Chapter 536 Official uniform
After hearing Liu Qi say that there is no danger.

"That's good!" Cai Yan and the other three girls said in unison.

But the worried look in their eyes did not disappear at all, and they all knew that this was what Liu Qi said for their peace of mind.

After all, it is impossible to go to Chang'an without potential danger.

Although Liu Qi was invited to attend the state funeral in Chang'an, who could guarantee that Cao Cao would not harbor malicious intentions? Even if Cao Cao allowed him to lead his troops, there would not be too many, only a few thousand at most.

Facing hundreds of thousands of Wei Jun, it is obvious that it is not enough to watch.

It would be fine if there were no accidents, but if there were accidents, it would be extremely dangerous.

Look at the expressions of the three girls.

Liu Qi also sighed inwardly.

After all, the wisdom of the three women is not low, and it is not inferior to some counselors, but they do not interfere in political affairs, and it is normal to be able to guess many things.

"Don't worry, even if there is a change, I have a plan to escape. After all, I am not sure, and I will not agree easily!" Liu Qi said.

He also doesn't know how to persuade.

Even he himself can't guarantee 100% safety for this trip, guesses are guesses, and no one can guarantee the truth until the last moment.

The hardest thing to guess is - people's hearts.


The worried look in the eyes of Cai Yan and the other three women has also diminished a bit, but it still exists.

"Husband only needs to pay attention to safety during this trip, and don't need to worry about concubines!" Cai Yan laughed.

"As it should be!"

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are also in harmony.

Although they still have worries, they don't want Liu Qi to have any worries because of this, which will affect Liu Qi's decision.

Liu Qi didn't want to get entangled in this issue any longer, so he changed the subject, saying: "But for these two days, I will stay in Chengdu, and go to Chang'an, and I will be able to return in about five days!"

"During these two days, I will arrange everything before I leave!"

The three women also nodded, expressing their understanding.

after that.

The four of them didn't talk about this issue any more, but chatted about other things.

After eating, some maids came in to clean up.

In the next two days.

Apart from explaining to Li Ru about the erection of the giant stele, Liu Qi also stayed in the palace of the King of Han, accompanied by the three daughters and a few children, and also went out of the city to play in the nearby mountains outside the city.

And obey Liu Qi's order.

The generals and counselors who rushed back to Chengdu from various places also rushed to Chengdu one after another.

Leisure time always flies very fast.

this day.

In the palace of the King of Han.

Liu Qi stood in the bedroom, opened his hands, stood upright, and let the three daughters Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao wait on him to get dressed.

And now he is not wearing armor.

Instead, under the service of the three women, she put on an official uniform.

After all, it is not to go to war now, but to attend a state funeral. As a courtier, wearing an official uniform is also a show of respect.


Even if Liu Qi disobeyed the order of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, before he really expressed his attitude, he still held the official position of the Eastern Han Dynasty and was still a courtier.

What's more, death is a big deal, so there's no need to worry too much about it.


Liu Qi in official uniform also has a different flavor.

I see.

Liu Qi was dressed in a black official uniform, embroidered with seven golden pythons, a lion belt around his waist, and a jade pendant in the shape of a dragon hanging on the left side. The wide cuffs were embroidered with decorations like clouds, which added a sense of beauty.

The long black hair was also tied up by the three girls.

Plus that determined face.

It is also very eye-catching.

If it weren't for the majesty exuding from his body, and a little evil spirit, he would look like a refined scribe, not a general on a war horse.

This is also the first time Liu Qi wears the corresponding official uniform.

Usually not wearing battle armor, is a white casual clothes.

Looking at Liu Qi whose temperament has changed a bit.

The eyes of Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao are also full of joy, and this is their husband.

After Cai Yan and the other three girls sorted it out for him.

Liu Qi also flicked his wide sleeves, and said with a smile: "Okay, I should go, and the three wives will be entrusted to the family!"

"Husband, please rest assured, and please be more careful outside!" The three girls also said in unison. ,

Liu Qi nodded, glanced at the children who were still sleeping soundly on the bed on the other side, and with a flash in his eyes, he turned around and walked out of the bedroom, heading for the outside of King Han's Mansion.

The three daughters Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao also bent slightly when Liu Qi turned around, put their hands on their right legs, made a Wanfu gift, and watched Liu Qi leave until they disappeared from their eyes. Only then did he look away.

How could they not be worried about Liu Qi going to Chang'an, they just didn't show any signs of it.

Liu Qi also understood the worries of the three women, so after dressing up, he left without saying a word. After all, it would make him feel better, that's all.


Liu Qi also stepped out of the gate of the Han Palace.

Dian Wei, who was waiting outside the gate of King Han's Mansion, was also taken aback when he saw Liu Qi coming out. After all, Liu Qi's demeanor had changed somewhat after wearing official uniform.

But he quickly reacted, took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "My lord!"

Liu Qi nodded, glanced at the three hundred blood-clothed guards who had assembled at the same time, and said, "Let's go!"

The blood-clothed guards lost in the previous battle.

It was also after returning to Chengdu that Dian Wei selected them from the Bloody Guards' reserve army, filled them in, and was a full-fledged existence.

And this trip to Chang'an, as Liu Qi's personal guards—the Bloody Guards, it is impossible to be absent.


Dian Wei also cupped his hands, and then waved to a blood-clothed guard.

The blood-clothed guard also drove Liu Qi's exclusive warhorse, Shadow Chasing Jade Dragon, over.

When he came in front of Liu Qi, he also bent down slightly, lowered his head, and handed Liu Qi the horse rope in his hand. After Liu Qi took the horse rope, he bent over and retreated.

Liu Qi didn't hesitate either, stroked Chasing Shadow Yulong Chasing, fiddled with his hem, got on his horse, and said, "Get out of the city!"


He also pulled the rein, and was the first to go on the main road.


Dian Wei and the three hundred blood-clothed guards got on their horses one after another, followed Liu Qi, and headed for the main road.

The group of people also walked away slowly, gradually leaving the street in front of the gate of King Han's Mansion until they disappeared.

Ready to assemble outside the city.

After all, the [-] soldiers who were going to lead the way, as well as the rest, were all waiting outside the city gate.

There are still three days before the state funeral will be held, and it is necessary to go there.

(End of this chapter)

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