Chapter 438 The Battle of Jizhou ([-])

But said.

Yan Liang led the army and left with the intercepted food and grass. He did not expect that Pang De, who had fled, would lead more than a hundred personal guards and return to the battlefield.

Today, he also led the army and left a long distance with grain and grass.

Came to the place where Wen Chou led the army to ambush.

When there is still some distance.

Then I saw Wen Chou leading [-] Yuan soldiers to meet him.

As soon as we meet.

Wen Chou then said, "Yan Liang, didn't you encounter any accidents?"

His eyes were also looking around. Although the scouts he sent out did not report any bad news, nor did they find any pursuers, but he was not completely relieved.

"Don't worry, there is no accident. The Han army did not expect our army to come to rob food!" Yan Liang said, "Go back to the camp first, this place is not safe!"

He didn't plan to stay, after all, this place was still within the territory of the Han army, if the way back was blocked, it would be troublesome.

"it is good!"

Wen Chou didn't say much.

He also knew that this was not a good place to talk, so he led his army to join Yan Liang and hurried back to Yuan Jun's camp.

Only when they return safely to Yuan Jun's camp can they rest assured.

Moreover, they also put ignited objects on the carriage loaded with grain and grass. Once they encountered interception, they burned all the grain and grass and broke through to return to Yuan Jun's camp.

Even if it cannot be transported back to Yuan Jun's camp, this batch of food and grass cannot be taken back by the Han army, which is also part of their plan.

The sky is slowly lighting up, which also means that a new day is coming.

In the main tent of Yuan Jun's camp.

Yuan Shao, Tian Feng, Guo Tu, Feng Ji, Ju Shou, Shen Pei and others stayed up all night, waiting for news in the main tent.

Although there should be no mistakes or omissions in the arrangement, it is not certain that there will be any changes until the final result is reached.

What's more, this plan is of great importance to them.

They didn't dare to be careless, and they all wanted to wait for the final result, whether it was their side that benefited, or it was really a trick of the Han army to lure them to attack.

Different results have different impacts on their next plans.

step, step.
Just when Yuan Shao and the others were about to fall asleep.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from outside the tent, coming towards the main tent.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, everyone in the main tent was shocked and looked outside the tent.

from time to time.

Then he saw two generals walking in from outside the tent with their hands on their sabers. They were Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

"I have seen the lord, and my subordinates have lived up to their trust. They have already cut off the grain and grass of the Han army and transported them all back to the camp!" Yan Liang and Wen Chou clasped their hands at the same time.

The voice fell.

In the main tent, Yuan Shao and the others, who were a little tired because they hadn't slept all night, all stood up with expressions of excitement and joy.

"So, are you serious?" Yuan Shao asked in disbelief.

It's not that I don't believe it, I just want to confirm it again.

"Returning to my lord, seriously, the food and grass that can support more than [-] people for a day are all loaded on the carriage outside, and the subordinates asked the soldiers to properly arrange them!" Yan Liang replied.


"Haha, God help me too!" Yuan Shao laughed loudly.

His face was full of excitement, no wonder he was like this, the food and grass were brought back, which proved that Liu Qi was indeed not prepared this time.

Moreover, the Han army, which has lost its food and grass, wants to mobilize food and grass again. Even with the help of the Zhen family in Yecheng, it will take time. consume.

Without this batch of grain and grass, it will be difficult for Liu Qi to quickly raise the next batch of grain and grass in a short time.

As such.

The Han army without food and grass will definitely be in chaos, and then he will have a chance to defeat Liu Qi.

"Congratulations, my lord, my lord is God's will!" Feng Ji stood up and smiled.

There is also a smile on his face, but this strategy was contributed by him, and it succeeded, so he also has a lot of credit.

"Congratulations, lord!"

Tian Feng and others also stood up.

Although they are divided into two groups of advisers, they still fight with each other. At such a time, no matter how unhappy they are, they will still support each other.

After all, if Yuan Shao fell, they would not be much better off. Only with Yuan Shao around, they would have a chance to climb up.

"My lord, now that the grain and grass of the Han army have been intercepted by our army, the rest of our army just needs to hold on, wait for the Han army to become chaotic, and then plan. The Han army without food and grass will definitely be in chaos. There will be chaos, as long as I seize the opportunity, I will be able to defeat the Han army in one fell swoop, drive them out of Jizhou, and at the same time regain the lost land!" Tian Feng said.

"I'm waiting for a second opinion!"

Feng Ji and the others did not raise any objections.

Yuan Shao also restrained his mood, calmed down for a while, and said: "Let the camp strengthen its defenses, and arrange many scouts within a mile outside the camp to prevent the Han army from robbing the camp. If they can't hold out, wait for the opportunity!"


Everyone didn't have any opinions.

The Han army lost its food and grass, so they must want to fight quickly, and if they can't hold on, it is also the best way to deal with it. Just wait for the Han army to become chaotic by themselves, so why bother to fight, so as to avoid any unnecessary changes.

In that case, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Record the merits of everyone this time first, and reward them according to their merits after driving the Han army out of Jizhou and recovering the lost land!" Yuan Shao said.

Although his face regained his composure, his eyes flashed brightly, proving that his heart had not calmed down because of this. After all, this was his chance to defeat Liu Qi.

He also didn't expect that Liu Qi would dare to be so careless at such a time. It seems that the consecutive victories have already made Liu Qi dazzled.


Everyone present also smiled.

After Liu Qi captured Yecheng, Chaoge, Weijun and other places, as well as the previous battles between the two sides, they lost consecutive battles, and a cloud of sadness filled the camp.

And although they have many soldiers and horses, they dare not take the initiative to attack.

Morale has also been declining, making them unable to see the hope of victory.

Now that the food and grass of the Han army have been intercepted, they have also seen the hope of victory. As long as the time comes, they will be able to defeat the Han army in one fell swoop and drive them out of Jizhou.

Their lives can resume again.

If there is a chance, it is possible to drive directly into Yanzhou, and it is not impossible to capture Yanzhou.

The news brought back by Wen Chou and Yan Liang.

It also made Yuan Shao and others feel very excited, and they couldn't even feel the exhaustion from staying up all night.

Yuan Shao was not prepared to rest either.

Arranged for the soldiers to stick to the camp, sent out scouts to monitor the movements of the Han army camp, hung up the exemption card, and ordered the soldiers to serve wine and vegetables in the main tent, and celebrated with Wen Chou and others.

(End of this chapter)

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