Empire's Summoning Generals System

Chapter 195 Cao Zhuo's Reaction

Chapter 195 Cao Zhuo's Reaction

As soon as Li Lan ran to the gate of the mansion, she was stopped by several servants, and one of the servants said cautiously: "Miss, the old madam forbids you to go out!"

"Grandmother really said that? Why?" Li Lan's beautiful eyes widened, her face full of confusion.

"How does this villain know?" The servant said flatteringly, he didn't want to offend the unique jewel of the Li family, but how dare he disobey the old lady's order!

"I'm going to find my grandmother!" Li Lan said, and then hurried to the old lady's residence.

Of course, it was impossible for Li Lan to force her way out. Since her grandmother gave the order, there must be reasons for her grandmother. She must be afraid that she would be in danger if she ran out!Li Lan thought so.

"Grandma, I want to leave the house!"

Li Lan got into the old lady's arms all of a sudden, and said coquettishly.

"Oh, my Lan'er!" The old lady stroked Li Lan's hair lovingly, but when she heard that Li Lan wanted to leave the house, her palms suddenly paused, and then she smiled and said: "Outside now There are heavy soldiers besieging the city, and grandma is really worried about you going out, so let's stay at the house, okay?"

"Lan'er's martial arts skills are very high, so I'm not afraid of those rebellious officials and thieves! I'm going to help fourth brother kill the enemy!" Li Lanjiao snorted.

"Girls shouldn't be wielding knives and guns. It's because the old man always spoiled you. You didn't look like a girl at all. You just stayed at the house and were not allowed to go out. Do you hear me?" The old lady's tone showed a trace of dissatisfaction.


Although Li Lan was unwilling, but after running away from home last time, she was really afraid that something might happen to her grandmother, so she nodded and agreed, twisted her clothes with her hands, and left the room with her head down.

Seeing this, Li Lei's wife, Mrs. Han, asked inexplicably: "Grandma, why don't you let Lan'er go to see Liu De? Liu De was not a weak crown year, and he was General Anbei, who was deeply trusted by His Majesty. One side of the princes, even my father had to secretly win over, and given time, they might not be ranked in the position of Jiuqing."

The old lady walked a few steps in the room on crutches, Han quickly stepped forward to support the old lady, the old lady snorted coldly and said: "This kid is just the son of a veteran, he has no prominent clan and has made many enemies. How long can you serve as this fourth-rank general? How long can the so-called His Majesty's favor last? How can you be worthy of our Li family."

"Looking at him as an old man, although he is respectful and virtuous, and has the name of benevolence and righteousness, he is actually arrogant and arrogant, and he will be killed by thieves sooner or later! Besides, the bitter cold place in Yanzhou is full of chaos. According to Chen, it is thousands of miles away. How can I let Lan'er go there to suffer? It's better to stop thinking about her early, and after a while, the old man will personally choose a marriage for her, and it will be fine when she gets married!"

After the old lady finished speaking, she patted Han's hand: "Han, go and talk to Lan'er."

"Yes! Please don't worry, grandma." Han said with a low eyebrow. Han knew what the old lady meant. Although she was chatting with Li Lan on the surface, she was actually monitoring Li Lan.

Xizhou, Wuwei.State Yamen.

"Father, second brother! Little sister!"

[Cao Zhuo] Sitting on the couch, weeping in grief, when Lin Kui learned that Cao Mao had been killed on the road and that all the Cao clan in the capital had been slaughtered, he felt a heart-piercing pain , the one who was slaughtered was his wife, who was Cao Zhuo's younger sister.

Now when he saw Cao Zhuo, the tears in his eyes had already dried up.

"Brother, please mourn!" Lin Ku still maintained some rationality, comforting Cao Zhuo who was in pain.

"My condolences? How can I express my condolences! I want to avenge them! Emperor Dog, I want to tear you to pieces!" Cao Zhuo gritted his teeth.


A general broke into the hall and shouted to Cao Zhuo who had fallen on the couch, "Brother! Father, second brother and sister are real."

Cao Zhuo's eyes were dull, staring blankly at the decorations on the case table.

The general couldn't help looking at Lin Ku who was kneeling beside him, but Lin Ku didn't dare to look directly at [Cao Meng].


Cao Meng understood in an instant, stumbled back a few steps, roared, and was about to run out of the hall.


Cao Zhuo yelled, and Cao Meng froze at the door, weeping bitterly: "Brother... woo woo"

"Why are you crying? Isn't there me?"

Cao Zhuo finally calmed down. With red eyes, he stood up and said to Cao Meng, "Where is that angel now?"

"Put it in the post house." Cao Meng said.

"Kill it!" Cao Zhuo's voice was abnormally cold, and then he continued to order: "Send someone to summon the generals to discuss matters!"

"Yes! Brother!" Cao Meng nodded viciously, already understanding Cao Zhuo's thoughts.

"Brother." Lin Ku hesitated to speak.

"Brother-in-law, I don't blame you!"

Cao Zhuo raised his hand to stop Lin Ku's words, turned his head, and said, "Maybe it's God's will. Father's status has already threatened the emperor's rule over the Great Zhou. I also know that father has always coveted that high position. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. No one can blame him for the defeat. But! He is my father after all, and it is only natural for the son to avenge his father, so let me cut off his Ji family's bloodline! Hahahaha! "

Cao Zhuo's piercing sneer made Lin Ku feel cold, but then he clenched his fists and said to himself: Father-in-law, Nuo Er (Lin Ku's wife), don't worry, I will never let that dog emperor go , will cut off his head to pay homage to your spirit in heaven.

Dozens of generals and schools gathered in the government office, Cao Zhuo had been waiting for a long time, with his back turned to everyone, looking at the huge map of the Great Zhou territory in front of him.

The generals were a little joking at first, but when they saw Cao Zhuo's state, everyone fell silent for an instant. They all knew that as long as Cao Zhuo turned his back to everyone before the meeting, something very urgent would definitely happen.

A quarter of an hour (30 minutes) passed, and Cao Zhuo still turned his back to the crowd and remained silent.

All the generals looked at each other, not understanding what happened at all. One general was pushed out by the people behind, and that person asked tremblingly, "My lord, I don't know what happened?"

Cao Zhuo finally moved, turned around, and looked around the crowd. All the soldiers looked at Cao Zhuo with red eye circles, they were all startled, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at Cao Zhuo.

"Cao Meng, take a look at the expensive things!" Cao Zhuo's voice was devoid of emotion, and some generals felt their scalps go numb when they heard Cao Zhuo's voice.


Cao Meng led the order, holding a wooden box in his hand. After opening it, he showed it to everyone. All the soldiers were shocked when they saw it. The generals in this hall are veteran generals who have followed Cao Zhuo for many years on the battlefield. I have seen countless heads, but in this kind of scene, the generals were quite surprised to see a single head.

"This is. Angel?"

A general who had greeted the angel looked familiar at the head, and then stepped forward to take a closer look. Upon seeing it, he was instantly shocked!


All the soldiers also exclaimed, they couldn't believe it, the lord actually chopped off the angel's head!

(End of this chapter)

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