Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 585 Analyzing the Enemy Situation

Chapter 585 Analyzing the Enemy Situation
Several days have passed since Liu Qi occupied Pengcheng and Xiapi.

I also waited for several days in Pengcheng.

After all, in the previous attack on Pengcheng and Xiapi, the soldiers and horses were also damaged. Of the more than [-] troops, there were only about [-] soldiers and horses left.

Although it is enough to put pressure on the surrounding cities, such as Xuzhou City, it is not an easy task to take down the Qi State city that has been prepared again.

In some cities, there are not a few defenders in the Qi State, and with precautions, if you want to take it forcibly, you need to pay a certain price.

It's worth it.

For example, there are [-] defenders on the edge of Xuzhou City. With about [-] soldiers and horses, if they attack by force, even if they can win in the end, they may suffer heavy losses.

What's more, it may not be possible to win.

and so.

After Liu Qi captured Pengcheng and Xiapi by surprise, he did not continue to march, but stayed in Pengcheng, and at the same time stabilized Pengcheng.

In the invasion of Liu Bei's territory, Pengcheng and Xiapi are equivalent to their rear, the transfer station.

Most of them will enter here to transport grain and grass, and mobilize soldiers and horses.

at the same time.

It was also to wait for Ma Chao and others to lead an army of [-] people who had already prepared to rush over from Qiao County in order to carry out future plans.

Having a plan also requires soldiers and horses.

Waited for days.

The [-] troops from Qiao County also arrived in Pengcheng and set up camp outside Pengcheng.

Liu Qi also summoned a group of subordinates.

In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Liu Qi sat on the main seat, with his hands on the left and right sides, and the civil servants and military generals who attacked Qi State this time, including Guo Jia, Pang Tong, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, Liao Hua, Chen Dao, Ma Dai, Pound , Wenpin, etc., all under his command.

Compared with the early days in the palace, there are also many fewer people.

But it's also a normal thing.

After all, this time, a group of powerful subordinates were dispatched to garrison everywhere, and this was not a peaceful time.

Liu Qi glanced at everyone present, his eyes flashed brightly, and said: "Now it will take several days to capture Pengcheng and Xiapi, and the food and supplies needed by the army have also been transported over and gathered in Pengcheng. In the middle, all the soldiers and horses gathered have been assembled today, and it is time to continue to fight against Qi!"

What should be prepared is already ready, so there is no need to continue to wait.

They continued to plan for Liu Bei's territory. You must know that they had prepared for this time for a long time, and the soldiers who lurked in the dark also endured silently for a long time.


Everyone present is also full of heroism, and their eyes are also shining with a fiery fighting spirit.

They have also endured for a long time, but the blood in their bodies has not cooled down, and they are still yearning for the life of galloping on the battlefield as before.

Especially the generals present here.

They are not familiar with government affairs and management, not completely unfamiliar, but not very interested. Only galloping on the battlefield can arouse all their enthusiasm.

See the expressions of everyone present.

Liu Qi also showed a gratified expression. As long as the enthusiasm of the people under his command is not lost, then he has nothing to fear. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, he still has enough confidence to continue walking.

As long as the heart is not dead, there is nothing that can stop their steps.

Even if you die, you will only die on the way forward, not on the way back.

"Feng Xiao, tell me about the current situation!" Liu Qi said.


Guo Jia didn't hesitate either, and stood up with his hands clasped, and walked to the side where a piece of hanging cloth had already been placed.

And the piece of cloth hanging horizontally is also a map, a complete map, including the entire Central Plains, and it looks a bit big when it is hung horizontally.

Although Guo Jia followed the army from Qiao County, he was always collecting the current situation of the Central Plains on the way of marching, and he was very clear about the current situation of the Central Plains.

I see.

Guo Jia walked to the map and bowed to everyone.

"Everyone, please see that our army, led by His Majesty, took Pengcheng and Xiapi by surprise, and opened the way in the territory of Qi. We can take Xuzhou City and Qingzhou directly."

"However, Emperor Qi has now mobilized 50 troops. He personally led the army and headed straight for Xuzhou. He has already entered the territory of Xuzhou. In less than a day, he will be able to reach Xuzhou City. Then our army can only go towards Xuzhou City. However, if we take a detour and enter from Qingzhou, we may be cut off by the Qi army, and if something happens, we will be in trouble!"

While Guo Jia was talking, he also used paper arrows of different colors to stick on the map, indicating the situation of the enemy and us, and at the same time analyzing the situation of the enemy and us.


Everyone also nodded, agreeing with Guo Jia's statement.

There was a flash of light in Liu Qi's eyes.

But it didn't bother Guo Jia either, because things are not that simple.

Guo Jia didn't stop for long, and continued: "In this way, our army can only go to Xuzhou City, and confront the Qi army to decide the outcome. Although the Qi army claims to have 50 soldiers and horses, it actually only has about 45 troops. It’s just soldiers and horses, but due to the previous battle, there are less than 20 veterans in the Qi army, and the rest are new troops, and their combat power is slightly insufficient!"

"Although our army is only 15, they are all soldiers who have experienced all kinds of bloody battles. They are not weaker than the 50 Qi army in terms of momentum, but they are slightly inferior in numbers!"

"But if a big victory can be achieved, it will be enough to suppress the morale of the Qi army. More importantly, the servants and generals under Emperor Qi's command are not very harmonious, enough for us to take advantage of!"

At this time.

Liu Qi also nodded, and said: "What Feng Xiao said is very true. From the report of our army's spies, we can also know that since Mi Zhu, Guan Ping, and Mi Fang were sent back by me, if Xu Shu and Guan Yu hadn't Emperor Qi had already beheaded him on the spot for his intercession, and Jian Yong came out to impeach the three of them, but he brought a group of generals with him!"

Speaking of it.

He grinned too.

After all, the more chaotic the relationship between the civil servants and generals under Liu Bei's command, the more beneficial it will be for his side.

Internal breakdowns do more damage than external ones.

This is also the reason why he immediately released the three of them back after capturing Mi Zhu and the others alive. He tried his luck, but he did not expect such an effect.

It can be said that it was beyond his expectation.


Everyone present also smiled knowingly, and they all understood the meaning of Liu Qi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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