Chapter 107

Xu Xu asked the company for a long vacation because her right hand was injured before and she needed enough time to prepare for the international PK competition.After going to work this time, I was busy in all kinds of ways. To put it bluntly, I didn't even have time to drink saliva.

At the same time, the netizen whose Weibo ID is "T" not only exposed a recording on her Weibo, but also became a big V on Weibo.Netizens didn't believe it at first, thinking that this "T" was hyping up again.This time, not only Xu Xu and Xu Muhan were pulled, but even the "Brain Power is King" program team was not spared.Many netizens said: I just watch and don't speak, just wait for someone to be slapped in the face.

Unexpectedly, after the Weibo big V reposted the recording, all the major Vs also reposted it.Things are like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.In just a few days, the click-through rate, comments and reprints of that recording all exceeded one million.Although many netizens still support Xu Xu and the "Brain Power is King" program group, there are also voices of criticism and doubt.

After all, no one is RMB, and it is impossible for everyone to like you.How much praise you have, may be accompanied by how much slander.Xu Xu and Qiao Nianzhi became popular on the Internet almost overnight. As a public figure, even a little bit of badness about you will be infinitely magnified.Even an unfounded rumor can leave you drool-worthy.

All of a sudden, various speculations came to "Brain Power is King", pointing at Xu Xu and Xu Muhan.Some people question the fairness of "Brain Power"; some people suspect that "Brain Power" has shady scenes and black-box operations; some people even suspect that the shocking challenges in "Brain Power" are actually fake, all It is to fool the audience, just for show, to stir up topics, and to win attention.

As for Xu Muhan, as a contestant of "Brain Power is King", it was revealed that he is an investor of "Brain Power is King".Then the Xu family's previous underworld background was also dug out, so some people suspected that he was using the program "Brain Power is King" to launder money.During the promotion round, the "Honeycomb Maze" challenged by Xu Muhan was actually quite shocking.The team of scientists even believes that there are more than 70 billion people in the world, and it is not necessarily possible that 10 people can complete this challenge.But Xu Muhan succeeded in the challenge. It is a pity that he couldn't find an opponent abroad because the project was too difficult, so he missed the international PK competition, so that there were not many opportunities to shine, which made his popularity far lower than Qiao Nianzhi and Xu Xu.Originally, this was the truth, but some netizens with big brains felt that this was definitely a bluff, and there must be a huge conspiracy hidden behind it.

And Xu Xu, a grassroots with no background, has become a new goddess in a flash.Generally speaking, there are always speculations and doubts on the road to fame for a person with no background.And precisely at this time, Xu Xu became the most critical behind-the-scenes driver in the exposed recording.So, some people began to speculate about the relationship between her and Xu Muhan? The funding for the program "Brain Power is King" is not a small amount, Xu Muhan actually took such a big risk to invest in this program just based on her words?The recording said that Xu Xu wanted Xu Muhan to invest in the program "Brain Power is King" because he wanted to get close to Qiao Nianzhi and hoped to create opportunities for himself and Qiao Nianzhi.Keyboard Man said, aren't you kidding me?In order to get close to Qiao Nianzhi, you have made such a big circle and started a variety show with a lot of money?Even if it was really because of Qiao Nianzhi, she and Xu Muhan didn't know each other, but they ran after Qiao Nianzhi.Such a woman is not only scheming, but also really shameless!No wonder some people said she was a scheming whore before. Such a woman is more than scheming, she is simply terrifying.Goddess, I bah!
Although the dirty water on Qiao Nianzhi's body was less than that of Xu Xu and Xu Muhan, it was also affected.As Qiao Nianzhi became more and more famous, the studio under his name also became famous.His studio focuses on intellectual development, which is closely related to his current abilities.As a result, some people questioned that he was actually trying to stir up the popularity, mainly because he wanted to increase the popularity of the studio.

So far, the characters of the male gods and goddesses have all collapsed.All kinds of comments on the Internet became more and more violent, and both Xu Xu and Qiao Nianzhi were pushed to the forefront.


