Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 512 Battle of Fushui Pass

Chapter 512 Battle of Fushui Pass ([-])

The city gate that was originally wide open was also closed again.

Cao Cao and others, who were 500 meters away from the city gate, looked at Xia Houyuan and others who were driven out, their faces were full of astonishment and doubt.

They were waiting for the good news, but they did not expect that what they waited for was such a result.

A gleam of light flashed in Cao Cao's eyes.

In addition to the soldiers and horses sent in later, there were at least more than [-] people who attacked Fushui Pass, as well as generals such as Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Le Jin, Yu Jin, Li Dian, etc., and captured Fushui with only [-] defenders. Off, obviously not a problem.


Everyone knows what happened in the city.

Looking at Xia Houyuan and others who had returned in a state of distress, and the escaped soldiers of the Wei army, they also looked a little downcast.

Moreover, Yu Jin's left shoulder was also stained red, his face was very pale, and sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he was able to stabilize his body only by relying on Li Dian's support.

"My subordinates have failed to win the Fushui Pass due to the great trust of the lord, and lost most of the soldiers and horses. They are really dead!" Xia Houyuan came to Cao Cao, got off his horse, and knelt down.

Cao Ren and the others also fell one body behind and bowed down.

"Come here, quickly help Wen and go down to treat the wound!" Cao Cao shouted.

He also saw the wound on Yu Jin's left shoulder, and there was still blood oozing out, and it was obvious that he had lost too much blood.


Two soldiers also came out from behind, and helped Yu Jin down.

Cao Cao also looked at Xia Houyuan and asked, "Miaocai, what happened in the city and why?"

He didn't have any intention of blaming, it was obvious that something happened in the city that he didn't know about, otherwise, it wouldn't be what it is today.

Sima Yi and the others also looked at Xia Houyuan.

According to what they knew, and they were led by Xia Houyuan and others, such a situation would not have happened at all, but now, their army was driven out abruptly.

"Returning to my lord, our army has already invaded the city and suppressed the Han army. It is only a matter of time before we take Fushui Pass!"

"It can be chased into the main street, when you want to wipe out the remaining Han army!"

"There are tens of thousands of Han troops in the houses on both sides of the main street. We didn't notice it for a while. In the dense arrow rain, our army suffered heavy losses, and General Yu was also injured by the arrow. Our army also panicked!"

"Two generals appeared in the rear. They led an army and surrounded our army. The subordinates could only lead the soldiers to break out of the encirclement. They wanted to defend the city gate, but were killed by the Han army. , get out!"

"The garrison of Fushuiguan is not limited to fifty thousand soldiers, not only one general Zhang Ren, but also one general - Wenpin, and the tens of thousands of Han troops who appeared in the end are also elite soldiers, not The recruits, the actual defenders of Fushui Pass, have at least [-] people, but half of the Han army is hidden among them, and they have not been discovered!"

Xia Houyuan also told the final situation in the city, and also brought his own analysis. As for Meng Da, who was shot off his horse by him, he was not counted among the ranks of generals.


Cao Cao and others also realized it.

He also understood the reason why Xia Houyuan and the others had entered Fushui Pass and were driven out in the end. It was no wonder that Xia Houyuan and the others did not try their best.

It is not surprising that the soldiers could not resist such an ambush.

"How can there still be [-] battle-ready soldiers in Yizhou?"

Sima Yi asked out the doubts in his heart.

As far as he knows, in addition to the soldiers and horses in Hanzhong, there are also 30 Han troops stationed in Luo County, and there are only [-] recruits left, and they are all scattered everywhere. In Mianzhu, there are only [-] recruits. Just be able to support it.

"What if [-] battle-worthy soldiers were drawn from the leaving army led by the King of Han and replaced with [-] new recruits?" Xi Zhicai said.

The voice fell.

A light flashed in Sima Yi's eyes, he smiled wryly, and murmured: "So that's how it is!"

The rest of the people also understood.

When the army is mobilized, [-] soldiers who have experienced many battles will be left behind, and [-] new recruits will be added. After that, [-] ready-to-fight soldiers will be scattered and mixed into Fushui Pass, where they will be hidden secretly. .

In this way, it will not attract any attention, and no one will know.

From the perspective of the outside world, there are only [-] defenders in Fushui Pass, and there is only Zhang Ren, a general.

After all, Yizhou is Liu Qi's territory. Even if they have spies in Yizhou, they can't find out everything.

It is also normal to secretly make some deceptive arrangements.

What's more, they didn't hide the 30 soldiers led by Sima Yi with a [-] army and a mighty situation.

In the end, Hanzhong was captured without a single soldier being abandoned.

He also used this to deceive the gate of Fushuiguan.

If it weren't for the [-] more Han troops waiting in full force, they might have captured Fushui Pass by now.

He looked at the soldiers of the Han army who had begun to walk on the city wall and made a defensive posture.

"It seems that it is not an easy task to take Fushui Pass quickly!" Cao Cao sighed.

It was just a step away, but it changed in vain.

This is also something that cannot be changed.

Xi Zhicai and the others also nodded in agreement. It seems that Liu Qi also knew that they would make some moves. When they swung their troops to fight Liu Bei, they also made arrangements.

Let them not easily take Fushui Pass.

If Hanzhong is not won.

When Zhang Wei led the army and stationed troops in the Jiange, even if they wanted to storm the Fushui Pass, they would have some scruples.

One gain and one loss, who can explain clearly.

"Get up, this fault is not your fault!" Cao Cao said to Xia Houyuan and others.

Liu Qi has such an arrangement, and he will not put his guilt on the topic of Xia Houyuan and others not doing their best.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Xia Houyuan and the others also saluted before standing up from the ground.

"My lord, what should we do next?" Xi Zhicai asked.

Cao Cao glanced at the prepared city wall, then looked up at the sky, and said, "Since the Han army has made preparations, let's withdraw from Sanli and set up camp, take a rest, and wait until the next day before attacking the city!"

Now that they have lost the first battle, it is not suitable to continue to attack Fushui Pass. It is most correct to take a rest.


Xi Zhicai and the others did not have any objections.


The Wei army gathered outside the Fushui Pass also slowly retreated, no longer preparing to attack the city.

Han soldiers on the city wall.

Seeing that Wei Jun retreated, they were also relieved and had a chance to breathe, but they all understood that Wei Jun was only retreating temporarily, and they would come back again.

That is also the time to decide the outcome.

(End of this chapter)

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