The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 135 144 I am willing!

Chapter 135 144 I am willing! (one more)
"Wow wow wow!"

The scene suddenly boiled again, and even the judges started to applaud with smiles on their faces.

Qiao Nianzhi made another silencing motion towards the audience, then turned sideways, knelt down on one knee facing Xu Xu, held the Brain King trophy in front of Xu Xu with both hands, and said affectionately: "This honor , I share with you. For the rest of my life, I only wish to share joys and sorrows with you, never leave, and grow old together. Xu Xu, will you marry me?"

Slowly looking at Qiao Nianzhi who was kneeling on the ground, at the Brain King's trophy in front of him, and at the diamond ring that Qiao Nianzhi hung on the trophy at some time, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.Then he smiled and covered his mouth and began to cry.

The so-called weeping with joy!

"Promise him, promise him, promise him..."

Qiao Nianzhi maintained the posture of kneeling on the ground without moving, and was not in a hurry. He looked at Xu Xu intently, and patiently waited for her answer.However, the audience at the scene was more impatient than him, and they all stood up and started to cheer for him.

Then nodded slowly, took the Brain King trophy, and took off the diamond ring by himself.

At the same time, Qiao Nianzhi's eyes lit up, the smile on his face faded, and he stood up immediately, putting on the ring for Xu Xu.

Slowly raised his right hand, kissed the ring lightly, and said loudly: "I am willing!"

She had really waited too long for this moment.

The applause sounded, the music sounded, and the program group played a song "Today You Will Marry Me" in response to the occasion.

"Kiss one, kiss one..."

The audience started booing again.

Xu Xu blushed, after all, in front of so many people.If this segment is not cut and aired smoothly, it will be in front of audiences across the country!

Qiao Nianzhi smiled, then reached out to give Xu Xu a hug.Then he let her go, and said to the audience: "Our family is gradually shy, so please don't make things difficult for her."

"Oh! It makes me really want to find someone to fall in love with!"

Lin Ziyan said with envy.

"This program contributed to the marriage between the two of them, and our program team is also a merit."

Ning Zhanbo said.

"Read it! We are all Xu Xu's natal family, you have to treat Xu Xu well."

Shi Zeyang said.

Qiao Nianzhi took Xu Xu's hand, nodded, and said, "Don't worry! I will definitely treat her well." He paused slightly, and then said, "Besides, I can now answer Sister Lin's question just now. The total number of strokes in the word Xu Xu is 20, so 20 represents Xu Xu. 52201314, represents my love for Xu Xu for the rest of my life. Because of some misleading people, Xu Xu has been questioned and attacked a lot on the Internet. Here, I I want to tell everyone that my Xu Xu is the best girl in the world, and I will love her for the rest of my life. That's why I say that this game is very important to me. Because my oath to Xu Xu is written here In this game, I made a promise in front of audiences all over the country. This promise must be fulfilled!"

"Ahh! Qiao Nianzhi is so romantic!"

Lin Ziyan clenched her hands into fists and began to scream.

The applause at the scene was one after another, and it couldn't stop at all.

Xu Xu held Qiao Nianzhi's hand tightly, with a smile on his face.Many of the happiness and touches in her life were given by Qiao Nianzhi. At this moment, she suddenly felt very satisfied.

In the auditorium, Huo Cheng and Xiao Yi pulled up a banner, and they each held a corner of the banner, which looked a little funny.

"Xu Xu, congratulations on becoming Mrs. Qiao! I'm very glad that you can become our sister-in-law."

Xu Xu couldn't hold it back, and laughed "puchi".

However, many people also followed Xu Xu's eyes and saw the words on the banner.

"I wish Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao a sweet love and a forever bond."

"I wish Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao a happy marriage for a hundred years and grow old together."

"I wish Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao an early birth to a precious son, and their IQs will explode."


The blessings are uneven, but they are all good wishes.

It was a wonderful thing to be blessed by so many people.

In the crowd, Qiao Zijin held Xu Xinyou's hand tightly, Xu Xinyou leaned her head on his shoulder, pouted and said, "Qiao Nianzhi is much more romantic than you!"

Qiao Zijin smiled and said, "They're both old couples, so naturally they can't compare with those young people."

Xu Xinyou snorted coldly, and said, "Who is with your old husband and wife?"

"Xiao Hongdou is six years old, Xiao Hongdou's mother, who else do you think?"

Qiao Zijin pinched Xu Xinyou's nose lovingly and said.


On the other side, Xu Muhan left sadly, just as he came quietly, now he left quietly, even Xu Xinyou didn't know that he had come.

Goodbye!The girl I once loved.Goodbye!my first love.

And Lu Ningxue who left quietly like him, she didn't have many chances to see Qiao Zijin.Today was Qiao Nianzhi's last competition on the stage of "Brain Power is King", and Qiao Zijin happened to be on vacation, so she concluded that Qiao Zijin would definitely come, so she followed suit.It's just that when she saw Qiao Zijin and Xu Xinyou cuddling together so sweetly, she didn't know whether it was joy or worry.

Fortunately, Qiao Zijin did not miss his happiness after all.The worry is, it's time for her to say goodbye!

Goodbye, my youth.Goodbye my love.

Both of them were in a low mood, with their heads lowered, so when they walked to the door, no one noticed, they bumped into each other.



The voices of the two sounded at the same time, and then they squatted down at the same time as if they were afraid that others would hear them.

"Don't you have eyes?"

Lu Ningxue was not in a good mood, so her tone was a bit harsh.

Similarly, Xu Muhan was not in a good mood.

"Hehe! Fortunately, you have eyes."

The words are full of sarcasm.


Xu Muhan didn't bother to pay any attention to her, stood up and left while clutching his forehead.

 There are two updates today.Come see it before 7:00pm!
(End of this chapter)

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