Chapter 184

up the long stairs.

There is a palace, which is the Jinluan Hall, the hall where hundreds of officials worship and the emperor goes to court.

Before Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun, he had people rush to work for several days. According to the Luoyang Palace, the palace was built in the center of Shouchun City, but it occupied a smaller area. It can be said to be a reduced version of the Luoyang Palace.

Liu Qi pressed his saber in his hand, looked up at the front of the main hall, there was a plaque inscribed with three golden characters of "Golden Luan Hall", his eyes flashed.

Immediately, he walked towards the hall in a hurry.

Guo Jia and the others were also half a step behind and followed Liu Qi into the main hall.

Because the city was broken, Yan Xiang led [-] troops to escort the crown prince Yuan Yao, Yuan Shu's immediate family members, and some ministers, and escaped. There was no one in the palace.

The eunuchs, maids, etc. in the palace either escaped or were controlled by Gan Ning and Tai Shici when they attacked the palace.

in the hall.

This Golden Luan Hall is a place where hundreds of officials worship, and it is also very large.

But now there are only Liu Qi and a few people, and in this very large Jinluan Hall, it seems very empty, except for the footsteps of a few people, there is no other sound.

Right in front, there is a seat representing the Ninth Five-Year Supreme - the dragon chair.

Liu Qi and the others did not stop, but walked into the hall step by step.

It has been not far from the steps below the dragon chair.

Dian Wei, Tai Shici, and Gan Ning did not continue to move forward, but walked to the left and stood still; Jia Xu and Guo Jia did the same, walked to the right and stood still.

Only Liu Qi was left alone. He continued to walk forward, set foot on the steps under the dragon chair, and continued to take firm steps up the steps.

Come to the front of the dragon chair.

Liu Qi put his sword on his hand, turned around, looked at Guo Jia and others standing on the left and right under the steps, and under their gaze, he flicked the cloak behind him and sat on the dragon chair.

Without a dragon robe or a crown, Liu Qi, who was only wearing a white robe and silver armor, was sitting on the dragon chair, with a sharp look in his eyes, without any words, but the momentum on his body changed a lot, which made Liu Qi The whole person is full of majesty, and has the feeling of looking down on the world, as if the land of the Central Plains is under his control.

Just when Liu Qi was sitting on the dragon chair.

Guo Jia and the others knelt down at the same time without saying anything.

"Get up!" Liu Qi said lightly.

"Thank you, my lord!" Guo Jia and the others stood up from the ground.

Although Liu Qi's tone was very flat, but at this moment, it was full of majesty and oppression, as if Liu Qi today was an overlord looking down on the world.

"This position is nothing more than that!" Liu Qi murmured.

However, it is this position that can make people want to sit on this position regardless of life and death. Even he has embarked on this path now. Although the process may not be the same, but in the end it is for this position.


Guo Jia and the others didn't say much, but stood on both sides respectfully.

Step, step, step.
At this time, there was a sound of footsteps.

Then I saw Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, and Liao Hua walking in from outside the hall.


Zhao Yun and others walked in, went to the center, and knelt down to Liu Qi who was sitting on the dragon chair. They were not surprised or surprised that Liu Qi was sitting on the dragon chair.

"Get up, how is the suppression in the city?" Liu Qi said.

Zhao Yun and others also stood up.

"My lord, Shouchun City has been fully controlled by our army, and the spy report also reported that a soldier and horse escaped at a city gate. Because they didn't take anything away, they didn't report back immediately!" Finally, Zhao Yun cupped his hands.

Liu Qi nodded, and said: "Let the soldiers start to clean up the supplies in the palace, as well as the mansions of all the officials in the city, and load everything that can be taken away into cars, and settle down in the palace tonight, and leave Shouchun early tomorrow morning and return to Jingzhou !"

Originally, he just used Yuan Shu to beat the autumn wind by the way, but now he got more than what he gave, so he didn't need to stay here any longer, and it was time to return to Jingzhou.

Let them deal with the chaos here.

"No!" Everyone clapped their hands.

They also understood what Liu Qi meant, so there was nothing to consider. What's more, Yuan Shu's territory is becoming more and more chaotic. If they want to continue to gain some benefits, they will have to pay a very high price. , there is no need for that.

"So, let's go down and make arrangements!" Liu Qi also stood up from the dragon chair.


Everyone bowed their hands and saluted, then retreated, preparing to let the soldiers carry out the act of laundering according to Liu Qi's order. They attacked Shouchun just for this moment, to be able to plunder Yuan Shu's materials left in Shouchun, and to make up for this time The attrition of sending troops can also support Jingzhou's development for a period of time.

Wait for everyone to leave.

Liu Qi also sat back on the dragon chair, looking out of the main hall, his eyes kept flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"In the world of competition, who wins the game depends on their own abilities!" Liu Qi said leisurely.

The current situation can no longer be stabilized. Yuan Shu's proclaiming the emperor also gave many people an excuse, and the Han court fell because of this. Even if Cao Cao had the emperor in his hand, no one would obey the court's orders.

As for the final outcome, it depends on each person's ability and who can have the last laugh.

After Yuan Shu, who was born in the fourth generation and the third prince, brought up this incident of resisting the imperial court and wanting to overthrow the Han court, some ambitious princes would no longer hide their thoughts.

Not to mention that today's Han court has experienced many changes, even the emperor has changed hands several times, without any majesty, without the posture of making the princes of the world submit, how could the princes have the heart of surrender.

Wait until the people in the world know that Liu Qi has captured Shouchun City.

Liu Qi also led the army, took many supplies from Shouchun, left Shouchun, and rushed back to Jingzhou, as if he didn't want to join the team against Yuan Shu.

You must know that at the beginning, Liu Qi led his troops to attack Yuan Shu and help the Han Dynasty, but now that Yuan Shu is still in Hefei, Liu Qi withdrew his troops and left, which was completely different from his original intention.

Liu Qi didn't explain anything, and didn't pay attention to anything. Anyway, his goal has been achieved, and the rest has nothing to do with him, and there is no need to stay. As for Yuan Shu's ending, he will He would not even consider such things. Since he wanted to sit on the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, he had to have the consciousness of death.

If you don’t have that awareness, then don’t take this path.

(End of this chapter)

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