Chapter 566 Peaceful Days
Hear Cai Yan's words of comfort.

And seeing the expressions on the faces of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

Liu Qi hugged the hands of the three girls, and tightened his grip a little. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know how to speak, or where to start.

There are only those who don't speak.

Hugging the three girls quietly, enjoying this moment of tranquility.

There is also the endless laughter and laughter on the grass behind, which is enough.


As Cai Yan said, peaceful time always flies by.

The sun that shines on the earth is also slowly setting towards the west. It is already dusk, and the white light has also turned into a golden afterglow, shining on the earth.

It seems to dye the earth into golden yellow.

The golden afterglow also shone on the faces of Liu Qi and the others.

The scenery on the top of the mountain has also changed its appearance, making it even more beautiful and moving.

Evening scene.

a while.
"Let's go, we should go back, otherwise Feng Xiao and Wen You will have to come in person again!" Liu Qi said.

"Yes, my husband!"

Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao also smiled.

They also recalled the scene not long ago when Liu Qi just wanted to be lazy and was wandering in the garden of the palace when Guo Jia and Li Ru came to him.

Moreover, Liu Qi was very satisfied to be able to take a day out to accompany them to play during this busy time.

After all, it has only been a short time since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and there are many places that Liu Qi needs to be busy with.


Liu Qi and the others also stood up, tidied up their clothes, then called everyone together, tidied up, and walked down the mountain.

Come down the mountain.

There are also more than ten blood-clothed guards, guarding the horses, carriages and so on.

Although it is not far from the city, it is not very close. It will take a certain amount of time to walk back, and it has been arranged long ago. What's more, when I come out, there are also horses and carriages.

There are three carriages in total, and the rest are war horses.

Three daughters, Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao, each with a child, got into the carriage.

And the six maids, also two in each carriage, sat outside the carriage and drove the carriage.

But Liu Qi was riding a horse with a blood-clothed guard, guarding on one side.

After getting ready.

Also slowly go towards the city.

Wait until it gets dark.

Liu Qi and the others also returned to the gate of the city. Under the salute of the city guards, they also entered the city and headed towards the palace.

from time to time.

He also returned to the front of the palace.

And Liu Qi, who was sitting on the horse, could see Dian Wei waiting in front of the palace tower from a distance.

Seeing his convoy approaching, he also greeted him with his saber in his hand.

"Your Majesty, Lord Guo and Lord Li have been waiting in the palace for a long time!" Dian Wei clasped his hands.


Liu Qi nodded.

Then he looked at the maid on the carriage and ordered: "You send the three ladies back to the harem to rest first!"


The maid didn't have any objection, so she drove the carriage to the harem in the palace.

The three daughters Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao who were in the carriage also heard what Dian Wei said, and knew that Guo Jia and Li Ru must have discussed matters with Liu Qi, otherwise they would not have waited until now .

He didn't bother Liu Qi either, and followed Liu Qi's arrangement to go back to the harem first.

The carriage drove into the palace.

Dian Wei, as well as the imperial guards guarding the palace tower, also bowed their hands to the carriage.

Wait until the carriage drives into the palace.

"Let Feng Xiao and Wen You meet me in the Imperial Study!" Liu Qi said to Dian Wei.


Dian Wei also surrendered.

Liu Qi didn't hesitate any longer, and rode his horse towards the palace.

The blood-clothed guard followed immediately.

The Bloody Guards and the Imperial Guards are two different troops, but now Dian Wei is the commander of the Imperial Guards, and the Bloody Guards are temporarily under the command of Liu Qi himself.

of course.

This is also in Chengdu.

If they were outside, Dian Wei would still be the commander of the blood-clothed guards. After all, Dian Wei's position as the commander of the blood-clothed guards had not been removed, and the imperial guards would not be transferred from the capital until the critical time.

The Imperial Guard is the main force in the capital.

And Dian Wei also entered the palace and went to another place to invite Li Ru and Guo Jia.

After entering the palace.

Liu Qi also didn't go to change clothes, and now he just saw Guo Jia and Li Ru, and he didn't go to the morning court or anything, just casually, that's fine.

Come to the imperial study.

And didn't wait long.

Liu Qi saw Dian Wei coming with Guo Jia and Li Ru.

"His Majesty!"

Guo Jia and Li Ru stepped into the imperial study room and also bowed their hands to Liu Qi.

But Dian Wei did not come in, but after arriving with Guo Jia and Li Ru, he bowed his hands at the door of the imperial study, turned around and left with his saber in his hand, and closed the door by the way.

Liu Qi nodded and said, "Sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Guo Jia and Li Ru were not pretentious either, they walked to the desk and sat down.

After all, the imperial study room built by Liu Qi is different from other imperial study rooms. It can also be said to be a small meeting hall, with only a bookcase on one side.

The bookshelves are also full of books, bamboo slips and so on.

That's all there is, it's like a study.

Wait until Guo Jia and Li Ru sit down.

"The two of you have waited for me for so long, presumably things have been arranged?" Liu Qi asked directly.

Guo Jia and Li Ru looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

It's not that Liu Qi is not motivated, it's just that Liu Qi doesn't want to take care of things except for some big things, and this is what makes them feel helpless.

After all, today is different from before, and now it belongs to the king of a country.

Although encountering such a bright master can allow them to fully display their talents, but they also need to have a degree, but Liu Qi has no awareness.

Every time he talked about this matter, Liu Qi always found an excuse to change the subject.

They don't know whether it's good or bad, not even themselves.

Shaking their heads, they also waved away the thoughts in their minds. They also knew that even if they continued to persuade, Liu Qi would not change anything.

Otherwise, it wouldn't always be like this.

They persuaded a lot.


Guo Jia also stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Return to Your Majesty, everything has been prepared, and we only need to wait for His Majesty's order before we can act, and the generals guarding various places are also secretly prepared according to the arrangement, and they can be ready at any time." Actions, those who can know, are all cronies, and have not attracted any attention!"


Guo Jia's eyes were shining brightly, after all, this secret arrangement was of great importance.

It's also about what they do next.

(End of this chapter)

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