Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 181 The Battle of Shouchun

Chapter 181 The Battle of Shouchun

Because Liu Qi gave half a stick of incense to think about it.

Yan Xiang also handed over [-] soldiers and horses to the general who defended the city. He himself escorted Prince Yuan Yao down the city wall and headed for the imperial palace in the center of the city.

Just like what he said to the general who defended the city, if he had to rush back to the palace to set up security, at least when the city was broken, he could still have the last line of defense and wait for rescue.

After Yan Xiang escorted Prince Yuan Yao away.

The general who defended the city did not hesitate too much, took over the command of [-] soldiers and horses, and then dispatched troops to guard the city wall.

Since you don't open the city gate and surrender, there must be a battle. Now, before the Jingzhou army begins to attack the city, we will first arrange it on the city wall to increase the chances of winning the city wall. Even if we really can't defend it in the end, we can Procrastinate for a certain amount of time, as long as you can.

Moreover, when it came to a critical moment, they could still retreat to the palace for defense. As for the future, it could only depend on God's will, whether the Jingzhou army broke the palace first, or the reinforcements arrived first.

After Liu Qi gave Yan Xiang and others half a stick of consideration time, he took Zhao Yun and others back to the formation, looked at Shouchun City, and waited for a reply.

"My lord, why don't you just surround the city?" Gan Ning asked.

Liu Qi shook his head and said with a smile: "If the city is surrounded, the defenders in the city will definitely fight to the death knowing that there is no way out, so it is not good for our army to attack the city, and our army is more than the defenders in the city, so we only need to attack with all our strength. One side is fine, you must know that our purpose of coming here this time is only for Yuan Shu's wealth."

After a pause, he continued: "Although setting aside half a stick of incense will make the defenders in the city ready to resist, it's not a big problem. After all, our army is a little tired after all the way, and we can Take advantage of the time of half a stick of incense to recover, not to mention if there are smart people in the city, they must know that I will attack the city and Shouchun City will be destroyed. If you can take Shouchun City without bloodshed, that is the best!"


Guo Jia and the others also nodded. They have paid a lot in Jingzhou since they completed all their previous plans by relying on righteousness to crusade against Yuan Shu.

If it weren't for the certainty that they would be able to take down Shouchun City and collect Yuan Shu's wealth, they might already be on their way back to Jingzhou by now.

"Zi Long!"


"Send out scouts to investigate in other directions. If there are soldiers and horses in the city leaving from other directions and they don't take anything with them, let them go without reporting back; if they leave with something, report back immediately!" Liu Qi ordered.


Zhao Yun cupped his hands on the horse and went down to make arrangements.

Liu Qi looked at Shouchun, who was close in front of him, and murmured, "The rest depends on whether they are going to defend to the death, or what!"

Guo Jia and the others also nodded, they have reached the current point, attacking Shouchun City is inevitable, the rest is to see the decision in the city, which is also related to the "difficulty and ease" of their Jingzhou army attacking Shouchun City.

Time passed little by little.

There was silence above and below the city, and the defenders of the city had finished setting up the city walls, silently waiting for the final moment to arrive.

The time of half a stick of incense is like a moment, or like a long time. In different meanings, it has also reached the last moment.

Liu Qi looked at the city wall.

Countless soldiers on the city wall stood straight on the city wall with spears in their hands, like a hard shield, obviously wanting to fight hard.

"Beat the drum, let the whole army attack the city!" Liu Qi shouted with his eyes fixed.

Boom, boom, boom.
The drums beat and the attack begins.

The sound of war drums sounded rhythmically like a heartbeat.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

As the war drum sounded, Zhao Yun and other generals led the troops of the headquarters and charged towards Shouchun City, which was right in front of them.

Before coming to Shouchun City, the Jingzhou army, which had been silent all the time, also shouted the slogan of charging, and rushed towards the city like a fierce tiger.

The Jingzhou army experienced a massacre last night, and the evil spirit on their bodies has not dissipated. Standing there silently, they can still restrain themselves. When they start charging, the evil spirit on their bodies cannot be restrained. The charge of the army generals pressed towards the defenders on the city wall.

The defenders on the city wall also turned pale with fright from the fierce spirit of tens of thousands of Jingzhou soldiers, and their hands holding the weapons also trembled a little.

"Let the arrows, let the arrows!" shouted the defender.

There was also cold sweat on his forehead. He knew that this moment would definitely come, but when it really came, he was still afraid, but he calmed down and directed the soldiers into battle.

Huh, huh, huh.
On the city wall, the archers who had been prepared early in the morning did not hesitate to set up their arrows and draw their bows, and shot the arrows in their hands out of the city.

Arrows formed a rain of arrows in midair, and then fell from midair towards the charging Jingzhou army.

Arrows fell one after another and landed among the densely packed Jingzhou army, causing streaks of blood. Some Jingzhou army soldiers also fell on the way to charge.

But this didn't stop the Jingzhou Army's charging speed, braving the rain of arrows, they rushed towards the city quickly.

The [-] Jingzhou army, except for the [-] blood-clothed guards who stayed behind Liu Qi, Guo Jia, and Jia Xu, the rest of the soldiers were led by Zhao Yun and others to attack the city.

One battle determines the outcome!

The archers in the Jingzhou army also charged and shot arrows.

Some of the defenders on the city wall fell from the city wall, and some fell on the passage of the city wall.

Each has casualties.

"Take the ladder and attack the city!" Zhao Yun shouted.

Even with the dense rain of arrows obstructing them, the Jingzhou army still rushed under the city wall.

Following Zhao Yun's yelling, the ladders were built on the edge of the city wall by the soldiers of the Jingzhou army who rushed over carrying the ladders.

Needless to say, some shield soldiers, holding shields in their hands and holding them high above their heads, climbed up the ladder that was erected, one after another, boarded the ladder.

"Hurry up, stop the enemy from entering the city!" the city guard shouted.

He also didn't expect that the Jingzhou army would directly charge the whole army regardless of the casualties, and to decide the outcome in a single battle, at this time, he could only delay as long as he could.

The archers on the city wall no longer continued to shoot arrows outside the city, but went to the edge of the city wall and shot down the city; Push down the ladder.

In the Jingzhou army, even if some soldiers climbed halfway up the ladder, were shot by arrows, fell from mid-air, lost their lives, and the ladder was pushed down.

But it couldn't stop the Jingzhou army's determination to attack the city. Holding up the ladder, the soldiers climbed up the ladder one after another and headed towards the city wall. As long as they can break through the city wall, they can win.

The archers of the Jingzhou army were also under the city wall, shooting arrows towards the city wall, suppressing the offensive of the defenders above the city wall, so that the soldiers climbing the city could climb the city wall and break through the defense on the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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