There was a lot of quarrel on the Internet, but the three parties were completely unaware of it.Xu Xu was busy with work, while Qiao Nianzhi and Xu Muhan were on business trips abroad.

"Xu Xu, something big has happened, go online and check today's headlines."

When receiving Xu Xinyou's call, Xu Xu was catching up on an audit document.

"Yuyou, I'm so busy that I don't have time to pay attention to those gossips."

Xu Xu put the phone between his ears and shoulders, and said while typing.

"My aunt, you are the protagonist of that gossip. Hurry up and have a look, and you will know."

Xu Xinyou said angrily.

"No way? I haven't had a game recently, and I haven't updated Weibo. It's been a few days since I disappeared."

Xu Xu couldn't believe it, moved the mouse, opened a webpage, searched his name, and then came out a lot of news.She looked at the news and her face became more and more ugly.

No wonder she always felt that people in the company were pointing at her today, and when she looked up, they stopped discussing it.

"Xu Xu, I'm sorry! The voices of my brother and I were indeed in the recording, and the information was indeed leaked from us. I don't know why it was recorded and posted on the Internet."

Xu Xinyou was very guilty, she never thought that the conversation between herself and Xu Muhan would lead to such a big incident.

"It has nothing to do with you. Someone is deliberately targeting me." Xu Xu was very calm and asked, "Where is Brother Xu? Are you okay now?"

"He is abroad, it will be very late at night, and I haven't had time to inform him yet."

"Then you should inform him immediately. This matter can be big or small, so it's better not to affect the Xu Group."

"Xu family, you don't have to worry, this little wind and waves are nothing." Xu Xinyou paused slightly, and then said: "I'm mainly worried about you now."

Xu Xu smiled, pretending to be relaxed and said: "What do I have to worry about? Let them spray it, and I won't lose a piece of meat. Once the heat is over, everyone will forget it. Don't worry!"

"Xu Xu, I'm not stupid, and you don't need to comfort me. I just want to tell you that no matter what happens, I believe in you and I'm on your side. Don't be brave. If there is anything, we will Carry it together."



After finishing the call with Xu Xinyou, Xu Xu sat in a daze for a while.

Facing the sudden splash of dirty water, although she was a little sad, she was more indifferent.This is the way of speech on the Internet, just look at it, don't take it too seriously.What she is most worried about now is Qiao Nianzhi, wondering if he will believe her?After all, she did ask Xu Muhan for help because Qiao Nianzhi was going to participate in this show.She did come to this show with ulterior motives, she did come for Qiao Nianzhi, and even many of the things she did were purposeful, all because of Qiao Nianzhi.She did not deny that she did play tricks on Qiao Nianzhi's matter.

She had never said this to Qiao Nianzhi, wondering if he could accept her like this, and if he could forgive her for hiding it?

Thinking of this, she quickly took out her mobile phone and started calling Qiao Nianzhi, but Qiao Nianzhi's mobile phone was turned off.

Is it because the battery is dead, or do you not want to answer her calls?

At this moment, Xu Xu was uncertain.


However, this matter is still continuing to ferment.

In the afternoon of the same day, the netizen with the Weibo ID "T" broke the news about another video. In the video, Xu Xu, wearing heavy makeup and a somewhat revealing tight skirt, was drinking with a male customer.Although there is no extreme behavior, but in such an environment, under such circumstances, it is inevitable that people will not think of the bad.

As a result, the speech on the Internet has become more and more ugly.What kind of courtesan, bus... All kinds of ugly words were placed on Xu Xu's head like this.Neither the "Brain Power is King" program group nor Xu Xu, Xu Muhan, and Qiao Nianzhi, the three parties involved, did not respond.The trust across the computer screen was originally the weakest, and with the help of a large number of trolls, more and more people began to defect.

Almost overnight, Xu Xu became notorious on the Internet.

Sitting in front of the computer, Tang Shilin looked at all that was controlled by her, with a satisfied smile on her lips.

"Xu Furong, this is just the beginning."

 Tired, sleepy, and stuck, I really couldn't resist, and it was the last time for the review.

  More tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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