Chapter 76
"Bold, Sun Jian, do you still think I am the leader of the alliance?" Seeing Sun Jian draw his sword in the main tent, Yuan Shao angrily stood up from behind the table and shouted.

Following Yuan Shao's yelling, the rest of the people in the main account also reacted. Except for some people, many people didn't know what happened, and they all looked at Yuan Shu to make Sun Jian so angry.

However, when Sun Jian and Cheng Pu pulled out their weapons, Yuan Shu had long been scared and hid behind a general. Seeing Sun Jian so angry, he didn't understand why he had listened to Bao Xin's words. In case of a catastrophe, if it was an ordinary matter, Sun Jian would definitely not behead him as soon as he opened his mouth, and he would still be in front of the princes.

With Yuan Shao shouting and Liu Qi standing in front of him, Sun Jian also calmed down a bit, he stopped shouting and killing, but his red tiger eyes still stared at Yuan Shu.

"What happened?" Yuan Shao shouted.

He looked at Sun Jian, and saw Yuan Shu's guilty look. He didn't know that there was something he didn't know about, and Sun Jian and the others were still covered with blood, if nothing else.

"Leader, I led my troops to fight bloody battles in the front. I won the first battle at Sishui Pass, so I sent people back to urge food. However, because of jealousy, Yuan Shu refused to send food to our army. Last night, Dong Jun came out of the pass to attack at night. How could the soldiers who could not eat enough resist? If Mr. Liu had not led his troops to arrive in time, I would not be able to stand here properly. Even so, my general Zu Mao also died in battle last night. For this crime, should Yuan Shu be killed!" Sun Jian shouted.

This statement came out.

The princes in the main account were also in an uproar, not giving enough food and grass, this is a big taboo, although it is Sun Jian this time, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be them next time, you must know that the food and grass in the coalition army are dispatched by Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shao also glared at Yuan Shu. You must know that after receiving the great victory from Sun Jian, he also specially reminded Yuan Shu that he wanted to send food and grass to Sun Jian at the first time, but he did not expect Yuan Shu to be obedient.

"Leader, General Sun, it's not my fault, it's General Bao who came to my camp and said there was no food and grass, and took away that batch of food and grass, so it was necessary to redeploy the food and grass, delaying the delivery of food and grass! "

Yuan Shu also stood up to defend himself. When he asked Bao Xin to take away the grain and grass, he just thought that if something went wrong, he would shirk his responsibility.

"Leader, I am wronged. At that time, our army was indeed short of food, and General Yuan also calculated that General Sun's food and grass could last for a day, which was enough to wait for another batch of food and grass to arrive before I took the food and grass away. " Bao Xin said.

He wasn't stupid either, he knew what Yuan Shu was paying attention to at that time, and he had already figured out a countermeasure. It was better to fight with two people than with one.

Hearing this, Yuan Shu was also stunned, never expecting to be bitten back by Bao Xin.

The rest of the princes also understood at this time that Yuan Shu and Bao Xin had discussed the matter of not sending food to Sun Jian. Yuan Shu was out of jealousy, while Bao Xin was out of resentment.

Don't forget that Yuan Shao mentioned a sentence in Sun Jianxin's heart in front of everyone, which was an insult to the two brothers Bao Xin.

Sun Jian also reacted, glaring at the two, then turned to look at Yuan Shao, cupped his hands and said, "I just want to know how the leader wants to deal with this matter!"

Yuan Shao also hesitated, if it was only Bao Xin's problem, it would be easy to deal with, but if Yuan Shu was involved, it would be a bit troublesome, not to mention that Yuan Shu was still a member of the Yuan family, and he was also his younger brother.

Moreover, it is not an easy task to deal with a prince, beheading Bao Xin?That would only cause confusion. After all, Bao Xin is also a party of princes, and now he is only temporarily joining forces to attack Dong Zhuo, and he can't kill Dong Zhuo if he wants to.

After pondering for a while, he came up with a compromise, and said, "Wentai, it's a critical juncture. Luoyang is after Sishui Pass and Hulao Pass. Now let Gonglu and General Bao apologize to you first, and wait until the time comes. How about capturing Luoyang, removing Dong Zhuo, and discussing his merits and demerits in front of His Majesty?"

"Haha...!" Sun Jian laughed angrily, and then with a ferocious face, he shouted: "Then my general Zu Mao died tragically, and many soldiers under his command died tragically, can it be saved by making an apology? When we were in the alliance, I thought you were four After the third prince of the world, he elected you to be the leader of the alliance. When he swore the alliance, he also said: meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and deeds must be punished. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"Leader, please deal with it properly!" Cao Cao also stood up, and he also favored Sun Jian, otherwise the princes would all make some small moves, and the alliance would fall apart.

What's more, what Yuan Shu and Bao Xin did this time was really too much.

The rest of the princes also felt that Yuan Shu and Bao Xin had gone too far. If they didn't deal with it this time, it would be impossible to guarantee that it would happen to them next time. Not everyone has such good luck to escape, so they wanted to stand up for Sun Jian. Speak up, at least punish severely.

At this time.

Yuan Shao looked angry, and said: "There is no need to discuss this matter any more. Now is the critical moment. The coalition forces cannot be in chaos. I hope General Sun can take care of the overall situation. Wait until Dong Zhuo is eliminated, and then invite His Majesty to order!"

After the words fell, the princes who wanted to stand up and persuade them also stopped. After all, they also understood the meaning of Yuan Shao's words. If Yuan Shu and Bao Xin were to be dealt with at this time, they would definitely not be able to kill them, otherwise their subordinates would definitely riot. They don't need Dong Jun to attack, they will mess up on their own.

If he didn't kill him and punish him severely, he would definitely feel jealous. If Yuan Shu didn't say anything, it would very likely cause Bao Xin to join Dong Zhuo's camp, a dilemma.

After thinking about it, and adding that they were not the ones who had the accident, this could be regarded as a personal grievance between Sun Jian, Yuan Shu, and Bao Xin, and there was no need to offend them because of this, it was just to gain credit anyway.

"There are different people, what kind of big things do you want to achieve!" Sun Jian said angrily, "Yuan Shao, you are nothing more than that, whoever wants to do the pioneering thing, he can do it, please forgive me for not accompanying me!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Jian inserted the ancient ingot knife back into the scabbard, glared at Yuan Shu and Bao Xin, knowing that it was impossible to kill Yuan Shu and Bao Xin here, he flicked his sleeves and went out .

Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Huang Zhong didn't hesitate, and followed Sun Jian out.

Liu Qi didn't speak either, he bowed his hands to the princes in the main tent, and walked out. After all, he went to rescue Sun Jian last night, fought all the way, and then rushed back, wearing a blood-stained clothes, he also felt uncomfortable. How comfortable, I need to go back and freshen up.

Liu Qi left, and Zhao Yun and others also left one after another.

Because of Sun Jian's disturbance in the main tent, the princes also fell silent, and only they knew what was going on in their hearts, but after this incident, there was also a distance between them.

 I wish you all a happy Christmas Eve! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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