Chapter 678

Hear the words of the scout captain.

The thought that it really was so rose in Lu Meng's heart.

When he saw the empty city wall, he had some guesses. He wanted to test it before, but it was just to confirm it. Now, the words of the detective captain have confirmed his thoughts.

After all, if the Han army is not stupid and wants to defend Shouchun, then the most appropriate choice is to not be able to hold on, so that they can hold on for a while, and they will not choose to go out of the city to fight. Without any changes, there would be no chance of winning at all.

On the city wall, there is no Han army guarding it, and there is an open city gate. There is only one situation.

but. ,

What also puzzled him was when the Han army became so fearful.

You know, he was also there in Jiangxia's battle, and experienced the ferocity of the Han army personally. Even now, he can still feel lingering fear in the scene of that time.

But now, the Han army left directly.

This time the Han army transferred troops from Shouchun, and it was obvious that there was a lot of weirdness.

Even the Shouchun City that was taken away was so easily surrendered. It seemed that it was beneficial to Wu Guo, but he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong!


While Lu Meng was meditating.

The detective captain in front of him called out again, apparently waiting for his reply.

And the city gate is about to be fully opened.


Lu Meng took a deep breath, although he couldn't think of the purpose of the Han army, but now that the city gate is wide open, and there are no defenders in the city, this is his chance to take back Shouchun City.

No matter how.

Taking back Shouchun City first is the first thing to consider now.

And when he regained Shouchun City, with [-] troops stationed there, even if the more than [-] Han troops who had left turned around and returned, he would be fully sure to hold Shouchun City and not let the Han army take it away.

In this way, there is not much to consider.

Just need to guard against the ultimate goal of the Han army, that's enough.

"Enter the city!" Lu Meng waved his hand and said.

Immediately, he led the army into the city through the opened city gate, also confident.

In his opinion.

Maybe this time, it might be Han Guo's mistake, but that's not necessarily the case.

There is no obstruction.


Lu Meng then led an army of [-] troops into the city.

Instead of being idle, he assigned various tasks and began to take over Shouchun City again, taking over all the affairs in the city, and doing a good job of defense as well.

After all, they regained Shouchun City, and the Han Kingdom might not just let it go.

It is very likely that the more than [-] Han troops who have left will rush back from Yuzhou to attack Shouchun, so it is still necessary to make arrangements in advance.

What's more, it is also necessary to appease the people in the city and so on.

There are so many things to keep busy.

In order to prevent accidents.

Lu Meng issued an order not to allow the people to go out. After entering the city, he closed all the city gates, and sent many scouts to patrol the surrounding area of ​​the city.

Regardless of whether it was Han Guo's mistake, or Han Guo really had a plan.

At least for now, you can't relax.

He didn't want to make any mistakes.

After all, the current state of Wu can't stand too much trouble. If there are any problems again, then...

not to mention.

It is also his character to be cautious.

Being able to sit where he is now, and to be able to challenge Zhou Yu and compete for the No.1 position in the army, is not only supported by him, but also because of his own ability.

If you don't have some solid skills and want to sit where you are now, it's just wishful thinking.

Today is not a time of peace. Without certain strength, it is simply impossible to get reused.

What's more, it took a lot of hard work to get to the current position.

have to say.

After taking over Shouchun City again, Lu Meng also made many arrangements to ensure that there would be no mistakes.

He didn't want Shouchun City, which he had just recaptured, to be recaptured by the Han army before it was hot.

At the same time, they also sent people to rush back to Jianye City to report the situation here to Sun Quan. After all, the recapture of Shouchun City still needs to be reported, and a series of information must be reported back, so that arrangements can be made.

If Han Guo knew that they took the opportunity to recapture Shouchun City, they would definitely take action.

It is very likely that soldiers will come forward.

Then corresponding arrangements must be made, and those who are on guard will keep the Han army out.

Although he was a little happy to regain Shouchun City so easily, he was also worried.

Worried about the purpose of the Han army, it is obvious that it is not the actions of the Han army to give up Shouchun City so easily, so I have to have doubts.

But I also know that there is no use in thinking too much.

What should come will come.

What needs to be considered now is how to defend Shouchun City, guard against the Han army, and at the same time find out what purpose the Han army has.

After arranging all kinds of things, Lu Meng rushed to the City Lord's Mansion in Shouchun City, and asked people to find out all the documents of the Han army working here.

I started to look through these documents, trying to find some clues from them, to see if there were any major discoveries, or if I could find some important documents from them.

To be able to know what kind of plans Han has, or what the purpose is.

The most important thing is that there is no need to worry about what the Han army will do within a few days. When the news reaches Chengdu and Liu Qi makes a decision, they will have already made corresponding preparations.

Even if the more than [-] Han troops who had already entered Yuzhou were turned back, it would be difficult to obtain any benefits.


It is an unchangeable fact that Wu Jun recaptured Shouchun City, and after recapturing Shouchun City, the city gates were closed tightly to prevent the people from entering and leaving the city, in case of any accidents.

And the [-] Han troops evacuated from the city in embarrassment, also spread from Wu Guozhong, thus increasing their morale.

After all, the actions of the Han army made them feel that the Han army was nothing more than that.

The power of the previous Han army was only a small number of Han army troops, not all of them.

The news of Wu Jun's recapture of Shouchun City was also sent by the [-] Han soldiers who had evacuated from Shouchun City to Yuzhou to report to Chen Dao and others who were heading towards Jizhou.

At the same time, it also makes people go to the land of Chengdu.

After all, Wu Jun has already acted, so their intentions of the Han Kingdom have also been obtained!

(End of this chapter)

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