The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 114 Chapter 119 Hot Spring Play

Chapter 114 Chapter 119 Hot Spring Play
Qiao Nianzhi and Xu Xu left home around three o'clock in the afternoon, and the car they drove took about two hours. At five o'clock, they had already arrived at Qiao Nianzhi's friend's farm.

That farm is in the suburbs, not big.The number of customers accepted in one day is also limited, and most of them must be booked in advance.

Xu Xu exclaimed after getting off the car: "The air here is really good!"

Qiao Nianzhi reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile, "I guess you will like this place."

"Yes, I like it."

Slowly nodded.

"Go! Go in and talk."

Qiao Nianzhi pushed the suitcase with one hand, and took Xu Xu's hand with the other to walk in.

"it is good!"

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Qiao Nianzhi introduced as he walked, "The ingredients here are all natural and free of pesticides. The poultry is also raised in-house, which is different from those that eat hormones outside now, it is the original ecology Yes. The wild game here is also very authentic, all brought from the countryside.”

"Looks like I'm lucky today." Xu Xu smiled and said, "I want to eat rabbit meat, wild fire-fed fish, you have any of these?"

"There should be. If you are not tired, you can also do it yourself. There are very professional chefs here, but the serving time is a bit slow."

"Can I still do it myself?"

"Yes." Qiao Nianzhi nodded, and replied, "Yes, we live in a well-equipped kitchen."

Xu Xu rolled up his sleeves and said, "Then I'll do it myself, I'm not tired anyway. I have to show my skills with such good ingredients."

Qiao Nianzhi patted Xu Xu's head again, smiling dotingly on his face.

"I'll wash the dishes."

"How did you find such a good place?"

"This is opened by a friend, and it's my first time here."

While talking, they had arrived at their place of residence.After entering the house, Qiao Nianzhi called the staff to bring in the ingredients.About half an hour later, the ingredients were delivered.The service of the farm is very thoughtful, the washing is clean, and the internal organs are also cleaned.

Because Qiao Nianzhi and Xu Xu came here for the first time, the staff specifically told them that the ingredients were all fresh, and they were killed after receiving their call.

"Fortunately, they helped clean it up. It's okay to kill fish, but I don't dare to kill rabbits."

Xu Xu was very satisfied with this.

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

"I remember you can't even kill fish."

Xu Xu still remembered the first time she cooked at Qiao Nianzhi's house, not to mention killing fish, she couldn't even wash fish.

"No, you can learn. I can do whatever you don't want to do."

Anything you don't like or don't want to do, I can do it for you.


Xu Xu smiled sweetly, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Because the ingredients have been cleaned up, and even the rabbit meat has been smoked a little, so it can be fried directly as long as it is cut.Qiao Nianzhi volunteered to cut the vegetables, so Xu Xu stood aside and instructed Qiao Nianzhi to start cutting the vegetables.Although Qiao Nianzhi's knife skills are not very good, but the man is strong, and Xu Xu is there to guide him, so he can cut well.

"Cut slowly, be careful! Don't cut your hand."

Qiao Nianzhi's posture for holding the knife was not standard, so Xu Xu was really worried that he would cut his hand.

"rest assured!"


After cutting the vegetables, Xu Xu put on an apron and planned to cook.

"The smell of oily smoke is heavy here, go out and rest for a while!"

She said to Qiao Nianzhi.

"It's okay, I can chat with you here, it must be boring for you to cook by yourself."

"All right!"

Working alone can be a bit boring.

Slowly started cooking, Qiao Nianzhi followed behind her, helping her from time to time, handing her a bowl or something.Xu Xu, on the other hand, chatted with Qiao Nianzhi from time to time during the cooking breaks, and was occasionally amused by Qiao Nianzhi.The kitchen smells of vegetables, oily smoke, voices and laughter, full of human fireworks.

Qiao Nianzhi leaned slightly to the side, watching Xu Xu busy, actually a bit boring, but he found it beautiful.

Suddenly I thought of a poem, "I Want to Spend Time with You" by Li Yuansheng, a contemporary poet

I want to spend time with you, like looking down at fish,
Like leaving the teacup on the table, leaving,

Waste their nice shades.

I also want to waste the sunset together, such as taking a walk,

Spend together until the sky is full of stars.


