Liu Qi, the hegemon of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 755 Zhao Yun Has Arrived

Chapter 755 Zhao Yun Has Arrived
Lu Bu and others were about to lead the soldiers and horses to leave.

It was also noticed by the coalition army, and there were soldiers of the coalition army who reported Lu Jun's movements to more than a dozen principals of the coalition army.

Hear the report of the coalition generals.

More than a dozen principals of the coalition army looked at each other, and then at the city wall of the Western Region Mansion.

Although the city wall has been attacked now, the remaining Wei army soldiers are still resisting tenaciously. It will take a certain amount of time to take down the city wall.

They also want to keep Lu Jun, but now it is not appropriate to make extra troubles.

What's more, Lu Jun is some distance away from them, and they are all cavalry, so they can be prepared. If soldiers and horses are sent to encircle and suppress Lu Jun, Lu Jun will definitely not sit still.

In this open area, it is not an easy task to encircle and suppress Lu Jun, who are all cavalry.

After weighing the pros and cons.

The head of the coalition army gave up the idea of ​​keeping Lu Jun with him.

After all, when they lead the army to enter the Central Plains, they will still encounter them, so they are not in a hurry, but they are still prepared.

To prevent Lu Jun from just playing hard to get, he suddenly turned around and came back, once again disrupting their attack on the Western Regions Mansion.


Lu Bu glanced back, and the Western Region Mansion, which could not hold on for long, turned his head, his eyes became firm, and he was about to lead everyone to leave.

Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. ,

This situation cannot be changed.

Then, it's best to leave here and stop paying attention.


Just when Lu Bu and the others were about to lead the soldiers and horses to leave, the order had not yet been issued.

However, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes, and even the ground trembled a little.

Listening to the sound, there is still movement, not a small cavalry unit, this kind of movement, not a thousand or two thousand horses, can form such a movement.

This movement.

It also made Lu Bu and others who were about to leave stunned. ,

There was also some confusion in the coalition forces.

They all looked in the direction of the sound, wanting to know what happened.

The sound is from far to near.

From time to time, a black line appeared in the east, and it quickly struck towards the Western Region Mansion, becoming clearer and clearer.

I see.

Countless war horses, with a black-clad and black-armored soldier on their hunchbacks, and black flags, fluttered in the wind as they ran wildly, making a 'woo-woo' sound, which converged with the sound of the horses running wildly.

The galloping cavalry, like a surging torrent, rushed towards the Western Region Mansion.

Judging by the number of people, it was no less than [-].

More than [-] war horses galloped together, no wonder the ground here trembled a little before they were seen.

And saw this large number of black cavalry.

Lu Bu and the others, as well as Wei Jun who was stubbornly standing on the city wall, all showed surprise expressions.

But the coalition forces were stunned.

The smiles of the more than ten principals of the coalition army slowly disappeared, and then turned into expressions of anger. After all, they all knew that they did not have reinforcements here.

"Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong, Duke of the Han Kingdom, led the army to help!"

A loud shout came from the black torrent.

It was Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong who came here, and with [-] cavalry, they rushed to the Western Region Mansion at this critical moment.

I heard Zhao Yun shouting.

"Marquis Wen!" Liu Cong looked at Lu Bu with his eyes shining.

The same is true for Chen Gong, Gao Shun, and Zhang Liao.

Before, they had less than 3 people, and it was difficult to rescue the Western Regions Mansion, but now it is different.

Looking at the expressions of Liu Cong and others.

Lu Bu also had infinite fighting intent in his eyes, and said: "Follow me and rush to kill him!"

Without any hesitation.

Although the cavalry brought by Zhao Yun was like a drop in the ocean facing the large forces of the coalition forces, but Zhao Yun led the troops and horses to arrive, which was a good sign.


Liu Cong and others did not have any objections.


Lv Bu and others led more than [-] cavalry, turned their horses around, and no longer prepared to leave, but thought of the coalition forces rushing over.

above the city wall.

"The reinforcements from the Central Plains have arrived, follow me to kill, and defend the Western Region Mansion to the death!" Cao Cao shouted.

He was going to burn the entire Western Region Mansion.

But that was before the soldiers and horses from the Central Plains arrived, it was impossible for him to cede the complete Western Region Mansion to the coalition forces, but now Zhao Yun led the army to arrive.

Then, the plan will have to be changed, and the Western Regions Mansion can still be preserved.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The remaining less than [-] soldiers of the Wei army all drank loudly, their eyes were red, and they waved their sharp knives, counterattacking at the soldiers of the coalition army who had climbed the city wall.

However, the soldiers of the coalition army were also flustered because of the sudden appearance of the black cavalry.

a time.

He was also forced to retreat by the generals of the Wei army.

Not far below the city wall. ,

"Bastard~!" The chief of the coalition army became furious.

Seeing that the Western Region Mansion could be taken down, even Lu Jun was about to evacuate here. They were about to win, but at this critical moment, reinforcements arrived.

This kind of change also made their soldiers and horses a little unstable.

Faced with such a situation.

How could he not be angry.

But anger is anger. Facing the status quo, they still have to deal with it.

"Kill, destroy them for me!"

The leaders of the coalition forces also reached a consensus to let the army go to the battle.

They also noticed that although the black cavalry was imposing and menacing, there were not many of them.

And they have an army of more than one million.

Time and time again, they disturbed them to attack the Western Region Mansion. If they couldn't take the Western Region Mansion safely, they should eradicate these disturbances first, and then seize the Western Region Mansion.

Although Zhao Yun led the cavalry unit to appear, which caused some problems in the morale of the coalition army, it did not cause much impact.


The coalition forces that had been guarding Lu Jun on the outskirts greeted the oncoming black torrent.

Moreover, many phalanxes broke away, and greeted the cavalry troops led by Zhao Yun and the troops led by Lu Bu.

There was a fight on the city wall.

And outside the city.

But it has also become another battlefield.

When the enemy and us meet, there is no saying.

Just meet and do it.

The combat power of the galloping cavalry is not as simple as one plus one equals two. What's more, neither the cavalry led by Zhao Yun nor the cavalry led by Lu Bu are mere miscellaneous soldiers.

Moreover, the coalition forces did not set up any barricades and other things.

On this plain, the advantages of cavalry can be fully utilized.

Under the leadership of Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, the two cavalry rushed directly into the oncoming coalition forces and broke up the formation of the coalition forces.

(End of this chapter)

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