Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 623 Chen Deng Returns

Chapter 623 Chen Deng Returns (End)

In addition to the walking steps of the soldiers of the Han army entering the city, there was also the sound of the hooves of war horses and the sound of black flags waving in the wind.

Liu Qi and Chen Deng were relatively silent.

But Liu Qi looked directly at him.

Chen Deng was also a little guilty and did not dare to look Liu Qi directly, and lowered his head slightly.

He didn't need to have any guilty conscience. After all, he had already surrendered and had no other thoughts. He just wanted to keep the Chen family's foundation.

However, for some reason, he still felt a little guilty when Liu Qi looked directly at him.

"Doesn't Yuanlong have anything to say to me?" Liu Qi asked.

"The general who surrendered, thanks to His Majesty's perseverance, the subordinates are already very grateful, so how dare they say anything!" Chen Deng replied.

"Oh, is that so?" Liu Qi smiled and said, "As far as I know, if Yuanlong wanted to lead his army to escape last night, you would have had enough chances, and even if you don't surrender now, with the strength of the city wall, you still have a chance to escape." The reputation in Xuzhou City, if you want to stick to Xuzhou City, it is not impossible!"

He paused for a while, looked directly at Chen Deng, and continued: "What's more, if you stick to it for a while, there may be other changes. Emperor Qi may lead the army back!"


Chen Deng shook his head and said, "Although that's the case, will His Majesty give Emperor Qi a chance to counterattack?"

Hearing Chen Deng's rhetorical question.

Liu Qi just smiled, and didn't say much, some things are clear in his heart, and that's enough, there is no need to say anything, after all, everyone is a smart person.

Don't tell me if you see through!
Seeing that Liu Qi just smiled and didn't reply.

Chen Deng understood Liu Qi's meaning clearly in his heart, and it was just a hypothesis, so he continued: "Now that the Qi army has been defeated and retreated to Qingzhou, even if the subordinates would rather die than surrender, Your Majesty will not waste too much money in Xuzhou City." It’s enough time for the army to rest and reorganize. It’s enough for a general to lead thousands of soldiers to guard outside the city. After Qingzhou is captured, come back to capture Xuzhou City, that’s enough!”

"After all, the Qi army was defeated here, and the morale of your majesty's soldiers is like a rainbow. It is a good time to take Qingzhou. Qingzhou, then there will be many changes, and at that time, the Qi army may have rested, and the opportunity to quickly attack Qingzhou has been lost!"

"As for why the subordinates did not follow Emperor Qi and retreat to Qingzhou, but chose to surrender."

Speaking of it.

Chen Deng stopped, raised his head, did not avoid Liu Qi's gaze, and said firmly: "Because the Chen family, the subordinate family, is in Xuzhou City, and the family foundation is here!"

"The ancestors of the subordinates have established a foundation here for a long time, and it has been passed down to the hands of the subordinates. You cannot let the foundation established by the ancestors be destroyed in the hands of the subordinates because of the fault of the subordinates. If so, it will be regarded as death. The subordinates I have no face to face the ancestors of the Chen family!"

He didn't hide it, but told the truth.

And there is no meaning of concealment, let alone something that cannot be said, and it will not have any impact if it is said.


After listening to Chen Deng's answer.

Liu Qi also realized something in his heart.

He actually had some guesses. After all, as far as he knew, Chen Deng was a talented person, but because he was attached to the Chen family, even if he had the ability, he was restricted because of it.

It can only stick to one place, and the ability of the whole body has not been displayed too much. It is just a short-lived flash in the pan in the Three Kingdoms, which is a pity.

That's why he wanted to let Chen Deng do things for him sincerely and show his strengths.

Of course, there is also my own selfishness in it. After all, if I want to go further, I need many capable people to assist me. I can't do it alone.

What's more, he doesn't dislike the large number of talents under his command. For talents, the more the better.

"For the Chen family?" Liu Qi looked very calm, "With Yuanlong's ability, you are not just stationed in one place. If you can let go of the obstacles in your heart and use your talents to guard one side, it is not a problem. !"

"Now that the Central Plains is divided, there is an opportunity to make use of one's strengths, and then to become famous in the world and later generations, but due to some obstacles, the talents you have can't be used, and you can only stand on your own. Isn't it a sad thing? "


Chen Deng's eyes flashed with hesitation,

Why didn't he want to prove himself by displaying his talent and accomplishing a career in this chaotic Central Plains.

But as the head of the Chen family, one should put the family first.

That's what he's been taught.

Therefore, under Liu Bei's command, he didn't have much to do. What he planned was to guard Xuzhou City, and what he sought was to stabilize the Chen family's foundation in Xuzhou City.

As Liu Qi said, he just guarded one place and didn't think about other things.

Maybe it's not that I haven't thought about it, but as the head of the Chen family, I can't help myself, I only think about how to grow and keep the Chen family, that's all.

"Yes!" Chen Deng opened his mouth and only said one word, but he didn't know how to continue.

The words Liu Qi said affected his mood, and he seemed a little vacillating.

"Fish and bear's paw, you can't have both!" Liu Qi's eyes flashed, and said: "The family is certainly important, and the family is also an indispensable part, but has Yuanlong ever heard of 'one person is a rich family'? As long as If you are successful and famous, why are you afraid that the Chen family will not be able to stand in the world?"

Hear Liu Qi's words.

A gleam flashed in Chen Deng's eyes, as if he had grasped something, his lips moved, but he didn't make a sound, and he still had some worries in his heart.

Seeing Chen Deng's actions.

Liu Qi smiled, rode forward, patted Chen Deng on the shoulder, and said, "Yuanlong doesn't need to give an answer now, as long as he decides before the army!"


Without waiting for Chen Deng to answer, he pulled the reins and headed towards the city gate passage. Now the army has basically entered the city.

While riding towards the city gate passage, he said: "Sometimes, when you take a step forward, the things you see will be different, and you will find that the world will become more exciting!"

"Whether it's a step forward, or stay where it is, it's only a matter of thought!"

"How to decide, just follow your heart!"

Speaking of the end.

The sound also seemed a bit small.

Liu Qi has reached the city gate passage.

When Liu Qi was riding towards the city gate passage.

Dian Wei also led the blood-clothed guards to follow. When he passed by Chen Deng, he also glanced at Chen Deng, but he didn't speak. He glanced at him and continued on his way.

Watching Liu Qi and others enter the city gate passage.

Chen Deng raised his head, his eyes kept flickering, and after a while, the expression in his eyes became firm, and it was obvious that he had already made a decision.

Immediately, with a smile, he also walked towards the city gate passage and entered the city.

(End of this chapter)

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