Empire's Summoning Generals System

Chapter 428 Sneak Attack

Chapter 428 Sneak Attack ([-] in [-])

Uncle Yang's army, horse title ring and human Hanmei, came out of the north gate quietly through the fog. The army stationed outside the north gate was Liu Dezhong's army. Uncle Yang's idea was to capture the thief first and capture the king.

But Uncle Yang's reliance was Hou Mingwan's undue bravery, and he killed him suddenly with a single ride.

After lurking outside the camp of the Chinese army, Uncle Yang said to Hou Ming: "According to what I have learned about Liu De in the past few days, his tent must be surrounded by the army, and it is in the center of the camp. When you rush into the camp, you don't have to Don't care about other things, just lead the cavalry to rush over and try to take Liu De's life! Once Liu De dies, our army's major event will be completed!

If Liu De is lucky enough to survive, you don't have to stay, just break out, and we will withdraw from Pinggu and return to Luanzhou!Pinggu will definitely not be able to defend anymore, but even if Liu De survives this sneak attack, it will still reduce his strength, and we will have a certain amount of time to cultivate our health..."

After listening to it for a long time, Hou Ming seemed to understand but half understood. Anyway, he remembered what Uncle Yang told him to rush into Liu De's army and take his head.

"General, I understand!" Hou Ming nodded solemnly.

Uncle Yang then gave an order: "Go in!"


The fragile wooden fence was smashed through by the torrent of cavalry at once, and the guard's sentinel was quickly killed by the shooter without any warning.

Cans of kerosene fell on the camp tent. Although there was mist, the fire was still ignited by the kerosene. Liu De's officers and men were all elite fighters, not to mention that Liu De's central army had a special title [ Euphorbia warrior].

The soldiers who reacted were not panicked, they each looked for their own officers, and if they couldn't find them, they formed small teams in twos and threes to fight the rushing enemy troops.

More and more soldiers came to their senses, and Yan Nan, Xu Huang, Zhao Yun and other generals quickly put on their armor and mounted their horses, commanding their soldiers to line up to meet the enemy.

This caused a flash of consternation on the face of Uncle Yang who came to make a surprise attack. He calculated everything perfectly, but the only and most important thing he didn't expect was the coping ability of Liu Dezhong's soldiers.

If the army in the camp lacked a little bit of training, it would have collapsed in the first wave of shock, but the current situation is that the upper hand that Yang Shuzi's army just had just now no longer exists. The Germans stalemate.

Uncle Yang continued to command the army to attack, but more hope lay with Hou Ming.

Uncle Yang has changed his original intention, from eradicating Liu De's generals and taking Liu De's head to only taking Liu De's head, and now he is to attract Liu De's army's attention, tear Liu De's camp defense, and give Hou Ming Create opportunities.

Liu De sat up in shock, his face twitched slightly when he heard the roar outside, but then he regained his composure.

Dian Wei lifted the tent with a halberd in his hand, and knelt down on one knee to report to Liu De: "My lord, the enemy army is using the fog to attack our barracks! The situation is unclear, and General Yan hopes that my lord will leave the central army first!"

Liu De put the bedside coat on his body, and said with unchanged expression: "I'm not timid enough to run away without seeing an enemy! Dian Wei, put on the armor for me, I want to see if the thieves can break through our camp !"


Dian Wei responded quickly.

Xu Chu poked his head to look around, then retracted his head again, looking forward, there was no abnormality on his face, but the handle of the knife in his hand was constantly clenched.

"Go away!"

Hou Ming swept away the surrounding soldiers with a mace, and there was no one to join him. Hou Ming shouted: "All soldiers, follow me to kill!"

Seeing how mighty Hou Ming was, all the soldiers immediately became more imposing, and followed Hou Ming one after another, heading towards Liu De's large tent of the Chinese army.

"Xu Huang is here, the thief will rest insolent!"

Xu Huang slapped the horse with a big axe, shouted loudly, and swung the ax towards Hou Ming's head.


With a roar of gold and iron, Hou Ming forcibly blocked Xu Huang's hard blow. Under the light of the fire, Hou Ming's face became more and more ferocious, "You, Zhao Huang and Wang Huang, let me die!"

Hou Ming and Xu Huang fought hard in the flames. The mace was powerful and heavy. Every time Xu Huang tried his best to support it, beads of sweat came out from his forehead. He knew that he was not Hou Ming's opponent, but Xu Huang was more Knowing that Liu De's big tent is behind, it is even more impossible for him to pull his horse and leave.

"Die to me!"

But in the [-]th round, the mace hit Xu Huang's chest heavily. Although Xu Huang tried his best to avoid it, he missed the force, but he was still beaten, his internal organs rolled, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Unable to hold the rein in his hand, Xu Huang flipped back and fell off the horse!

Hou Ming stretched the reins heavily, and the horse's front hooves suddenly lifted, about to trample Xu Huang into a living flesh.

