Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 375: The Beginning of Conferring a King

Chapter 375: The Beginning of Conferring a King

"You should have a plan too!"

There was a sense of confidence in his tone.

Look at Liu Qi's expression.

Everyone present did not know why there was a feeling of relief.

But they can also understand in their hearts that the Liu Qi they are familiar with has returned. During the half a year in Chengdu, or the too leisurely life, they felt that Liu Qi had changed a little.

Make them feel a little bad.

However, now it seems that they may be thinking too much.

"My subordinates think that I can wait, and wait for Cao Cao to be crowned king in Chang'an, and take advantage of this opportunity!"

"My lord, now occupying Yizhou, Jiaozhou, Jingzhou, Nanman, and half of Yanzhou, after more than half a year of recuperation, there are many soldiers under my command, and my lord is also a member of the Han family, it can be said to be justified!"

"So, my subordinates implore the lord to make himself king!"

Speaking of it.

Guo Jia also knelt on the ground.

"My subordinates implore the lord to make himself king!" Everyone present also stood up and said in unison.

Then he knelt down at the same time.

Depending on the situation, it is obvious that it has been discussed and has been unanimously approved.


Liu Qi, who was sitting on the main seat, also frowned and became silent.

Because of Xu You's affairs, Cao Cao made Cao Cao powerful, and all his subordinates joined forces to play. As a puppet, Emperor Han Xiandi had only agreed to Cao Cao's appointment as king.

In this way, the regime of the great Han will no longer exist, and Emperor Xian of the Han, who originally had a trace of power, will become a real puppet.

The most important thing is.

Yuan Shao and the others, after receiving the news, the rare crowd fell silent, without expressing the slightest expression, and suppressed even some friction, and gathered their troops.

It is self-evident what the intention is.

It is obvious that they want Cao Cao to be the leader, so that they can become justified.

Plus now.

It wasn't when Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, it was different when Yuan Shu was elected, he just killed himself, no one would think about joint crusade, but only think about how to plan for the greatest benefit.

He also had the same idea, wanting to establish himself as a king.

Seeing that Liu Qi didn't speak, but remained silent.

Guo Jia thought that Liu Qi was still hesitating, so he continued: "My lord, the world is in turmoil today, all the heroes are rising together, the princes are occupying one side, the talented and virtuous people from all over the world, who sacrifice their lives to assist the superiors, all want to climb the dragon and become the phoenix and establish fame. And when Cao Cao and others become kings, why do you hesitate, my lord, this is not what we want, I hope my lord will think about it!"

"I hope the lord will think deeply!" Everyone present also shouted.

Of course, they are not forcing Liu Qi, but if the other princes become kings and Liu Qi doesn't make a move, then even if they compete in the Central Plains, they will just lose their mouths.

Although they all gathered under Liu Qi's command for the righteousness of the world, they all had the intention of making contributions.

They are human beings, and they have selfish motives.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation.

Liu Qi also spoke, and said with a smile: "Get up!"

"My lord won't allow me, so I won't get up!" Everyone said in unison.

"I didn't say no!" Liu Qi laughed.


Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then they showed joy.

Liu Qi ignored the crowd and continued: "I was just thinking about some things just now. When I knew that Cao Cao was going to be king, even if you didn't persuade me, I also planned to be king. If it wasn't the right time, I would definitely come honor!"

"You know, my thoughts have never changed. Either reach the top or fall down on this road!"


There is also a sharp light in the eyes, which makes people feel very domineering.

"My lord Shengming!"

Everyone also fell down, with excitement in their hearts.

From Liu Qi's words, they also knew that they had misunderstood before.

Liu Qi's silence was not because he wanted to reject their proposal, but because he was thinking about whether it was time to ascend the throne, obviously he had a different idea from them.

They just want Liu Qi to establish himself as king first, and wait for a certain period of time before suggesting the matter of becoming emperor.

But Liu Qi was thinking about whether he could take advantage of this opportunity to proclaim himself emperor.

in this way.

They don't need to worry that Liu Qi will give up halfway, they just need to consider how to assist Liu Qi to achieve his great cause, as Liu Qi said, either climb to the top or fall down on this road.

He has great ambitions and is a master.

They followed behind Liu Qi, so why worry about not being able to make contributions.

Sure enough, it was just their own overthinking before, and Liu Qi has not changed from the beginning to the end.

"Get up and sit down!" Liu Qi waved.


The kneeling people didn't hesitate anymore, and after standing up, they sat back to their seats. The reason why they didn't get up before was also because they mistakenly believed that Liu Qi didn't intend to become king on their own, so that's all.

Now, knowing Liu Qi's thoughts, there is no need to have any doubts.

"Once Cao Cao is crowned king in Chang'an in ten days, the rest of the princes will definitely use this as an excuse to establish themselves as kings in various places, but we don't need any excuses!" Liu Qi said with a flash of light in his eyes.

He has acted all his life, so why use any excuses.

Especially something as important as being king.

"My lord thinks how to do it?" Guo Jia asked suspiciously.

Everyone present also looked at Liu Qi with some doubts, not knowing what Liu Qi was thinking.

"Didn't Cao Cao ask the emperor to make him king because of the pressure from his subordinates?" Liu Qi grinned and continued, "I will write a memorial in my own handwriting and send it to Chang'an, and I will invite you to become king of Han in ten days. !"

"My lord, Chang'an is now under Cao Cao's control. If Cao Cao dismisses it, the emperor will not dare to issue an edict. The subordinates think that the lord can be the king of Han first, and then it will not be too late!" Li Ru said worriedly.

"I'm waiting for a second opinion!"

Everyone also nodded in agreement. It is the most suitable way to kill first and then play. The rest of the princes did not move, and they also paid attention to this.

They have a hostile relationship with Cao Cao, how could Cao Cao agree to Liu Qi becoming king.

Of course, everyone knows that Shangzuo is just a show.

"No need to be like this! It doesn't make any difference whether you agree or disagree. Even if you reject it, so what, they can't change the matter of becoming king ten days later, and I don't think Cao Cao will necessarily refuse, and may support it!" Liu Qi's eyes flashed, and he said confidently.


All the people present looked at each other, with a trace of helplessness flashing in their eyes.

Although they didn't know Liu Qi's self-confidence, but from Liu Qi's tone, they also knew that they could not persuade them, they could only agree.

However, after being helpless, he also showed an excited look.

As Liu Qi said, whether to agree or not is not something that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty or Cao Cao can decide.

Moreover, Liu Qi's approach is to open his thoughts to the world, unlike other princes who want to wait until Cao Cao becomes king, and then use this as an excuse to establish themselves as king in various places.

(End of this chapter)

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