Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 422 Jia Xu's Strategies

Chapter 422 Jia Xu's Strategies

Among Wei Jun.

What happened to Yan Liang and the trial match did not attract too much attention.

After all, this is also their own internal matter, and there are only two people arguing, even if the guards guarding outside the hall hear it, they will just pretend that they don't know anything, because they can't be provoked.

and so.

It will not attract any attention, let alone affect other things.


Silent all night.

The next morning.

After breakfast.

Liu Qi summoned a group of subordinates to come to discuss the matter, after all, he did not intend to procrastinate, and the most important thing was to win Wei County.

And it can also consume Yuan Jun's strength to prepare for the final battle.

"It seems that Yan Liang is quite stable, and he didn't move at all!" Liu Qi said calmly.

As Yan Liang said.

It was his intention to place the grain and grass camp outside without heavy guards, and let Yuan Jun's scouts know where the grain and grass camp was.

In doing so, there is no risk whatsoever.

Once Yan Liang made a move, he would be able to take the opportunity to suppress Yuan Jun and take down Wei County; if he didn't make a move, he wouldn't suffer any losses.

It can only be regarded as a trial.

Everyone present just smiled and didn't say much, they all knew Liu Qi's plan.

"My lord, Yan Liang, who is currently stationed in Weijun, has divided the 100 army into two parts. The [-] army is stationed in the city, relying on the city wall; the [-] soldiers are stationed [-] meters away from the city gate to build a defense; the two sides take care of each other. If you want to attack the city, you must first take down the [-] Yuan army outside the city, and if you attack the [-] Yuan army outside the city, the Yuan army on the city wall will also support it with arrows!" Guo Jia stood up and said.

"My lord, from this point of view, Yan Liang wants to delay the time, and does not intend to confront our army head-on!" Jia Xu also stood up and said.

Everyone present also nodded in agreement. This is also an obvious defensive performance, but it can only be used when facing similar soldiers and horses.

If they had an army of hundreds of thousands and Yan Liang ordered [-] Yuan troops to guard outside the city, it would be no different from giving away a head.

Now there are only 15 soldiers and horses. It is not impossible to forcibly take down the [-] Yuan army outside the city, but it will also consume a lot of money.

After all, when attacking the [-] Yuan army outside the city, the Yuan army on the city wall could also consume their soldiers and horses.

Completely covered within the range of the bow and arrow.

An obvious life-for-life style of play.

And it will be their side that suffers, and the loss will be much greater.


Liu Qi also frowned. Yuan Jun's actions are as ruthless as they come. Dongjun emptied all the food and supplies, and now he is using such a strategy.

It seems that the counselors under Yuan Shao's command really can do anything if they want to win.

You don't need to think about it, you can know that such a strategy is definitely not Yan Liang's idea, so there is only trial and match.

"Do you have any strategies to defeat the enemy?" Liu Qi asked with a frown.

His eyes turned to Jia Xu. After all, in terms of insidiousness, no one can compare to Jia Xu, but after joining, he seldom used it.

"Hey!" Jia Xu smiled and said, "My lord, although Yuan Jun's strategy is good, if he can take down the [-] Yuan troops outside the city at the least cost, then the remaining [-] defenders in the city can be defeated." Break it with strength!"


The voice changed, and he said with a sinister smile: "Yuan Jun can use such a strategy, why can't we choose five thousand soldiers from the army to form a shield formation, and march forward under the rain of arrows, as long as we get close to the [-] Yuan Jun formation , we can destroy those [-] Yuan troops!"

"Each soldier is equipped with two jars of kerosene!"

The last sentence is the most critical.

"What do you guys think of Wenhe's strategy?" Liu Qi asked while rubbing his chin.

At the same time, he secretly nodded to Jia Xu.

He knew that Jia Xu's black belly was still there, and it was the same whether he was facing an enemy or a friend, and he was also there for the sake of victory, regardless of the consequences.

And he is also very aware of the consequences of this strategy.

Once it is implemented, it will harm the peace of the world.

But he is not a benevolent person, kindness depends on the situation, otherwise, the so-called kindness will only harm himself.

Otherwise, it would not imply Jia Xu.


Jia Xu also saw Liu Qi's response. He also knew Liu Qi a little bit, and he was informal, but because of his status, some things had to be said from his mouth, not from Liu Qi's mouth.

That would be different too.

Hearing Liu Qi's question.

Guo Jia and the others also hesitated and looked at each other.

After hearing Jia Xu's strategy and the last sentence, they could more or less understand the key point of Jia Xu's strategy.

He resisted in his heart, but he also knew that this might be the fastest way, and at the least cost, he could take down the [-] Yuan army outside the city, so he hesitated.

After all, it is somewhat against them.

a while.
"My lord, this subordinate thinks this plan is feasible!" Pang Tong stood up and agreed.

"My lord, this subordinate also thinks this plan is feasible!" Wei Yan also stood up.

Someone takes the lead.

Guo Jia and the others looked at each other, and their hesitant hearts were also firmed up.

They said in the same voice: "The subordinates wait for the second opinion!"

After all, this is war, and it is still a hostile relationship.

The positions of the two sides are different, so there is nothing wrong with it. As Jia Xu said, since Yuan Jun can use vicious tactics, why can't they.

What's more, this was proposed by Jia Xu, they just agreed, and the burden is much less.

And they are also very familiar with Jia Xu, who is innocent on the surface, but has a dark belly in his heart. It is normal to be able to come up with such a vicious strategy.

If there is a need, apart from Liu Qi, Jia Xu will even buy them, which is not impossible.

But if that happens, it can be proved that it is under a great crisis.

See everyone agree.

Liu Qi also nodded, and he would not admit that there was a sign from him.

A look of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said: "In this way, five thousand elite soldiers will be transferred from the army, and all of them will be replaced with heavy armor. The general's kerosene will be drawn out, and each person will have two altars!"

"Drop another three thousand archers, all with rockets, get ready!"

"The rest of the armies are ready. After half a stick of incense, they will move to Weijun and attack Weijun!"

Hear Liu Qi's order.


Everyone also stood up and clapped their hands.

"So, let's go down and make arrangements, and start marching after half a stick of incense!" Liu Qi waved.

The people present did not hesitate any longer, and all bowed and retreated.


The Han army camp that was built here last night has also begun to be dismantled.

Many soldiers, also summoned by their respective generals, gathered together to form formations one by one.

Yuan Jun, who was secretly observing nearby, reported.

Seeing the behavior of the Han army's camp, he also left secretly, and flew back towards Weijun, preparing to go back and report. It was obvious that the Han army was going to attack Weijun.

(End of this chapter)

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