Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 501 Zhang Fei Jian Yong

Chapter 501 Zhang Fei Jian Yong

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In the Nanpiqi army camp.

When Liu Bei led the remnant soldiers to arrive.

Zhang Fei also sent Jian Yong to lead a troop to meet him, but he himself led the army and kept a close eye on Nanpi to prevent Wei Yan from leading his troops out to intercept him. ,

It was also safe to welcome Liu Bei into the Qi army camp.

Wei Yan also did not lead the army out to intercept.

After Zhang Fei saw Liu Bei's situation, he was also shocked. Although Liu Bei had sent someone to explain everything before, he was still surprised to see the real situation.

After all, Liu Bei and others are ashamed, and there are more than [-] soldiers, but now less than [-] can reach them.

Every soldier's face is also full of decadence, the formation looks a little messy, and the dried blood is still left on the battle armor.

There is still the same as before.

Wait for Liu Bei to lead his army into the camp.

Zhang Fei, who led the army back, also asked Jian Yong to settle tens of thousands of soldiers led by Liu Bei, so he personally took Liu Bei to freshen up and so on.

In any case, Liu Bei still needs to recover.

In the current appearance, there is still the mighty and domineering Qi Wang, and there is still some kind of temperament to speak of.

After a long time.
All the people gathered in the main tent.

Liu Bei, Xu Huang, and the examiner also cleaned up a bit, and they looked much better on the surface, at least they seemed to be much more energetic.

It's just that the sadness between the eyebrows has not been erased.

After several ambushes, they also felt very shocked.

"Now the Han army has occupied Puyang, and before arriving at the camp, according to the news, the Han army in Puyang has already moved here, and it will arrive in a few days. Do you have a solution?" Liu Bei rubbed Rubbing his head and asking.

Although the current situation is not good for them, but alive, there is hope.

And the matter in front of him had to be resolved.

The voice fell.

"My lord, don't worry, as long as the King of Han comes, I will take his head!" Zhang Fei's loud voice rang out.

Dark skin, full beard, staring at an afro head, bull's-eye eyes, looks a bit scary.

However, everyone here is also aware of Zhang Fei's character, and will not be intimidated.

After all, they are used to it.

"General Zhang, be safe and don't be impatient. Although General Zhang has unstoppable courage, the Han army is large in number, and the King of Han has Dian Wei guarding him. It is not easy to take his life!" Jian Yong stood up. Get up and say.

"Why do you build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige!" Zhang Fei shouted with wide eyes, "I only need [-] soldiers and horses, and I can break through the formation of the Han army and take the King of Han directly!"

"General Zhang, it's not that I grow others' aspirations and destroy my own prestige. It's just that our army should not fight head-on with the Han army. There are [-] Han troops from Puyang, and there are more than [-] Han troops led by Wei Yan in Nanpi. Army, if you attack rashly, there is no guarantee that the Han army will not counterattack, and you will end up with an unwanted result!" Jian Yong said with a helpless wry smile.


Zhang Fei didn't argue any more, but sat down with a displeased expression on his face.

Although he is a rough person and not good at strategy, he can also know that what Jian Yong said is not wrong.

And he was just a little bit dissatisfied, but he also knew that it was not an easy task to take Liu Qi's life, otherwise, how could Liu Qi have achieved what he is today.

Not to mention Liu Qi's personal bodyguard Dian Wei.

Ma Chao, one of Liu Qi's four generals, may not be weaker than him.

He also fought against Wei Yan.

Although he was superior, it was not easy to kill Wei Yan.

Moreover, Zhao Yun is quite familiar with him, and he is by no means inferior to him. There is also Huang Zhong, both of whom have also fought against his sworn brother Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang.

Even if he hadn't fought against Ma Chao, how could it be so easy to deal with the existence of the same generals from all directions.

Without any real skills, how could Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan, who joined Liu Qi's formation first, let Ma Chao be side by side with them.

He doesn't have any strategy, but he is not stupid, and he is very clear about big things and wrongs.

"Xianhe, is there a countermeasure?" Liu Bei asked.

It also resolved the dispute.

Jian Yong said with a helpless wry smile: "My lord, this subordinate didn't have a good strategy either!"

That's it!
Liu Bei's eyes lit up, and he said, "But it's okay to say!"

"My lord, the Han army is powerful now, and it is obvious that we will not give up until we drive our army out of Jizhou. Reckless fighting is the next strategy, and the best way is to stick to it, and then look for opportunities to fight back! "

Jian Yong paused for a moment, then continued: "You can divide the troops and set up camp. General Zhang will lead an army, and set up in front of Nanpi, keeping an eye on Nanpi's garrison; and my lord, lead an army behind General Zhang's camp, on guard The Han army from Puyang is watching each other and can support at any time. After all, our army does not know the plan of the Han army, so it is better to stay the same and respond to all changes!"


Liu Bei also understood what Jian Yong meant.

In this way, Liu Qi would be able to prevent Liu Qi from leading his army around their backs and attacking Wei Yan back and forth.

The two camps watch and support each other, and they are able to cope with many changes. Moreover, if an accident occurs in one camp, the other camp can also quickly provide support.

Perhaps this is the most appropriate way to deal with it now.

Although the combined strength of the current army is greater than that of Nanpi's garrison, it is not a matter of time to take Nanpi, let alone Liu Qi leading an army of [-] from Puyang.

In fact, there is a better way, that is - to withdraw to Qingzhou, and how could he be reconciled to withdrawing in such a mess.

But Liu Bei didn't know. After receiving Liu Bei's letter, Xu Shu knew that he just sent someone to report. Liu Bei might not agree with his suggestion. Skin comes. ,


He glanced at everyone present and said, "What do you think?"

"This subordinate thinks it's feasible!" Xu Huang expressed his opinion for the first time.

"The subordinates also think it is feasible!"

Although Zhang Fei still had some dissatisfaction, he also knew that what Jian Yong said was reasonable, and it was all for Liu Bei's good, so he stood up and agreed.

"Subordinates!" said the judge.

He knew that Liu Bei was disappointed in him now, but he still needed to rely on Liu Bei.

Similarly, the strategy proposed by Jian Yong is also based on safety, and there are no omissions, and there will be no excuses for opposition.

Ben didn't have a good impression in Liu Bei's heart. If he refuted it again, there would be no guarantee that something would happen.

And even if he does his tricks, Liu Bei will hardly use him anymore.

There is no need to be that villain.

"In this case, we will follow the arrangement proposed by Xianhe!" Liu Bei decided.


unanimous things.

Everyone would not have any objections, and responded one after another.

Of course, they didn't start to act at the first time, but made preparations and waited until the next day before starting to divide the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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