Chapter 669 Name

Because of Liu Qi's questioning.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and everyone fell into deep thought.

a long time.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Wei is proud of himself. If we directly send troops to support and help resist the Xiongnu, or Karasuma, he will definitely not agree. It is very likely that our army will be stopped outside the border. Therefore, directly send troops to support. It doesn't fit the reality, maybe we can start from other aspects!" Wei Yan stood up and cupped his hands.

Because of the previous words, he was condemned by Liu Qi, and now he said the most appropriate thought in his heart after careful consideration.

I have to say that I had that kind of thought before, but it was just blinded by hatred.

After waking up.

He is also clear that now that such a change has occurred in the Wei state, it is no longer the time to fight with the Wei state, and he cannot take the opportunity to add insult to injury, but he cannot ignore it.

"Why do you do it?" Liu Qi said with a flash of his eyes.

"Your Majesty, although Emperor Wei will not allow our army to send troops to support him, he can collect food and grass and give it to the Wei army!"

Wei Yan paused for a moment, then continued: "Because of the First Battle of Qishan, the Wei army was short of food and grass, and now there are still several months before the harvest, there is not enough food and grass in the territory of Wei, there are soldiers but no food, it is the largest army in the army. Bogey, but now that the Xiongnu and Karasuma are invading, it is impossible for Emperor Wei to ignore it, even if there is no food, he will definitely send troops!"

"But our country has sufficient food and grass, so we can send a batch of food and grass to the Wei army, so that the Wei army has enough confidence to resist the Huns and Karasuma armies that invaded the two states of Bingzhou and Youzhou!"


He stood there, waiting for Liu Qi's reply.

This is the most appropriate way he can think of.


Liu Qi stroked his chin, became contemplative, and pondered over Wei Yan's suggestion. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "What do you guys think?"

have to say.

What Wei Yan said is very reasonable.

If you send troops directly, even if it is to fight against the Huns and Karasuma's army, Cao Cao would not agree to him sending troops in.

As Wei Yan said, Cao Cao has his own pride.

Even if there is no food, the army may be affected by it, and it may also affect the overall situation, but Cao Cao is likely to fight to the end, and he will not be allowed to send troops in.

However, if it is necessary to mobilize food and grass and send a batch of food and grass for the army, it is not a problem. In addition, it has explained the situation, and Cao Cao will not refuse even if he wants to come. The invasion of the Huns and Karasuma is not just Wei Guo The thing is not!
Thinking of this, I have some decisions in my heart, but I still want to hear everyone's opinions.

Although he is the king of a country, he can decide many things on his own, but he can become the king of a country because of the efforts of his subordinates. Opinions still need to be heard.

"Your Majesty, I think what General Wei said is true!"

Everyone saw that it was Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe.

Jia Xu stood up, cupped his hands, and continued: "If you directly send troops to support Wei, Emperor Wei will definitely resist, and the generals under his command will also be like this, but if they are mobilizing food and grass, they are just sending food and grass. Will refuse, if there is still a statement, you can collect a certain amount of money, just like a businessman buying and selling, so Emperor Wei will definitely not refuse!"

Jia Xu is also perfecting Wei Yan's suggestion.

Even if Cao Cao still has ideas about the food and grass they send, if he charges a certain amount of money, coupled with the current situation in Wei State, then Cao Cao will find it difficult to refuse.


Jia Xu didn't stop talking because of this.

"Moreover, when transporting grain and grass, our army can send an army to station on the border of Jizhou without entering the territory of Wei State. If there is any accident, we can send troops to support it quickly. If there is no accident, then we can just stand still Can!"

"The soldiers and horses going there only need [-], just in case!"

At this time.

Only then did Jia Xu speak out what was in his heart.

Seeing Jia Xu stand up.

Perfecting Wei Yan's suggestions, he also put forward his own ideas.

Liu Qi on the dragon chair had a flash of relief in his eyes.

Not to mention how good Jia Xu said, but Jia Xu can recover, which is already worthy of his joy.


This is not the time to think about it.

Nodding to Jia Xu, he looked at the others.

When Guo Jia and the others saw Liu Qi's gaze, they knew what Liu Qi meant.

"I think it's feasible!" Guo Jia stepped forward and said.

"Seniors and others!" Li Ru and others also said in unison.

After all, Wei Yan's suggestion, coupled with Jia Xu's improvement and suggestion, can be said to be a very appropriate method, and there is nothing that needs to be changed.

Such a strategy does not require any changes.

and so.

, In this regard, they will not have any objections to this strategy.

Moreover, they are all people who understand big things and wrong things. Now the people of Bingzhou and Youzhou are suffering, but Wei State is the vanguard against the Xiongnu and Karasuma.

They would not think of taking advantage of this opportunity to persuade Liu Qi to attack Wei.

Not to mention, in the beginning.

Liu Qi had already expressed his attitude.

In this regard, they didn't have any opinions. As Liu Qi said, the people of the Central Plains can fight in any way, but outsiders can't intervene.

Anyone who dares to intervene will be chopped up.

Looking at the people in the hall.

Liu Qi said: "In this case, follow the suggestions made by Wen He and Wen Chang!"


"Chen is here!"

"20 dans of grain and grass have been mobilized from the treasury to support Wei!"


"Yuan Jian, Zhong Ye!"

"Chen is here!"

Liao Hua and Wenpin also stood up.

"The two of you will lead [-] soldiers and horses to transport grain and grass to Jizhou. I will write a letter in my own hand and send it to Emperor Wei to receive grain and grass on the border of Jizhou. After that, you will station at the border of Jizhou. If the situation is urgent at that time, there is no need to report it, and you can take care of yourself!" Liu Qi ordered.

He also took precautions. After all, it would take a certain amount of time to send a letter back from Jizhou.

And during this period of time, many things may have happened, so it is most appropriate to give Liao Hua and Wenpin the right to act cheaply.

At least the situation can be stabilized before it becomes very serious.

On his side, he can make corresponding arrangements. ,.

"No! The minister will live up to the holy hope!"

Liao Hua and Wenpin agreed, they also knew what Liu Qi meant.

If Wei Guo wins, they will stand still in Jizhou and wait for orders; if an accident happens and Wei Guo loses, then they need to lead their troops into Wei Guo's territory to eliminate the Xiongnu and Karasuma soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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