Chapter 436 The Battle of Jizhou ([-])

In Yuan Jun's camp.
Yuan Shao and his subordinates also gathered in the main account to discuss the strategy of retreating the enemy.

After all, Yuan Shao wanted to defeat Liu Qi all the time and drive him out of Jizhou, instead of being in a stalemate like now, where no one can do anything about it.

Although I wanted to solve it quickly, I didn't have any good opportunities.

"Now our army and the Han army have been in a stalemate here for several days, what is your strategy to retreat from the enemy?" Yuan Shao said, scanning the crowd.

Involuntarily touched his chest with his hand, there was a mark left by Liu Qi on him in the melee, a knife wound, even after a few days, the wound began to condense, but he still felt a dull pain , This is an indelible scar that he can remember for a long time.


The people in the main tent also looked at each other.

For a while, no one spoke, and they also wanted to retreat the enemy, but that was not enough to talk about it. The Han army stayed in their camp.

These few days are just sending people to call for a fight.

a while.

"My lord, this subordinate has a plan!" One person stood up and cupped his hands.

Everyone looked at it, but it was a picture of every era and every year.

"Where did the plan come from?" Yuan Shao asked.

"My lord, according to the intelligence report, the grain and grass of the Han army are gathered in Handan, and this time the Han king Liu Qi sent general Pang De to lead [-] soldiers and horses to Handan to escort the grain and grass. Obviously, the grain and grass in the Han army have been supported. It won't be long, and Pound just set off today, and he won't be back until tomorrow at the earliest!"

"In this way, our army can send people to rob food. If this batch of food and grass is cut off, the Han army will have no food for a short time. It will take several days to mobilize food and grass from Yecheng. During this time, the Han army If the army has no food, the morale of the army will be greatly disturbed and the morale will be greatly reduced. Our army can wait for the opportunity. Once the Han army camp is in chaos, it will be our opportunity to retreat from the enemy!"

Fengji analyzed.

The voice fell.

Everyone in the main account, especially Tian Feng and others, also had twinkling eyes, thinking about the possibility of it being feasible. After all, this may also be an opportunity to break through the current predicament.

Yuan Shao also touched his chin with one hand, remained silent, his eyes flashed brightly, but he still hesitated and did not make up his mind.

After pondering for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "This may also be Liu Qi's plan!"

"My lord's words are right!" Ju Shou stood up and cupped his hands and said, "The Han army made great fanfare and did not hide their traces. Sending Pang De to lead the army to escort the grain and grass, it is possible that the Han army asked our army to take the initiative to attack in order to confuse our army. , to use this to suppress our army, we must guard against it!"

"I'll wait for the second!" Tian Feng and others also responded.

They all knew about Liu Qi sending Pang De to escort the grain and grass, and they all had the idea of ​​robbing grain, but they didn't say anything.

Because they all have concerns.

Yuan Shao also looked at Feng Ji.

"My lord, my fellow colleagues, how can I not know about this matter, but who can tell whether it is true or false? Maybe this time the King of Han would not have thought that our army would dare to take the initiative to attack at such a time. !"

Feng Ji paused, and continued: "And our army is just going to test it out. We sent out scouts to keep an eye on the camp of the Han army day and night, and then a general led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to make a quick detour to the dangerous place to ambush. If there is a chance, we will cut off the food and grass, if there is a fraud, our army can adapt to the situation and give up this plan!"


Everyone also understood that the robbery is true or false, it is just a test, everything depends on Liu Qi's actions, if Liu Qi does not have any actions, if there is no fraud in it, the fake robbery can also become the real robbery.

If there is an arrangement in it, it is a fake robbery.

After one round, you can also test out the actions of the Han army, and there will not be much loss.

"My lord, this subordinate thinks it's feasible!" Tian Feng glanced at Feng Ji, and cupped his hands at Yuan Shao.

"Subordinates wait for second!"

After Feng Ji's explanation, the judge and the others did not refute. After all, they also figured out the key point, so there is no source of objection.

And if they really cut off this batch of grain and grass, it would be of great benefit to them.

Yuan Shao glanced at the crowd, contemplated for a moment, and said: "So, let's proceed according to this plan!"

He had an idea before, but he was just afraid that there would be some changes in it. After Feng Ji's explanation, he also let go of his worries. As long as the arrangements are proper, there will be no changes.

And he also needs a victory to boost morale, and also wants Liu Qi to know that he is not afraid.

"Yan Liang!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"I will give you [-] soldiers and horses to intercept in dangerous places. If nothing happens, then lead the army to take this batch of food and grass. If they cannot be transported back, all the food and grass will be burned!"

"Subordinates take orders!"

"Wen Chou!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"I will give you [-] soldiers and horses, and then set off to cover the rear. If there is any fraud, lead the soldiers and horses, kill the enemy, and retreat together!"

"Subordinates take orders!"

Yuan Shao's repeated orders were also high-spirited, and he didn't know whether it was after the battle with Liu Qi or what, and his mentality also changed a little.

The current appearance is also a bit of the high-spirited appearance when the princes defeated Dong, and it seems full of ambition.

"The rest of the people sit in the tent with me, waiting for the news to come back!" Yuan Shao finally stood up, his eyes shot out, and he shouted.

"Subordinates wait for orders!"

Everyone in the main tent also stood up and shouted.

Looking at Yuan Shao's current appearance, they also felt full of passion and confidence.

The bewilderment and decadence before were also swept away.

"In this way, hang up the exemption card, let all the soldiers guard the camp, and send additional scouts to keep an eye on the situation of the Han army's camp. Once there is a movement, report it immediately. Except for the soldiers who went to ambush, the rest of the soldiers are not allowed to leave the camp at will. Anyone who disobeys the order will be beheaded!" Yuan Shao said with a stern look in his eyes.


Everyone here has no opinion. After all, the arrangement this time is likely to affect the entire battle situation. Whether it can break the current deadlock and take the opportunity to drive the Han army out of the land of Jizhou depends on the arrangement this time. result.

"Go down and make arrangements, Yan Liang and Wen Chou, you two, then lead the army and set off!" Yuan Shao waved his hand.


Without any hesitation, everyone bowed their hands in salute, and then walked out of the account.


Yuan Jun's camp, which was already tightly guarded, became even more tightly guarded, and entered a tense atmosphere.

And Yan Liang and Wen Chou also set up their soldiers and horses respectively, leading the army one by one, left Yuan Jun's camp, and headed towards the rear.

The route was in the direction of Quang Binh, as if it was going back to Quang Binh to transport grain.

(End of this chapter)

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