Hai became more and more frightened as he fought more and more. You must know that Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Tai Shici were watching closely. He didn't know the strength of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, but he knew about Tai Shici's situation. , is also a general who is not inferior to him.

Facing Guan Yu alone, he felt that it was difficult to deal with, but if there were two of them, then he would surely die, and he also had the intention of retreating in his heart.

Guan Yu couldn't tell that Guan Hai was distracted. Although he didn't know why, he didn't want to let go of this opportunity.


Guan Yu yelled loudly, and his half-closed Danfeng eyes suddenly opened, and the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand was raised high, and chopped down on Guan Hai's head.

Suffered!Hearing Guan Yu's yelling, Guan Hai also realized that in a fight between people who are not far away, a distraction can tell the winner, so he wanted to resist.

But seeing the sudden opening of a pair of half-squinted Danfeng eyes, and the burst of divine light, his mind became a little dazed.

However, the speed in his hands slowed down immediately.

The knife flashed.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife in Guan Yu's hand was like chopping melons and vegetables. It slashed in from Guan Hai's right shoulder and swung out from his left waist. Blood slipped from the tip of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and the back of the knife gleamed coldly.

Guan Hai, who was on the opposite horse, opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say anything, only blood poured out of his mouth, and he couldn't hold the big knife in his right hand, and fell under the horse.

Bang, bang.
Immediately, Guan Hai closed his eyes and fell off the horseback. His upper body fell to the left, and his lower body fell to the right. It was cut in two, and the internal organs were mixed with blood, which looked very tragic.

Guan Yu's open Danfeng eyes also half-narrowed, and glanced at Guan Hai who had been cut in two by him. If Guan Hai didn't pay attention, it would take a little effort to take it down, but if he was distracted, then there would be only a dead end.

With a shake of his hand, he galloped his horse and straightened his sword and rushed towards the formation of the Yellow Turban Army.

When Zhang Fei and Tai Shici saw Guan Yu beheading Guan Hai, they both rode out with guns and headed straight for the Yellow Turban Army.


How could Liu Bei let the enemy's general die in battle and lose the opportunity of the army's morale, and directly wave his army to cover up the kill.

Seeing Guan Hai's tragic death, the Yellow Turban Army was terrified, but now that Liu Beijun was hiding and killing him, they still wanted to fight and fled in all directions.

The Yellow Turban Army who was attacking the city also noticed the situation here, and had no intention of attacking the city. The Yellow Turban Army who did not climb the ladder also began to flee around, and the Yellow Turban Army who climbed the ladder no longer climbed up. Instead, I climbed down very fast, and I was afraid that if I slowed down, I would not be able to walk.

Kong Rong and Mi Zhu on the city wall also noticed the escape of the Yellow Turban Army, and also saw Tai Shici, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei rushing into the Yellow Turban Army, like a tiger into a flock of sheep, no one can fight.

Overjoyed, without any hesitation, he led the city guards down the city wall, opened the city gate, rushed out, and together with Liu Bei's soldiers and horses, covered and killed the defeated Yellow Turban Army.

Combining attacks from both sides, coupled with the fact that the Yellow Turban Army had lost their morale and had no intention of fighting, the Yellow Turban Army was quickly defeated. Countless survivors were killed, and the rest were either killed or fled away.

The Beihai siege also came to an end because of the arrival of the army led by Liu Bei and the death of Guan Hai.

In the end, Liu Bei and Kong Rong got together, gathered soldiers and horses, took in the surrendered troops, and let the soldiers and horses press down outside the city.

Kong Rong also welcomed Liu Bei and others into the city, and hosted a banquet to honor Liu Bei's kindness for coming to rescue.

(End of this chapter)

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