Chapter 51
In the following period of time, Empress Dowager Dong listened to the government behind the curtain every day, gradually reducing He Jin's power in the court.

The new emperor was originally young, without any ability to make decisions, and the empress dowager Dong's battle with He Jin made him have no right to speak in the court, and the ministers also ignored him.

Empress Dowager He also received the news. She didn't take it seriously before, after all, there is He Jin in the court, and it is justifiable for her son Liu Bian to become the new emperor. At least some veteran officials will still stand by their side.

After a few days, she felt that something was wrong. The Empress Dowager Dong listened to the government behind the curtain. If it was good for her son, then she had no opinion, but the behavior of the Empress Dowager Dong was obviously to bring down their power , and often talked about the new emperor's faults in the court, and wanted to pull the new emperor down and replace him with the favorite Chenliu king Liu Xie, she couldn't bear it!
So, at night, a banquet was set up in the palace, and someone was sent to invite Empress Dowager Dong to the banquet.

Empress Dowager Dong did not refuse, and came to the banquet.

The two sat together, and there was no collision in front of them. They were both hypocritical and respectful to each other, but they both knew that the main drama had not yet begun, and they also knew in their hearts that because of some things, no one could tolerate the other.

half drunk...

Empress Dowager He stood up holding the wine glass, bowed and said, "This concubine, on behalf of the new emperor, thanked Empress Dowager Dong for her care over the past few days, please!"

"Please!" Empress Dowager Dong squinted her eyes when she saw this, held up her wine glass, and didn't say much, waiting for Empress Dowager He to continue.

Empress Dowager He drank the wine in the wine glass in one gulp, put down the glass, stared at Empress Dowager Dong, and said, "I am a woman, and government affairs are not something we can intervene in; think that Empress Lu, because of her great power, caused In the end, more than a thousand people in the clan were all killed; now you and I live in the harem, and the court affairs are left to the ministers and elders in the court to discuss and decide on their own. suggestion!"

After finishing speaking, she bowed her body. The meaning was very clear. As the new emperor's biological mother, she did not interfere in the government affairs, so you should not interfere in the government affairs. In this way, you can have a good conversation in the harem, otherwise ...

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Dong was furious, and said, "You poisoned Miss Wang to death because my son doted on her, and you were jealous. Don't think I don't know. Just after my son died, you pushed the new emperor to the throne. You and I know the reason; now relying on your son as the new emperor and your elder brother He Jin's power, you dare to talk nonsense to me!"

Empress Dowager He was also upset. When did it happen, she even spoke up and said angrily: "I'm trying to persuade you, but it's fine if you don't listen. Why are you still angry at me!"

"Your family is just a low-class butcher who sells wine. What kind of knowledge do you have? You just took advantage of the situation. Even so, I ordered General Hussars to take off your brother's head. It's just a piece of cake!" Empress Dowager Dong Said.

"Too much deceit!" Empress Dowager He also became angry.

The two also quarreled with each other, each unwilling to give in.

Zhang Rang and others who were waiting outside came in from the outside when they heard the quarrel, and advised the two of them.

Empress Dowager Dong also returned to her palace full of anger.

Empress Dowager He was also full of anger, smashing things in the palace. It seems that Empress Dowager Dong wanted to bring down her son and take her brother's life.

Thinking of this, he sent someone to call He Jin into the palace overnight.

After He entered the palace, Empress Dowager He told He Jin about what happened during the banquet for Empress Dowager Dong.

"So, how should we respond?" Queen Mother He asked.

He Jin didn't expect that Empress Dowager Dong wanted to take his life wholeheartedly, and she didn't give him face in the court, and she also secretly hated her.

A look of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he said: "Since that is the case, she is not benevolent, so don't blame me for being unrighteous. I originally wanted her to stay in the palace to enjoy her old age, but now it seems that it is impossible!"

"How to arrange it specifically?" Queen Mother He asked.

"You don't need to pay attention to this, I won't let her harm us, you can just wait for the news in the palace!" He Jin said.

After finishing speaking, he ignored Empress Dowager He, stepped out of Empress Dowager He's palace, and walked outside the palace.

After leaving the palace gate, he walked straight to his mansion.

After returning to the mansion, he sent people to summon San Gong and the ministers of the court to discuss matters in the mansion.

After everyone arrives...

He Jin didn't hide anything, and said: "Empress Dowager Dong is originally a concubine of Pan, so it is not suitable to live in the palace for a long time. According to the law, she should move to Hejian, and she can report the situation in the morning. What do you think?"

He Jin is about to make a move!Everyone secretly said.

After the Empress Dowager Dong listened to the government behind the curtain, she continued to suppress He Jin's people. Everyone knew that He Jin would take action against the Empress Dowager Dong sooner or later, but they didn't expect it to be so soon and in such a hurry.

However, the reason He Jin said was indeed able to beat Empress Dowager Dong back to her original form at once, without even a reason to refute.

"Seniors and others!" Everyone did not reject He Jin.

Although Empress Dowager Dong seems to be very powerful these days, her foundation is not stable. If she spends more time to stabilize herself, she can still win.

And He Jin has already become a master, so there is no need to choose who to support.

"Go back over there and make preparations. The performance will be played tomorrow morning, so that Empress Dowager Dong will move out of the harem and be resettled in He Jin today!" He Jin said with a big wave of his hand.


Everyone also dispersed.

In the morning of the next day, everyone will play in the morning court, asking Empress Dowager Dong to move out of the harem and live in Hejian.

Empress Dowager Dong, who sat behind the new emperor and listened to the government behind the curtain, was also caught off guard. She didn't expect that the quarrel that happened last night would be brought up today, and she couldn't refute it, she could only accept it.

Today, Empress Dowager Dong will leave the imperial capital and move to Hejian.

On the one hand, He Jin sent people to escort Empress Dowager Dong to leave the imperial capital; on the other hand, he mobilized the imperial army to surround the mansion of Hussar General Dong Zhong and recover the seal.

Dong Zhong was surrounded by the forbidden army in the mansion, he also knew that the general situation was over, He Jin would not keep him, so he killed himself in the back hall.

It was only after Dong Zhong's family was in mourning that He Jin transferred the imperial army away, and did not commit an act of extermination, so that Dong Zhong's family was spared.

Zhang Rang and others saw that Empress Dowager Dong collapsed so quickly, although they were the ones who made the suggestion, they were acting in secret and no one noticed.

Moreover, people often send some gold and silver treasures to make friends with He Jin's younger brother He Miao, and He Jin's mother Wuyang Jun, and let them go to the Empress Dowager He's palace sooner or later, using good words to cover it up, to show that the nine of them are loyal to He Jin's.

In this way, Zhang Rang and others were reused again, and they were not implicated because of this matter!
(End of this chapter)

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