Chapter 92 Study Talk

Liu Qi went to sit opposite Liu Biao. He remembered that this was the first time he sat with Liu Biao like this after he was reborn. With the changes he made, he would never have such an opportunity.

Liu Biao didn't know that this body had changed into a soul, so he thought it was the former Liu Qi.

"What does father want me to say?" Liu Qi seemed not to understand the meaning of Liu Biao's words, as he talked, he cleaned up the white pieces on the chessboard.

Liu Biao looked at Liu Qi's movement of packing up the chess pieces, his eyes flashed, and he also started to pack the black chess pieces, saying, "Your idea!"

Liu Qi put down a white chess piece on the empty chessboard, and said, "Where do we start?"

"Jingzhou!" Liu Biao also quickly put down a black chess piece and said.

"Didn't father always have plans?"

"When you left Jingzhou and arrived in Luoyang, I had such a guess, and I really knew it!"

"It's actually not difficult to guess. Although it's a bit hidden, if you're serious, you can still see it!"

"Then why do you still do that?"

"The time has not come, and my father is a little indecisive!"

"Where did you say that?"

The two of you talked to each other, talking quickly, and the hands were not slow, one by one black and white chess pieces fell on the board.

Liu Qi paused for a moment, put down a white pawn, looked at Liu Biao, and asked seriously, "What does father think of the current Han royal family?"

Hearing this, Liu Biao froze for a moment.

Even Kuai Liang, who was standing aside, was stunned. He didn't understand why Liu Qi would ask such a question. You must know that this is a taboo.

Liu Qi didn't want Liu Biao's answer either, and continued: "The royal family of the Han Dynasty is getting weaker and weaker, and now it is in the hands of Dong Zhuo. My father is a descendant of the clan of the Han family, so why is it only a clan member, not the royal family? The child also knows about his father. I want to support the idea of ​​the Han family, but is the royal family really worth doing this? My son doesn’t agree with his father’s idea, so the time has not come, and the current general trend is what my son wants.”

"Nonsense, you rebellious son!" Liu Biao slapped the desk with an angry face, even the chessboard on the desk trembled, and the pieces on the chessboard became a little messy.

Kuai Liang next to him was even more terrified. He didn't expect Liu Qi to say such words, especially "why it's only the clan, not the royal family". It's clear that he wants to replace him, and he regrets it now Staying, this is not something he can get involved in at all. I knew that when Liu Qi doubted him before, he would resign and leave. Now it is a bit difficult to leave.

Liu Qi didn't seem to see Liu Biao's anger, holding a chess piece in his right hand, and said calmly, "Just say how decisive my father was when he first came to Jingzhou to take office. Not subject to the scourge of banditry, but later became indecisive."

"Talking about the affairs of the Jingzhou gentry, Emperor Ling is still in power. In order to ensure stability, my father promised the Cai family, married Mrs. Cai, let Mrs. Cai seek benefits for the Cai family, and let the people of the Cai family take power. However, my father After all, he is not from Jingzhou, but was sent by the imperial court to take up the post. He was already a powerful gentry in Jingzhou, but his father let him take power, and he still had military power, and he did not restrain him. This is also the reason why he became bigger. , Father has a confidant general, General Wen guarding Jingbei, as long as he is recalled, the hidden danger can be eliminated immediately, but father has not thought about it, he wants to do everything step by step! It is so easy to make things so complicated!"

After a few words.

Whether it was Liu Biao or Kuai Liang, they were shocked. They really hadn't thought about the problem, but from what Liu Qi said, they also felt that the previous plan was superfluous.

If Liu Qi followed what Liu Qi said, even if Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were in control of the Jingzhou Navy, it would not be a problem at all, it was they who made the problem complicated.

"Then why didn't you say it at the time, and it has nothing to do with the royal family!" Liu Biao said.

Liu Qi shook his head and said, "The matter of the gentry is easy to solve, but you have to know that when the imperial court comes down with an imperial edict, father will be transferred to other places, or dismissed from his official position, and everything he has done will be in vain!"

Liu Biao also became silent. He also knew how corrupt the current imperial court is. These things are not impossible. Moreover, when Emperor Ling was in power, he could even sell the position of Sangong, let alone a The position of governor of Jingzhou.

He is not a pedantic person either, so he said: "How to solve this matter now?"

"Leave the city guards in charge, even if Cai Fu knew it, he wouldn't dare to fight to the death. It won't take long, and the nobles will be suppressed without bloodshed!" Liu Qi said.

This is what he wants, as long as he takes over the city guards and spends some time making the city guards his own, then it will be of great help to take over Jingzhou in the future, and he will not mention Wenpin at this time. What happened when I came back from Jingbei.

On the way back from Jiangling, he had discussed with Guo Jia, and he got many ideas from Guo Jia, otherwise he would have thought so much, and this is the best way to negotiate.

"Your goal is not on the Jingzhou gentry!" Liu Biao sighed.

Various emotions also flashed in his eyes. In Liu Qi's words about wanting to take over the city guard, he knew that Liu Qi's idea was not so simple. He said so much, he just wanted the position of commander of the city guard.

Liu Qi didn't mean to hide it, and said directly: "Indeed, the gentry is just incidental, and the main purpose of the boy is to lead the city guard!"

Then, looking at Liu Biao, he said word by word: "Of course, what I want is the whole of Jingzhou. This is what I really want!"

"Are you trying to force the palace?" Liu Biao looked at Liu Qi and said.

Kuai Liang next to him was sweating on his forehead, things were getting worse and worse, how could he fix it?Can't we discuss how to deal with the Jingzhou gentry? Why do we have to go so far away and put a lot of pressure on it, okay?

"How could it be? It's just a discussion. If father refuses, he can recall General Wen and settle the matter. However, in today's world situation, father's way is no longer suitable!" Liu Qi said seriously.

He doesn't necessarily have to get Jingzhou, it's just that getting Jingzhou will save a lot of things. As for the matter of killing his father, he really can't do it, so let Liu Biao make his own decision.

Liu Biao felt that since he came to Jingzhou, he couldn't see his eldest son clearly, and his eyes kept flickering.

 I wish you all a very happy new year! ! !
  In the new year, you will be happy, auspicious, wishful thinking, healthy, and everyone will make a fortune! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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