Chapter 400
When Ma Chao, Pang De, and Zhuge Liang led two thousand soldiers and horses to capture Yecheng.

Liu Qi also led more than [-] people to the surrounding area of ​​Chaoge.

Because there were no supplies, no tents were set up, but they stayed in a dense forest.

March from Dongjun to Jizhou.

It is necessary to hide the traces, but did not bring supplies. After all, building tents and other supplies requires carriages to be loaded, so it is difficult to hide traces, and marching on trails is not suitable for carriages.

It was just a few days of dry food and came all the way quickly.

Chaoge has [-] defenders.

Liu Qi was also not prepared to attack head-on, that would be no different from courting death, it would only fail.

More than three thousand soldiers gathered together in twos and threes in the dense forest, took out dry food, mixed it with water, and ate slowly to replenish their strength.

Liu Qi, Dian Wei, Wei Yan, and Pang Tong also gathered together.

Liu Qi held dry rations in one hand, and ate them in a leisurely manner, but his eyes did not leave the map on the ground in front of him.

If Chaoge's defenders cannot be dealt with, even if Yecheng is captured, there will still be certain hidden dangers, and there will be a situation where the enemy will be attacked.

It will take time for the army from far away in Puyang to rush over.

They needed to defend Yecheng before the army arrived, and prevent Yuan Shao from taking Yecheng back, otherwise everything would be useless.

If Zhang Yun went out to fight, he would not be afraid with more than [-] soldiers.

But if Zhang He stayed in the city, then with more than [-] soldiers, he could hold Zhang He back, but he couldn't take Chaoge and solve the hidden danger.

"The lord is worried about how to win Chaoge?" Pang Tong asked.


Liu Qi nodded without denying it, and said: "There are [-] defenders in Chaoge, unless the city lord Zhang He leads the army out of the city, there will be a chance to capture Chaoge, otherwise it will be difficult! I don't know how Shi Yuan will respond Of the policy?"

If the guard in the city wasn't Zhang Yun, he would have other plans, that is to sneak into the city and take down the city gate, but Zhang Yun would not have such a chance, so this plan can be thrown away.

Dian Wei and Wei Yan also looked at Pang Tong, and they didn't think of a way to quickly win Chaoge.

"My lord, this subordinate requests to enter Chaoge alone, and persuade Zhang Yun for my lord!" Pang Tong stood up and cupped his hands.

There was a firm look in his eyes. Along the way, he also thought of many ways, but none of them were suitable, and only this one had the best chance.

After all, Zhang He is different from the rest of Yuan Shao's subordinates, and this is also his opportunity.

The voice fell.

Dian Wei and Wei Yan were also a little surprised. Seeing Pang Tong, they were speechless. You must know that they have a hostile relationship with Jizhou now. Pang Tong entered Chaoge alone, which is a problem.

Liu Qi glanced at Pang Tong, fell silent, and did not immediately agree.

"My lord, if the two armies are at war, if you don't kill the envoy, and with Zhang He's loyalty, there is a great chance that his subordinates will succeed in persuading him. In this way, a battle can be avoided, and Chaoge's [-] soldiers can be subdued without any damage. Defenders!" Pang Tong continued.

"But that's just a chance, but if something happens, you won't be able to come back!" Liu Qi looked at Pang Tong and said seriously.

Pang Tong smiled, and said: "If you can help the lord to achieve great things, why should the subordinate die!"

Liu Qi pondered for a moment.

Then he said seriously: "This plan is feasible, but Shi Yuan, you have to remember that everything must be based on your own safety. A small court song can't replace you!"

"No!" Pang Tong also cupped his hands and said, "I'll make arrangements now, and then rush to Chaoge to persuade Zhang Yun!"

Liu Qi nodded and didn't try to persuade him anymore. Seeing the expression on Pang Tong's face, he also knew that it was difficult to persuade him. Although he could force Pang Tong to give up such an idea, there would be no change.

Moreover, in today's situation, it may be the best way to let Pang Tong persuade.

Pang Tong was affirmed by Liu Qi, and without any further hesitation, he nodded to Dian Wei and Wei Yan, bowed his hands to Liu Qi, then turned and left.

Said to arrange, but there is nothing to arrange.

From time to time

There was a sound of hoofbeats, and Pang Tong was seen galloping in the direction of Chaoge on a horse.

See here.

"My lord!" Wei Yan said.

Liu Qi waved his hand and said, "Needless to say, this is also Shi Yuan's choice."

Dian Wei and Wei Yan glanced at each other, but did not continue talking.

"Let the soldiers take the time to rest, and after half a stick of incense, they will march towards Chaoge!" Liu Qi said.

After finishing speaking, he also clapped his hands, stood up, and walked to a place.


Dian Wei and Wei Yan didn't know what to say anymore, they also understood that Liu Qi didn't want Pang Tong to go, but that was also Pang Tong's choice.

They didn't bother Liu Qi anymore, and they didn't know how to persuade him.

So I made arrangements to wait for the soldiers to rest before continuing to march towards Chaoge.

More than three thousand soldiers also assembled.

Liu Qi, Dian Wei, and Wei Yan also got on their horses and prepared to lead more than [-] soldiers and horses to continue marching towards Chaoge.

However, at this time.


Suddenly, there was a rush of hoofbeats from behind.

Turn your head and look back.

I saw that there were two soldiers riding fast horses, rushing towards them, and the armor on the soldiers was also the standard of their Jingzhou army, and there were two small flags on the back, obviously they were messengers.



Two messengers also came to Liu Qi on horseback.

"Report, Yecheng battle report!"

"Report, Jizhou intelligence!"

Two messengers took out the letter and handed it to Liu Qi with both hands.

Liu Qi also took the two letters and said, "Thank you for your hard work, let's go down and rest!"


The two messengers also bowed their hands, turned their horses and walked down.

See here.

Without hesitation, Liu Qi opened the two letters and read them.

Regarding the battle report of Yecheng, he could obviously guess one thing, that is, Ma Chao and others took Yecheng and sent someone to send a good news, there would be no surprises. ,

However, Jizhou's intelligence will have many situations.


There was a flash of light in Liu Qi's eyes, and there was also a look of surprise, and then he showed the original look, but also a dignified look, obviously something unexpected happened.

"My lord!" Wei Yan said.

The obvious thing is to want to know what happened.

"Meng Qi and the others captured Yecheng last night, as for the rest, we can talk about it after capturing Chaoge!" Liu Qi said.

Expressed that he did not want to discuss Jizhou intelligence matters at this time.



Wei Yan and Dian Wei didn't have any opinions. The most important thing now is the question of Chaoge.

(End of this chapter)

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