Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 385 Choose an opponent

Chapter 385 Choose an opponent

Hearing Liu Qi's question.

In the counselor's seat.

Li Ru, who was the order of the Minister, also stood up, cupped his hands and said: "My lord, since the armistice, according to the lord's policies and various plans, in this almost one year, the food, grass, taxes, etc. in various places have been reduced. All have been greatly improved, enough to support the needs of the army!"

He is the prime minister in charge of all internal affairs under Liu Qi's rule.

He is very clear about all this. It can be said that he knows exactly how much money Liu Qi has, except of course Liu Qi's personal property.

Because Liu Qi always separates his property, the expenses needed by the Liu Mansion will not use the property collected from various places.

Moreover, the previous continuous battles, coupled with the pensions required for the soldiers who died in battle, made them enter a difficult period, with more than enough self-preservation and insufficient offense.

After nearly a year of development, he has also recovered his vitality. Not to mention how rich he is, it is not a problem at all to support the army.

What's more, with the increase of time, the food, grass and materials will continue to increase, and the energy will continue to support the soldiers who are fighting ahead, which is enough.


Liu Qi smiled and said, "So, I'm relieved!"

With Li Ru's guarantee, he would not worry about the shortage of food and supplies in the rear, and he would be able to implement his own strategy in a stable manner.

Immediately, he looked at Zhao Yun and asked, "Zilong, how many soldiers and horses can our army mobilize now?"

The voice fell.

Zhao Yun, who was in the generals' seat, also stood up, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, there are 15 troops in Yizhou, and there are [-] soldiers who can be mobilized!"

"It's enough!" Liu Qi nodded, contemplated for a moment, and said, "So, who do you think we should attack first?"

Once you understand your own strength, it's time to choose your opponent.

After listening to Liu Qi's words.

Everyone present also started discussing, some said Cao Cao, some Yuan Shao, and some Sun Quan. It can be said that except for Gongsun Zan who is far away in Youzhou, everyone else is within their strategic scope.

Liu Qi didn't open his mouth either, and quietly listened to the discussion of everyone present.

a while.
The people present also fell silent.

"My lord, although our army has 15 troops in Yizhou, only 20 troops can be mobilized. The rest are guarded everywhere and cannot be mobilized at will. We can only reach Jingzhou and mobilize them again." The army, it can be said that the number of soldiers that our army can fight is only [-]!"

"Cao Cao has [-] garrisons in Chang'an, and [-] troops in Tongguan and Hulaoguan. It is not a good choice to attack Chang'an. In the end, it may turn into a protracted war in the city, allowing the rest of the kings to take advantage of it." !"

"Jiangdong is the most prosperous water army. Although our army has General Gan and General Taishi to train the water army, it is still inferior to Jiangdong water army, and its strength is also a little bit worse."

"Gongsun Zan doesn't need to explain!"

"Xuzhou Liu Bei also stationed a heavy army in Qiao County, guarded by his second brother Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang. It is not easy to win!"

"Yuan Shao in Jizhou has an army of [-] in Dongjun. The main generals are Zhang He and Gao Lan. However, Yuan Shao's advisers are divided into two groups, and they have been fighting constantly. Now it is becoming more and more obvious!"

"So, my subordinates believe that it is most suitable to send troops to Jizhou. As long as the contradictions among Yuan Shao's advisers are well utilized, victory can be achieved; of course, Xuzhou is also a good choice. Liu Bei led the army and Cao Cao jointly conspired to seize You Zhouzhou, as long as our army captures Qiao County, we will be able to drive straight in!"

Guo Jia stood up and analyzed, also speaking out the pros and cons of each party.

After listening.

Everyone present also nodded in agreement, after all, what Guo Jia said was not wrong.

Although they have the opportunity to wield their troops, they all understand that the rest of the kings will not be fools, even if they have plans, they will still be prepared.

Everyone knows that since all parties became kings, they all expressed their attitudes, and only one of the kings can reach the top.

Everyone also looked at Liu Qi. In the end, it was Liu Qi's decision. Even if there were difficulties, they believed that Liu Qi would not have the idea of ​​sitting still.

Pay attention to the eyes projected by everyone.

"In this case, the best places to attack are Jizhou and Xuzhou!"

As Liu Qi spoke, his eyes kept flickering, as if he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

See here.

Everyone didn't speak any more, disturbing Liu Qi's thinking.

a while……

A determined look flashed in Liu Qi's eyes, he glanced around, and said: "So, mobilize an army of [-], and rush to Jingzhou in three days, gather Jingzhou soldiers and horses, and announce the crusade against Yuan Shao and Liu Bei!"

He has not forgotten what happened before, Yuan Shao is the chief culprit, but Liu Bei is also one of the accomplices.

Although it is said that revenge must be taken, he will not take revenge blindly, as that will only get him into trouble.

Otherwise, they would have sent troops to attack Jizhou regardless of the consequences before and wiped out Yuan Shao.


Everyone present was also a little surprised.

"My lord, it's not that my subordinates grow others' ambitions and destroy their own prestige. If they declare war on both Yuan Shao and Liu Bei at the same time, it will be difficult to make a full contribution!" Jia Xu stood up and said tactfully.

The rest of the people also nodded in agreement, not because they didn't want to, but with the soldiers and horses that can be mobilized today, it is not suitable for two-sided warfare. Even if they are undefeated in the end, they will lose something.

If you gather all the soldiers and horses that can be mobilized, you can take Yuan Shao or Liu Bei with great confidence.

But if they want to take down both of them at the same time, there is a great possibility that they will be the ones who lose.

"Subordinates wait for second opinion!" Everyone also stood up one after another to advise.

See here.

Liu Qi wasn't too surprised either. When he proposed this, he had already thought that this would happen.

He waved his hands, stabilized everyone, and said: "Everyone, I understand your thoughts, but you have misunderstood a little!"

Everyone also didn't understand.

"Although war is declared against Yuan Shao and Liu Bei at the same time, the main battlefield is Jizhou. As for Liu Bei's side, we only need one army to intimidate them, but if there is a chance, we can't prevent taking Qiao County!"

"In this way, it can also delay the time for Liu Bei and Cao Cao to seize Youzhou, so that we have enough time to send our troops to attack Yuan Shao!"

Liu Qi also expressed the true thoughts in his heart, and this was his purpose, and he could act better only if he was false and true.

"My lord Shengming!"

After listening to Liu Qi's words, everyone understood Liu Qi's plan and understood that there was a misunderstanding.

"In this way, we will gather troops from all over the country and make preparations. After three days, we will rush to Jingzhou to attack Yuan Shao and Liu Bei!" Liu Qi stood up and said solemnly and firmly.


Everyone also answered firmly, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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