"Thief, don't be rampant!"

A silver gun stabbed Hou Ming from behind, and Hou Ming's hair burst. If he wanted to continue trampling Xu Huang to death, he would definitely be pierced by the silver gun. Although Hou Ming was not afraid of death, the general ordered him to kill Xu Huang. How can he die in vain before the matter is finished?

His primary goal now is to kill Liu De!
In just a split second, Hou Ming reacted, pulled the reins tightly, turned his whole body to the side, and avoided the silver gun like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

Hou Ming didn't look behind either, relying on his feeling that the mace was swung backwards. Zhao Yun wasn't a powerful general in the first place. Hou Ming was so forced to dodge left and right that he was in a hurry.

"Dian Wei, Xu Chu, kill him!"

When Hou Ming and Zhao Yun were fighting each other inextricably, Hou Ming heard a commanding voice coming from behind.

"call out!"

A short halberd was directly inserted into the neck of Hou Ming's war horse. The horse neighed and almost threw Hou Ming into the air. Fortunately, Hou Ming's horsemanship was superb and he controlled the horse. He flew into the air and fell to the ground. Before, jumped to the ground.

As soon as Hou Ming turned around, he saw Liu De riding a white horse and wearing armor surrounded by a group of soldiers.

"Liu De is to die!"

Hou Ming saw that Liu De was close in front of him, how unhappy he was, he completely forgot that he was in the middle of a siege, there were only a few soldiers under his command, and now they were just dying.

Liu De was worried about the battle situation in the front battalion, and he didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with this person, so he waved his hands, and three generals, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Zhao Yun, were about to kill Hou Ming here.

Liu De used special skills to check Hou Ming's attributes:
Character: Hou Ming

Sex: Male
Age: 28/88
Injuries: Health

Power: Yang Tianlong (Zhao Guo)
Status: Soldier

Official position: General Pian (Zhao Guo)
Title: none
Reputation: 746
Loyalty: 63
Command: 87
Force: 98 (+1)

Intelligence: 43
Politics: 12
Charisma: 51
Suitability: Infantry A Cavalry S Archers C Weapons C Water Army C
Treasure: Mace (force +1)

Stunt: Vigorous Drive [When attacking an enemy unit with lower force than yourself, the attack power of our cavalry unit will increase, increasing the mobility of the cavalry unit] (level [-] combat skill)——
After watching this, Liu De nodded secretly. He didn't expect this person's force to be so powerful. It's no wonder that Xu Huang is not his opponent, but that's it. Killing this person is out of the question.

But Liu De frowned afterwards, this person's loyalty to Yang Tianlong was only 63 points, so low?
Maybe there is a chance to surrender this general!

Liu De changed his tune and said: "Capture him alive, don't hurt his life!"

At this time, in only three or five rounds, Hou Ming could no longer resist the power of the three tiger generals. He was stabbed in the shoulder by Zhao Yun, and his back was badly chopped by Dian Wei.

As soon as the three of them listened to Liu De's order, they slowed down their attack and wanted to capture Hou Ming alive.

Hou Ming's eyes were red, and he roared angrily: "Liu De, kill me if you want, even if you capture me, I will not vote for you!"

Liu De was taken aback, what does this mean?

This person obviously doesn't have much loyalty to Yang Tianlong at all, why did he react so violently?
Forget about it, take it down and talk about it, there is so much nonsense!

The three generals stepped up their offensive again!

"call out!"

An arrow suddenly flew towards the heavily guarded Liu De, but towards the third general Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun knocked the arrow away with a flick of his gun, but then looked vigilantly at the darkness not far away.

Uncle Yang led hundreds of people to appear in front of Liu De, and Hou Ming also took this opportunity to break through the siege of the three generals.

Uncle Yang and Liu De looked at each other deeply, and Uncle Yang ordered Hou Ming to be taken back, while Liu De also waved his hand, wanting to keep Uncle Yang behind.

This was the first meeting between Liu De and Uncle Yang.

Uncle Yang's soldiers resisted desperately, and finally protected Uncle Yang and left Liu De's camp. The manpower Liu De brought out was not too many, and more soldiers and horses from the two armies were fighting in other places.

With Uncle Yang's departure, Uncle Yang's soldiers and horses also withdrew from the camp. On the way, they met Qin Qiong who led the troops to support him. However, because of the fog and night, the two armies came into contact, and Qin Qiong noticed that Although the enemy army is retreating, but the lineup is not scattered, I am afraid that it will not be able to cause major damage to the enemy for a while.

The two armies separated quite tacitly.

When Uncle Yang returned to the ancient city of Ping, he learned from Yao Ang that the enemy troops (Peng Yue and Wei Yan) in the west city had attacked the city at night. If Yao Ang hadn't reacted in time, the ancient city of Ping would have been captured.

