Chapter 652 Untitled
Liu Bei was defeated and went to sea by boat.

There was also the news that Liu Qi captured Linzi and occupied Qingzhou, which was also spread by spies everywhere.

The Qi State was defeated by the Han State and withdrew from the Central Plains. This was a major event that changed the status quo of the Central Plains.

The news spread in the Central Plains, causing an uproar.

No matter what the outside world is like.

In the city of Linzi....

Since the occupation of Linzi City, there has been no news of where Liu Bei fled.

Liu Qi led the army to settle down in Linzi and waited.

However, it was not that nothing was done, and a lot of preparations were made. Zhao Yun and others were sent out to lead the army to wipe out the remnants of the Qi army in the land of Qingzhou and completely control the land of Qingzhou.

And out of the soldiers and horses sent out, the soldiers and horses staying in the city, ready to go, if there is news of Liu Bei, the army can set off immediately, encircle and suppress Liu Bei, keep Liu Bei, and eliminate future troubles.


When they got the news, the army that was ready to go out seemed to have no effect.

this day.

Zhao Yun and others who went out to clear up the remnants of the Qi army in Qingzhou also led the army back.

After all, there is not much to clear.

Linzi City was captured and Liu Bei fled. How could they, the old, weak, sick and disabled defenders stationed in some small places, still have the intention of resisting? Before the Han army arrived, they had already raised the flag of surrender .

The process of regaining and integrating Qingzhou was also very smooth without too much trouble.

in the palace.

Liu Qi sat on the dragon chair.

Under the steps, on the left and right sides, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, Ma Chao, Pang De, Wen Pin, Liao Hua, Chen Deng, Mi Fang, Guo Jia, Pang Tong, Mi Zhu and others stood in line.

"What's the situation in Qingzhou now?" Liu Qi asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, now the land of Qingzhou has basically belonged to our army, and the rest only needs to be gradually stabilized. The only surprise is that Emperor Qi left Qingzhou, and the direction of going to sea seems to be towards the land of Sanhan. Go!" Guo Jiahui reported.

Even he didn't expect Liu Bei to have such a plan, and he directly gave up the land of the Central Plains and headed for the land of Sanhan.

In this way, even if you know Liu Bei's whereabouts, it becomes a problem if you want to pursue him.

What's more, in order to prevent them from pursuing, Liu Bei smashed all the large ships that could not be taken away. Without large ships, it would be wishful thinking to pursue them.


Liu Qi's eyes flashed, and he sighed: "Emperor Qi has made a good move. If he stays in Qingzhou now, he will only be surrounded by our army. Give up and go to the land of Sanhan, but there is still a chance!"

He was also surprised by Liu Bei's choice of retreat.

I also understand in my heart why I led all the cavalry officers and soldiers to chase up, but I didn't catch up. I just wiped out the two Qi troops who were blocking.

Obviously, Liu Bei crossed Chencang secretly, escaped from Linzi City, and headed west, but left two blocking troops on the way, so he detoured toward the northeast.

It was also because of this that they made a wrong judgment. After knowing the truth, it would be too late. Liu Bei had already led the army out to sea, far away from Qingzhou. Without the tools to pursue them, even if they wanted to pursue them, it would be impossible.

The Jingzhou navy is resisting the Wu army and cannot be transferred away. Even if it can be transferred, Liu Bei may have reached the land of Sanhan by the time he arrives.

"Your Majesty, shall we pursue?" Guo Jia asked.

Liu Qi waved his hand and said: "No need, since Emperor Qi has left the Central Plains, there is no need to pursue him, and if he pursues to the Three Hans, there will inevitably be a big battle. Our army cannot always support the past. Different from Qi Jun!"


Guo Jia also understood what Liu Qi meant.

After all, apart from Liu Bei fleeing to the land of Sanhan, there is no place for Liu Bei in the Central Plains. Besides, if there is no accident, Liu Bei is going to develop there.

And if they send soldiers and horses to pursue them, the transportation of food and grass will be a big problem. In addition, the three places of Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje in the land of Sanhan will not look at them dealing with things. It is possible that in addition to chasing Liu Bei, he also needs to face the rejection of the land of Sanhan.

In this way, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Since Emperor Qi has fled to the land of the Three Hans, there will be no more threats in a short time. What needs to be considered now is the war between Yizhou and Jingzhou!" Liu Qi said lightly.

Although he also wanted to keep Liu Bei, but he couldn't do anything, and the difference between the effort and the harvest was too large to be proportional, so there was no need to continue chasing him.

Moreover, it is not easy for Liu Bei to withdraw from the land of the Central Plains and gain a firm foothold in the land of Sanhan, and there is no threat to him.

There is no threat, so there is no need to be too anxious, although it may allow Liu Bei to gain a firm foothold in the land of Sanhan and gradually grow stronger.

But now is not the time to fight outside, after all, in the land of the Central Plains, it is still surrounded by powerful enemies.

Without integrating the land of the Central Plains, even if Liu Bei grows stronger in the land of Sanhan, he has nothing to do.

thought here.

Liu Qi's eyes flashed, and he said, "Zi Zhong, Zi Fang!"

"I'm waiting here!"

Mi Zhu and Mi Fang also stood up.

"The three of you stay in the land of Qingzhou, integrate the land of Qingzhou, and at the same time strengthen the defense along the coast to prevent Emperor Qi from turning around and returning. After you are done, report to Yizhou!" Liu Qi ordered.


Regarding Liu Qi's arrangement, the two brothers of the Mi family had no objection, and Liu Qi let them take over the land of Qingzhou, which also valued them.

"Zi Long!"

"Chen is here!"

"You will lead an army of [-], march quickly, and rush to Hanzhong for support!"


"The rest of you follow me and lead an army of [-] to conquer the Wu army who came to attack our country!"


"So let's go down and make arrangements, and we'll leave early tomorrow morning!" Liu Qi said with a flash of light in his eyes.

Now that he has captured the land of Qi, he should deal with the affairs of Wei and Wu who came to crusade him.

After all, the battle between the two places is not easy. Now that the battle here is over, it is time to support and plan other things at the same time.

He is not someone who can only be beaten, but not fight back.

If you leave your hands empty, it's time to fight back. What's more, Cao Cao and Sun Quan are still dividing the territory of the Central Plains with him, and the battle is not over yet.

Unless the two of them, like Liu Bei, gave up the territory of the Central Plains and went far away.

But this is impossible.


As soon as Guo Jia and the others bowed their hands, they left one after another, making arrangements.

They also know that the battle is not over now.

Wait for everyone to leave.

"Cao Cao, Sun Quan, we are the only ones left now!" Liu Qi muttered to himself.

A sharp look flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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