Chapter 516 The Battle of Nanpi ([-])

After Liu Qi made his decision.

The generals and soldiers of the Han army were also sharpening their swords and waiting in full force, and the atmosphere of the entire camp became different.

The next morning.

After resting and recuperating.

The soldiers of the Han army in the camp were also assembled and ready to go.

Liu Qi and the others, also wearing military uniforms, came in front of the army.

Looking at the imposing army in front of him.

Liu Qi also didn't have any extra words, sitting on the back of Chasing Shadow Yulong, waved the spear in his hand, and shouted: "Let's go!"

In the current situation, there is no need to say anything, and the momentum of the soldiers is not weak, let alone this battle, it is difficult to say anything.

In the end, it was difficult to guarantee anything, even he couldn't confirm the situation of the battle.

However, as long as the soldiers retain this momentum, that is enough.

With Liu Qi shouting.

The soldiers of the Han army who were ready to go did not hesitate, and they moved in an instant.

, Under the leadership of the young generals of the various troops, they began to walk towards the outside of the camp, leaving the gate of the camp, and some of them broke away from the army and went in another direction.

"Meng Qi, Ling Ming, I will leave it to you later!" Liu Qi said seriously.

"The subordinates must live up to their trust, and they must ensure that there is no hindrance in the rear. If there is any mistake, they must come and see it!" Ma Chao and Pang De also replied with serious faces, in unison.

They also know the seriousness of the matter. ,

Liu Qi led the army to encircle Liu Bei's camp, and the [-] Qi army led by Guan Yu was an obstacle, and their task was to lead the army to stop Guan Yu.

Otherwise, if Guan Yu is allowed to lead the army to break through, it will disrupt the formation of the army led by Liu Qi from the rear.

Liu Qi also nodded.

Ma Chao and Pang De didn't hesitate either, and bowed their hands to Liu Qi at the same time, then pulled the horse rope and rode away.


Liu Qi didn't stay any longer, pulled the horse rope, and went out of the camp first, and set out together with the army.

Jiang Wei, Dian Wei and the others didn't say a word, and followed Liu Qi on horseback.

The army marched out mighty and mighty, and after leaving the gate of the camp, there was a group of soldiers and horses, separated from the main force, led by Ma Chao and Pang De, and headed for a place.

But Liu Qi personally led the rest of the army to the front of the camp and continued on their way.

The movement of the Han army camp.

It also let the Qi army spy who was observing from a distance know that such a large-scale operation is difficult to hide, let alone in broad daylight, it can be seen at a glance.

See the actions of the Han army. ,

There was no delay in the Qi army's scout report, and they quickly turned around and left. They wanted to report back what they saw before the Han army arrived.

of course.

Liu Qi and the others were also aware of the actions of the Qi army's scouts, and they also dispatched scouts around the Qi army's camp.

So, don't really care too much.

What's more, they didn't intend to hide anything, and it was impossible to hide all the actions of the tens of thousands of troops.

Just let these Qi army scouts leave.

Liu Qi led the army forward without haste.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about a sneak attack, but he was also very clear that Liu Bei would not give him such an opportunity, and kept an eye on the situation in his camp all the time.

Moreover, Liu Bei also had the idea of ​​sneak attacking his camp.

It's just that they didn't have a chance.


The two camps were not far apart.

Liu Qi also led the army to the front of Liu Bei's camp.

I see. ,

In the camp of the Qi Army, the flags were flying, and in the center was a large blue flag embroidered with the word "Liu" in black.

Countless soldiers of the Qi army in green clothes and black armor were waiting in full force in the camp.

And behind the camp gate.

Liu Bei, Xu Huang, and Shen Pei were also dressed in military uniform, standing there on horseback.

See the situation in the Qi army camp.

It can also be known that Liu Bei has received the news of the probe and is ready, just waiting for the arrival of the soldiers of the Han army.

"What is the King of Han trying to do?" Liu Bei murmured.

He also knew about Yizhou and Jingzhou, and he was happy in his heart, thinking that Liu Qi would now be devastated thinking about how to deal with it.

However, he did not expect that Liu Qi would come here early in the morning, and unlike before, he only sent people to call for a fight, but led the army himself.

What's more, according to the report of the probe.

He also knew that Liu Qi's troops were divided into two groups, and Ma Chao and Pang De led tens of thousands of troops to another place.

He couldn't figure out why Liu Qi dared to be so relentless in such a situation.

I don't understand.

Liu Bei wasn't ready to think about it anymore, after all the enemy had already come before him, he turned his head and said, "Zhengnan, did you send someone to report to Yide's camp?"

"Returning to my lord, I have already sent people to go, and the two battalions are so close, General Zhang can come to support at any time!" The examiner clasped his hands.

Liu Bei also nodded.

This is also the reason why he is not afraid of Liu Qi leading the army.

What's more, behind Liu Qi's camp, there are still [-] Guan Yu's soldiers and horses. It can be said that even if Liu Qi cannot be defeated, there is no problem in self-protection.


Xu Huang at the side didn't have such thoughts.

Looking outside the camp, the Han army stopped and deployed troops.

In his heart, he was faintly uneasy, feeling that something was wrong, and it was obviously impossible for Liu Qi not to know about Yizhou and Jingzhou.

Even they could know that it was impossible for Liu Qi not to have received any news.

But he still led the army in person, obviously wanting to resolve the matter here, so as to return to aid the two places.

But in the case of little difference in military strength.

How could Liu Qi be sure? If he was sure, he would not have waited until now to come.

"My lord, if something happens suddenly, there must be a demon, so it's better to be careful!" Xu Huang remonstrated.


There was a flash of light in Liu Bei's eyes, and he nodded.

How could he not know that Liu Qi was full of tricks, and he was not an idiot to make it this far, of course he knew that Liu Qi must have some plans.

But he also didn't believe that Liu Qi could take his camp by force.

Vigilance belongs to vigilance, but there is still self-confidence.

thought here.

Liu Bei was also ready to ride forward, ready to shout, and to check Liu Qi's mind by the way.

However, he didn't know that this time Liu Qi really didn't have other secret arrangements, but was just preparing to fight with real swords and guns.


Haven't waited for him to speak yet.

The Han army that had lined up outside the camp had already lined up, not in a defensive posture, but in an offensive formation.

Liu Qi didn't even think about wasting more time with Liu Bei.

Wait until the army takes shape.

With a wave of the spear in his hand, he pointed at the Qi army's camp and shouted: "Beat the drums, the whole army will charge, kill!"

Finish drinking.

Liu Qi took the lead and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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