Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 527 The Cause of Death of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 527 The Cause of Death of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty
"The emperor is dead!"

The words of the spy who came from Chang'an made everyone in the camp stand up from their seats, their mouths were slightly opened, their eyes showed disbelief, but there was a surprised expression on their faces. Very abrupt.

a time.

There was also silence in the camp, all looking at the spy.

And that secret agent was also looked a little hairy, but he also knew why everyone was so surprised and disbelieving, after all, the dead person was Emperor Han Xiandi.

Although today's Son of Heaven exists in name only, he still has the status of Son of Heaven, which cannot be changed.

And when he received this news, it was the same. He didn't realize that something big had happened until he realized it. After being confirmed repeatedly, he came to Jizhou from Chang'an in person to report the news to Liu Qi.

You must know that he is the captain of the secret agents in Chang'an, and he usually does not have any important matters, so he will not leave Chang'an in person, but let the rest of the people send the news.

Just this time.

He had no choice but to leave Chang'an City and make a trip himself.

After a while.

Only then did everyone recover from this news.

However, they still had a look of disbelief. After all, as far as they knew, Emperor Han Xiandi was still relatively young and would not die so easily.

But after thinking about it, if it is true, it can also explain why Cao Cao withdrew his troops suddenly, and left in such a hurry that he didn't even remove the camp.

"No wonder Wei Jun retreated suddenly!"

Liu Qi muttered, and also sat back to his seat. He also thought of this reason. After all, there are not only Cao Cao's subordinates in Chang'an, but also some veterans who are loyal to the big man.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is here, and Cao Cao respects Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty as a guest. There is nothing too out of the ordinary.

Cao Cao was worried about unforeseen changes in Chang'an, so in order to stabilize the situation in Chang'an, he had to withdraw his troops and return to Chang'an to take charge of the overall situation.

Then he looked at the spy captain, and continued: "I don't know what happened in it?"

He wanted to know the reason for this. At the age of Han Xiandi, it is impossible to die for no reason. There must be some accident, or someone under Cao Cao's command, or something.


The rest of the people also stared fixedly at the spy captain, they also wanted to know how Han Xiandi died.

After all, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had no heir, this death...

No matter how Cao Cao handles it, when the news spreads, the world will change again.

thought here.

Guo Jia and the others looked at each other, and they could see the hot eyes in each other's eyes, obviously because they thought of something, that's why.

"Returning to my lord, according to the gossip in Chang'an, the emperor fell ill and died in the end!" The spy captain paused, and continued: "According to the news from the imperial army I bought, the emperor died in the Died on the bed!"

Speaking of the end.

The captain of the secret agent was also a bit embarrassed to talk about it. After all, the reason was unexpected, and it was not easy for him to talk about it.

Died in bed?
Everyone present was also stunned, with a confused expression on their faces.

Even Liu Qi is the same.

He also didn't think it would be this reason. As for the death, he believed in the last reason even more. The previous one was just released to deceive the world.

Either way, it was a royal scandal that needed to be covered up.

Those who can know the truth are only the upper class.

No need to guess, the only ones who can cover up the dignity of the Han Dynasty and release false news are those veterans who are loyal to the Han Dynasty.

As for Cao Cao's subordinates, they definitely wouldn't be so kind.

After the death of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, they were too happy to be happy, so how could they do these things to maintain the Han Dynasty.

After all, Cao Cao's power is getting bigger and bigger, and they, as Cao Cao's subordinates, also have ideas, not to mention that the Han Dynasty has existed in name only,

Even if Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty did not die, at a certain time, even if Cao Cao didn't want to, his subordinates would take action.

Now that Emperor Han Xian died, it was in line with their wishes, and in this way, they didn't need to take any actions, and they didn't have any burdens. In addition, Emperor Han Xian had no heirs, so they could be justified.

And that unlucky ghost who died on the bed—Han Xiandi, no one will pay attention to him.

thought here.

Liu Qi also shook his head, waved at the spy captain, and said, "Go down first!"


The spy captain didn't hesitate either, bowed his hands to Liu Qi, bowed his waist and backed out.

Wait for the spy captain to exit.

Liu Qi also scanned the crowd.

I see.

Guo Jia and the others also lost their previous expressions, but changed into an excited expression, and their eyes were shining brightly, obviously no longer caring about whether Emperor Han Xian died or how he died.

And the focus is on another direction.


They all set their sights on Liu Qi.

See here.

Liu Qi didn't know what Guo Jia and others were thinking.

The sudden death of Han Xiandi not only affected Cao Cao's subordinates, but also the death of Han Xiandi could also affect the current situation.

For example, Cao Cao gave up continuing to attack Yizhou, and directly led the army to withdraw to Chang'an.

This is the best example.

It's not as simple as just going back and controlling the overall situation.

Otherwise, it is entirely possible to lead an army back instead of leading all the soldiers and horses to evacuate.

Taking down the Fushui Pass is nothing compared to the death of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, when Cao Cao returned to Chang'an, he also needed to have a large army in his hands.

What's more, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was also the Son of Heaven, and when the Son of Heaven passed away, he also had to deal with many things, such as national funerals, etc., which also needed to be announced to the world and could not be hidden.

Even if you have any thoughts.

What should be done on the surface is also what needs to be done.

Just because Han Xiandi still wears the title of emperor, this reason is enough.

After all, they are all just 'kings', and they are still officials of the great man in name. This is something that the people of the world are familiar with, so some things are unavoidable.

Of course, you can also choose a different approach.

However, that will definitely make you lose your tongue.

thought here.

Liu Qi also shook his head, dispelling the thoughts in his mind, and no longer entangled with this. After all, the death of Han Xiandi is also a fact, a fact that cannot be changed.

He sighed and said: "It seems that our army is not only lucky to be able to preserve Yizhou; it is also the luck of the Qi army!"

(End of this chapter)

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