Chapter 573
After Mi Zhu said the words of surrender.

The Qi army also retreated and let the city wall go, and did not continue to block the Han army from climbing the city wall.

And Pound also went very smoothly, without encountering any obstacles, he led the soldiers of the Han army who had already climbed the ladder to the city wall.

Climbed the city wall.

Pound also glanced at the soldiers of the Qi army who put down their weapons and stepped aside.

And these soldiers of the Qi army now have no fighting spirit and look dejected.

At the same time, he also noticed Mi Zhu who was sitting slumped on the side, looking a little embarrassed and decadent. He also knew that this was the person in charge of the Qi Army in Pengcheng, but he didn't say much, but turned his head and nodded towards the city.

It means that the situation on the city wall has been confirmed.

At this time.

There was also a sound at the city gate.

It turned out that when Mi Zhu announced his surrender, the dozens of Qi troops guarding the city gate had already known that they had already surrendered, allowing the Han army to climb the city wall.

It doesn't matter whether they open the city gate or not, it's all the same.

What's more, Mi Zhu also asked them to open the city gate and let in the Han army outside the city, and they would not continue to insist on anything.


Under their push, the gate of the city opened a gap, from which flickering flames were revealed, and the gap gradually became larger.

The two thick city gates were also slowly opened towards the left and right sides under the push of dozens of people.

Until the entire city gate channel was presented under the eyes of the Han army outside the city.

See the city gate fully opened.

Liu Qi's eyes were also bright, and he waved the spear in his hand and said, "Go to the city!"

After all, apart from the hundreds of soldiers who climbed the ladder, the rest of the soldiers were still outside the city after Pound climbed up the city wall.

Now that the Qi army has surrendered and opened the city gate, he will not hesitate, even if there is any conspiracy, he will not be afraid.

The Qi army relying on the city wall has already been defeated, not to mention, the city gate is still wide open to let them in.

Even relying on the remaining Qi army in the city, they can't make any waves.


As soon as Zhao Yun cupped his hands, he led a group of soldiers and horses, went first to the city gate passage, and entered the city.

It can be said that he first explored the way for Liu Qi, after all, it is impossible for Liu Qi to take risks.

Even if the Qi army in Pengcheng had already surrendered, they had to confirm again and again that there was no danger, that was fine, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

See here.

Liu Qi didn't say much, gathered the team, and then walked towards the city gate passage.

Dozens of soldiers of the Qi army who opened the city gate also quickly retreated back into the city when the city gate was fully opened, leaving the passageway of the city gate empty.

Did not encounter any accidents.

Liu Qi also led the soldiers of the Han army outside the city, and entered the city through the opened gate.

Come to the gate passage.

I see.

Pang De, who climbed the city wall, also led hundreds of soldiers who followed him to the city wall, escorted the Qi army who had surrendered, and waited in front of the city gate passage.

And Mi Zhu was also escorted down.

Liu Qi looked at the thousands of soldiers of the Qi army who were downcast because of the defeat, and at the same time noticed Mi Zhu who was a bit embarrassed and decadent, his tiger eyes flashed, and said: "Ling Ming, lead the army to arrest the surrendered soldiers!"


Pound also agreed.

Liu Qi also looked at Mi Zhu, and said, "In this case, I will wrong Master Mi first!"

"A defeated general, why should he be wronged or not!" Mi Zhu said flatly.

Now he is already a prisoner, and he no longer thinks about anything, and now, even life and death are beyond his control.

What he was worried about was the situation in Xiapi.

Knowing that Xiapi might also be in a situation like Pengcheng, he didn't pray that Xiapi could be defended, but that his younger brother Mi Fang and Guan Ping's adopted son Guan Ping could escape safely.

that is it.

After all, it is irreversible now, Pengcheng has fallen, and Xiapi cannot continue to defend, and can only retreat to the rest of the place.

Pang De didn't hesitate any longer, and led a troop of soldiers to detain the surrendered soldiers of the Qi army. There was also a barracks of the Qi army in the city, and it was also a good place to receive the surrendered soldiers.

Wait for Pang De to lead the army to surrender, and Mi Zhu will take him away.

"Zilong, let the soldiers clean up the battlefield and take over the defense of the city at the same time. Strictly order the soldiers not to disturb the people. If there are any offenders, they can be killed first and then played. No mercy!" Liu Qi ordered.


Zhao Yun didn't have any objection to this, so he turned and left to make arrangements.

Now that the battle is over, they also need to clean up the battlefield, and they have just captured Pengcheng, and they need to rearrange their defenses to turn Pengcheng into their territory.


Even if Liu Bei knew what was going on here, it would not be easy to lead an army to take it back.

"Dian Wei, send someone to rush to Qiao County, and let Meng Qi and others lead their troops to join them!" Liu Qi looked at Dian Wei and continued to order.

Those who are here now are only the vanguard of the army, and the main force is still behind. You must know that he does not intend to stay here, and will continue to sweep towards Liu Bei's territory.

Months of secret arrangements.

It's not just for taking down Pengcheng and Xiapi.

In this way, it is not worth his time to spend several months making these arrangements and wasting time.

Taking down Pengcheng and Xiapi was only part of the plan.

And that's the important part.

Winning these two places also broke through the defense of Liu Bei's territory, which is the prerequisite for the smooth development of the next attack. With these two places as a springboard, his cavalry can also attack all the way in Xuzhou, and can also directly Entering the territory of Qingzhou can also exert pressure on Shouchun.

Kill three birds with one stone.


Dian Wei didn't hesitate either, he bowed his hands, turned around to arrange for the soldiers, and went to Qiao County to report.

After the arrangement.

Liu Qi did not continue to stay in front of the city gate passage, and led [-] blood-clothed guards, as well as some soldiers, towards the center of the city.

After all, it was where Mi Zhu and Guan Ping were in charge.

As for the matter of Xiapi.

He was not worried. With four generals and a total of more than [-] troops, it was enough to take down Xiapi. If he couldn't take it down, it meant that he was not capable enough.

Can Guan Ping and Mi Fang be captured alive?

He didn't really care about it, as long as he could catch it, there was no problem if he couldn't, and it didn't have any impact on a series of plans.

If they can win Pengcheng and Xiapi, their plan will be successful.

If it can be caught, it is just like icing on the cake, and it is also a good thing.

and so.

Liu Qi was also very relieved to wait for the news in Pengcheng, and did not send troops to go there.

(End of this chapter)

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