Together we spend short silences, long meaningless ones,
Spend the delicate and old universe together.


As long as you are with Xu Xu, everything is beautiful.


In about 40 minutes, all the dishes were out of the pan.Very rich four dishes and one soup: Braised rabbit meat in brown sauce, loach tofu soup, green and spicy fire fish, a bowl of farmhouse fragrance, and green stir-fried cabbage heart.

"It smells so good!"

Qiao Nianzhi couldn't wait any longer.

"That's a must!" Xu Xu is still very confident in his cooking skills.While talking, Xu Xu took a piece of rabbit meat for Qiao Nianzhi. "Try it!"

Originally, Xu Xu put it directly into Qiao Nianzhi's bowl, but Qiao Nianzhi moved the bowl to the side, moved closer, and opened his mouth.

Xu Xu smiled slightly, and then fed the piece of meat into Qiao Nianzhi's mouth.

Qiao Nianzhi ate with a smile on his face, he seemed to be enjoying and satisfied.

"How about it?"

asked slowly.

"You feed very delicious."

Qiao Nianzhi specially emphasized the words "you fed me".

Xu Xu looked at Qiao Nianzhi with his chin in his hands, and said with a smile on his face, "Then feed me a piece!"

"it is good!"

Then Qiao Nianzhi also took a piece and fed it to Xu Xu. Xu Xu nodded and said while eating, "It's really delicious."

"Then another piece?"

"it is good!"

After going back and forth like this, the two of them no longer pick up vegetables for themselves, they both wait for each other to feed them, and only pick up vegetables for each other.

After eating a meal, it is really special and interesting.It took a long time to eat and I was very full.So the two held hands and went out for a walk.After walking back, the farm brought fresh fruits.

Slowly I ate some strawberries and cherries, they tasted very good, and the most important thing was that they were very fresh.

"Read it, I really like it here."

"Then when we are all old, we will find a place like this to retire to."

Qiao Nianzhi said with a smile.

"Okay!" Xu Xu's eyes were full of longing, and he said: "There are flowers and grass, we can open a garden to grow some vegetables and fruits, plant in spring and harvest in autumn. We can also raise a dog, and we can go for a walk with the dog every day, and go for a walk. Walking, soaking in hot springs. Breathing fresh air, eating pure natural green things, reading books, making tea, traveling around the world, and growing old together, it’s all beautiful to think about.”

Qiao Nianzhi nodded and said, "With you here, we will definitely take care of our life very well."

"Yeah." Xu Xu smiled and said with crooked eyebrows, "I can do everything. You are in charge of being beautiful, and I am in charge of making money to support the family."

Qiao Nianzhi stretched out his arms to hug Xu Xu, put his chin on the top of her head, and said, "I really wish I could grow old overnight."

"I don't want it." Xu Xu shook his head and said, "I want to grow old with you slowly, through a long, long time."

"it is good!"

"Shall we go to the hot springs?"

Xu Xu broke free from Qiao Nianzhi's hand, turned around and said.

"it is good!"

The hot springs in the farm are not the big pools outside, but each suite is equipped with a separate hot spring pool.Because Xu Xu's body was cold, before coming, Qiao Nianzhi made a special call to explain.The farm prepared pure carbonated springs for them. This kind of hot spring has a lower temperature, which can promote the expansion of blood vessels in the body and help improve blood circulation. It is most suitable for women with severe cold in the body.

The two went to change their swimsuits, and when they came out, they were both taken aback.

Qiao Nianzhi was only wearing a pair of swimming trunks, his inverted triangle figure, eight-pack abs, mermaid line, and bronze complexion were clearly visible.And Xu Xu didn't wear the more conservative swimsuit she chose, but a light blue one chosen by Qiao Nianzhi.Although the light blue set is not as sexy as the red set that was torn up before, it still shows all the places that should be exposed, which further accentuates her figure and makes her more attractive.

Xu Xu's face was a little hot, and he didn't dare to continue staring at Qiao Nianzhi, so he turned his face away immediately.

And Qiao Nianzhi swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.

Xu Xu heard the sound of his swallowing saliva a little embarrassingly, thinking that this is not in the water yet, and there will be a wet temptation later, so the two of them can't help but have a shameful hot spring play, right?
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  Should write tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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