Hearing this, Uncle Yang couldn't help laughing, he was still a little careless, the enemy army was so bold!
"I don't know how the battle is going?" Yao Ang looked at Hou Ming, who was covered in blood, and asked cautiously.

Uncle Yang ordered the doctor to heal Hou Ming, and then he said to Yao Ang: "Our army's loss is not serious, and the enemy's loss is not small, but what I didn't expect was that they reacted so quickly, and Liu De failed to capture and kill him." , Hou Ming was seriously injured, but in fact, we don't have much advantage."

Uncle Yang patted Yao Ang on the shoulder, "Clean up and return to Luanzhou tomorrow!"


Yao Ang immediately surrendered his promise.

Xu Huang was also carried to a tent and became roommates with Chen Qi.

An Daoquan was sweating on his forehead as he was treating Xu Huang's wound. Thanks to Xu Huang's avoidance of the vital point, and the addition of the armor, he had a certain cushion. Although his internal organs were injured and two ribs were broken, his life was safe. .

Knowing that Xu Huang was fine, Liu De heaved a sigh of relief, don't let him lose one of his generals all of a sudden, that would be really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Liu De is still thinking about Uncle Yang's attributes, what Liu De never expected was that Uncle Yang is so powerful.

Character: Uncle Yang
Sex: Male
Age: 37/64
Injuries: Health

Power: Yang Tianlong (Zhao)

Identity: family

Official position: General (Zhao)

Title: Marquis of Luyi
Reputation: 843580
Loyalty: 91
Command: 110
Force: 84
Intelligence: 92
Politics: 47
Charisma: 89
Suitability: Infantry S Cavalry S Archers S Weapons S Water Army A
Treasure: none
Stunt: God of War [The success rate of the enemy's skills has decreased, and the success rate of the enemy's strategies has decreased] (Level [-] combat skills)——
The rate is 110!

Intelligence 92!

The force is also in the [-]s, and there are no shortcomings at all except that the politics is too low. Liu De thinks back, the politics that seems to be in vain is not as good as Uncle Yang!Although the command rate is a little higher than that of Uncle Yang
Stunt [Soldier God]!
Another magical skill!

No wonder that every time the city was attacked, the special skills of the generals of one's own side had almost no response, and it turned out that they were completely restrained.

When Liu De checked Yang Shuzi's attributes, Liu De knew that he was deceived again. Pinggu's guard was not Yao Ang, but Zhao Guo's pillar - Yang Shuzi.

He actually came from Luanzhou so quickly. I really didn't expect that if the soldiers hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid Uncle Yang would have succeeded in the sneak attack.

Uncle Yang has such a good grasp of people's hearts!

If you don't get rid of him, it will be even more difficult to eliminate Yang Tianlong!

And Liu De also wanted to understand that Hou Ming didn't have any loyalty to Yang Tianlong, but he was loyal to Yang Shuzi, but Yang Tianlong was the emperor after all, and the system displayed it was normal.

Qin Qiong hurried over and kowtowed to Liu De: "The last general came too late to save me, so please punish me, my lord!"

"Okay, what's your fault? Get up!"

Liu De patted Qin Qiong's solid arm and said.


Qin Qiong kowtowed again and answered.

When the camp was almost settled, Peng Yue and Wei Yan came together and kowtowed to Liu De to plead guilty. Only then did Liu De learn that they led troops to attack Pinggu City, but they did not take it down.

Liu De nodded, encouraged the two of them, and didn't say much, just kept the matter in his heart.

At noon the next day, the fog barely cleared away. At this time, the sentry cavalry realized that something was wrong in the city. After investigating far away, they found that there were traces of a large army marching in the southern city.

Only then hastily reported to Liu De.

Liu De said to Yan Nan: "Send troops to test and see if there are any enemy troops!"

"Yes, the general will send someone there!"

Yan Nan hurriedly responded and went down to organize troops, while Liu De was waiting in the big tent.

After a long time, Yan Nan came back in a hurry and told Liu De: "Master, there are no enemy troops in the city, the city has been captured by us!"

"What a great Uncle Yang, you've made a fool of us these days, you're worthy of being a famous general of Megatron Hebei!"

Liu De sighed in admiration.

Although the generals were dissatisfied, Liu De was telling the truth. They were indeed teased by Uncle Yang twice and three times in between applause, and their morale also dropped a lot.

Pei Shuye came out and said: "My lord, Uncle Yang must have just left not long ago, and the general will request to lead troops to pursue him!"

"The last general also invites to fight!"

"The end will fight!"

Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Peng Yue, Qi Jing, Huo Jun and other generals also came out together.

"it is good!"

Liu De nodded and said: "Then we will use Pei Shuye, Zhao Yun, and Huo Jun as generals to pursue Uncle Yang's army. Uncle Yang has a great command. There must be an ambush on the way, so be careful!"

"The last general takes orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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