Chapter 544 State Funeral

Liu Qi led Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, and three hundred blood-clothed guards towards Chang'an City.

I am not worried about the affairs of Daying either, with Zhao Yun and Jia Xu, it is enough to deal with many things.


He also believed in Zhao Yun and Jia Xu. If something happened to them, both Zhao Yun and Jia Xu would be able to deal with it very well and make corresponding countermeasures.

Zhao Yun alone can solve a lot of things, not to mention Jia Xu who is full of bad things.

left the camp.

I also met Liu Bei and Sun Quan who were about to set off.

The two of them also just brought hundreds of people there, and the rest of the soldiers and horses also stayed in the camp.

It was Ding Feng who followed Sun Quan, and Guan Yu who followed Liu Bei, leaving someone in the camp to control the remaining soldiers and horses in case of any accidents.

The three parties also greeted each other and headed to Chang'an City together.

Three miles is not far away.


Liu Qi, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan also led their troops to the gate of Chang'an City.

when they arrive.

People with Cao Cao greeted them and arranged their positions.

As for Cao Cao not showing up, neither Xi Zhicai who greeted them yesterday, after all, is different today.

And now.

The walls of Chang'an City are also covered with white cloth.

The people waiting on both sides of the city gate also had white cloths tied around their left arms.

There are many people waiting on both sides of the city gate. Those who can come to attend the state funeral are not small people. There are some officials, some people from the gentry, and so on.

When these people saw Liu Qi, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan coming, they also had thoughtful eyes, but they didn't say much.

They are also very clear that although they also have some identities, some things are beyond their comprehension.

Sometimes, silence is best.

Liu Qi, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan also ignored the gazes of the others, but took their own people and stood aside, waiting.

"Don't the King of Han feel sorry for the death of the Son of Heaven?" Sun Quan asked suddenly.


Liu Qi also glanced at the smiling Sun Quan, those blue eyes were shining with an unknown meaning.

He didn't know what Sun Quan meant by asking this question. Once Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty died, the regime of the Great Han Dynasty could be said to have truly fallen, and he was also a member of the Han clan.

The person in charge of the state funeral is not a member of the Han clan.

"What's the pity, people are always mortal, isn't it, doesn't King Wu think so?" Liu Qi smiled and asked back.

Sun Quan's eyes were fixed, and the smile on his face was restrained a lot, and he said, "Haha, the King of Han is joking."


The voice changed, and he continued: "Since the King of Han thinks so, why do we still have to fight? After all, the ending is the same, isn't it?"

Liu Bei on the side listened to the words of the two, but did not speak to stop them. After all, the dispute between the two had nothing to do with him, and it might be beneficial.

Just be a spectator.

"Then why did King Wu fight?" Liu Qi also kicked the topic back. ,

Hear Liu Qi's words.

Sun Quan was also taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting Liu Qi to throw the topic back.

Why fight?

Does this need to be explained? They are all well-known things, but they have not been discussed. If there is no dispute, there will be no such thing as today.

He won't stand here and talk anymore.

Just when I was about to speak.

"Actually, both you, me, and other people are very clear why we are fighting!" Liu Qi did not give Sun Quan a chance to speak, and continued, "Although the purpose is the same, the meaning is different. What's more, it's not something you and I can stop if we want to!"

"Although everyone is mortal, it just depends on how you choose. Whether it's muddled or vigorous, the farther you go, the scenery you see will be different!"

Speaking of the end.

Liu Qi also sighed.


Liu Bei and Sun Quan also looked at each other, and then fixedly looked at Liu Qi, they were somewhat ignorant.

However, this cannot change the relationship between them. ,

Sun Quan stared at Liu Qi with blue eyes, and asked, "I wonder if the King of Han sent someone to Jiangdong before my brother was alive?"

The voice fell.

Liu Bei also set his sights on Liu Qi.

There was also a look of surprise in his eyes, and he also heard other meanings from Sun Quan's words. You must know that Sun Quan's elder brother, Sun Ce, was assassinated by Xu Gong's guards. known things.

Liu Qi was also taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting Sun Quan to ask such a question.

What's more, apart from the parties on their side, no one should know about what happened back then.

But now that Sun Quan asked such words, he should know something.


Liu Qi wouldn't foolishly admit it, after all, he didn't know how long the matter had passed, not to mention that even if Sun Quan knew about it now, he wouldn't be afraid.

"The funeral is about to begin!" Liu Qi said with a faint smile.

Hear Liu Qi's words.

Liu Bei also confirmed it in his heart. At the beginning of Sun Ce's death, there must have been something, and then he was overjoyed. After all, Sun Quan and Liu Qi were deadly enemies.

And Sun Quan also took a deep look at Liu Qi, and didn't continue to ask, because that was just an answer.

The funeral had indeed begun. ,

I see.

A group of people came out through the passage of the city gate.

The person in the front is the person carrying the white flag, followed by another person, who scattered white papers.

Immediately afterwards, there was a carriage, pulled by nine war horses. On the carriage was a huge coffin, and there were people guarding on foot on both sides of the carriage.

At last.

It is also a group of civil and military officials led by Cao Cao.

, and are all dressed in white.

Slowly walk out from the passage of the city gate, under the eyes of the people waiting on the left and right sides of the city gate, pass through the middle, and go to the distance.

It is also where the royal tomb is located.

After this group of people came out.

The people waiting on the left and right sides stopped talking.

And Liu Qi, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan didn't talk anymore, but looked at Cao Cao and other people passing by.

Wait until it's all gone.

The three of them led their own people, followed behind, and headed towards the imperial tomb. After all, that was the real place where the funeral was held.

Behind them were the rest of the people who had been waiting at the gate of the city, and followed them towards the imperial mausoleum.


No one dared to make any trouble, it looked very solemn.

And the imperial mausoleum is not very far from Chang'an City.


Also came to the imperial mausoleum.

The funeral is also officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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