The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 138 Chapter 147

Chapter 138 Chapter 147

On such a happy day, it is natural to have a lot of trouble to make it more lively.Both couples said they had no objections and were willing to cooperate.However, Qiao Nianzhi declared in advance that Xu Xu had a thin skin, so he let the old driver Song Chu take it easy.As for Xu Xinyou, she looked like she was eager to try. She would marry once in her life, so she naturally wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.Besides, she and Qiao Zijin were considered old couples, so she wanted to see what novel methods Song Chu had.

Song Chu highly praised Xu Xinyou's cooperative attitude.Besides, Qiao Zijin was the boss, so of course the house quarrel started from Qiao Zijin and Xu Xinyou's side, and Qiao Nianzhi and Xu Xu were specially asked to watch from the sidelines.

In the wedding room of Qiao Zijin and Xu Xinyou.

"How do you want to play?"

Xu Xinyou had already changed into a red cheongsam, raised her eyebrows, looked at Song Chu, and asked.

Hearing this, Song Chu hooked his lips and smiled charmingly, snapped his fingers, and said, "Tsk tsk! Our sister-in-law is different. She has momentum!"

When the voice fell, he looked at Xu Xu who was standing beside Qiao Nianzhi, and said, "Sisters and sisters, you should learn from sister-in-law."

Xu Xu blushed slightly, did not speak, and slandered: "Who wants to learn from that old driver Xu Xinyou?"

"Come, come, come!" Song Chu clapped his hands and said, "Since the sister-in-law has spoken, brothers will use all your housekeeping skills, don't be polite!"


"Go up guys!"

Then someone came in with a bunch of gadgets.

Song Chu squatted down, picked out a lipstick from it, looked at Qiao Zijin and Xu Xinyou, and said with a smile, "I'll bring you some appetizers first."

"Sister-in-law, put this lipstick in your mouth and write 'Iloveyou' on brother's face."

He threw the lipstick to Hong Xu Xinyou and said.

Xu Xinyou generously took the lipstick, opened the cap, and licked it in her mouth, then walked up to Qiao Zijin, asked him to bring her face closer, and began to write.However, the mouth is not as flexible as the hands after all, and Qiao Zijin is taller than Xu Xinyou, so writing is not smooth.

"Qiao Zijin, don't you move around?" Xu Xinyou was impatient, seeing that she couldn't write well, she took off her lipstick and said, "I can't even write well."

Qiao Zijin was innocent, he really didn't move.

The others gathered in a circle to watch the show, and then, as the captain of the bridal chamber, Song's driver spoke again, "Brother, sister-in-law, there is a time limit! If you don't write well, you will be punished."

Xu Xinyou turned her head and gave him a blank look, then wrapped her arms around Qiao Zijin's neck, jumped up suddenly and hung on his body like an octopus, Qiao Zijin immediately reached out and hugged her tightly.


"it is good!"

The crowd started to applaud.

Now that the two of them are close, the writing will be much smoother.After finally finishing writing, when Xu Xinyou was about to come down, Song Chu stretched out his hand to stop her and said, "Wait a minute!" Then, he looked at Qiao Zijin, smiled and said, "Keep this posture, big brother and sister-in-law face Stick to the face until the sister-in-law's face is also printed with 'Iloveyou', and the timer starts."

Qiao Zijin and Xu Xinyou hurriedly brought their faces closer together, and started to rub against each other.It's just that if two people rub together at the same time, the words written with lipstick will be blurred.

"Yuyou, don't move, let me do it."

So Qiao Zijin said.

"Sister-in-law, elder brother told you not to move! Just let him come."

Song Chu said with a half-smile.

It was obviously a very normal sentence, but when it came out of Song Chu's mouth, it completely changed the taste, and it was simply full of dirt.

After 1 minute, both Qiao Zijin and Xu Xinyou turned into painted faces, unable to read the words at all.

"Do you think this counts as passing?"

Song Chu yelled.

"It doesn't count!"

The crowd answered in unison.

Song Chu sighed, patted Qiao Zijin on the shoulder, and said, "Brother, it's not that brothers don't help you, but everyone doesn't agree. Let's do this! Just a small punishment." He paused slightly, He said again: "Sister-in-law put on lipstick and mark brother's face with lipstick!"

This is really not difficult, Xu Xinyou put on lipstick, and let's get started.

Qiao Zijin with lipstick marks all over his face, don't look too happy, Song Chu immediately took out his mobile phone and started taking pictures.

"Next, let's enter the second program - licking chopsticks. This is not just for fun, but it has meaning - Tianzi. Although you already have Xiaohongdou, I still wish you an early baby. After all, the country is now open to the second program. I'm pregnant, hurry up and have more babies to form a good character."

While talking, Huo Cheng brought a chopstick and a beer bottle, and put the chopsticks into the beer bottle, exposing about 1 cm.

"Brother, sister-in-law must work together to pick up this chopstick, and be careful that you can only use your tongue!"

Song Chu commanded.

Obviously, this is much more difficult than just now.

Qiao Zijin glanced at Song Chu, then squatted down.Xu Xinyou also squatted down, and the two stuck out their tongues together, one in charge of one side, and worked together to pinch the chopstick.It's just that the surface of the chopsticks is relatively smooth, and the tongue is not as good as the hand, so it's not easy to use force at all, and it will slide down when you finally pick it up.The result is that their tongues stick together.

"Brother, let me interview you, how does it taste?"

Song Chu on the side started booing again.

"Sweet and delicious!"

Qiao Zijin replied.

"Then continue!"

Then, just clamp it up, slide it down, stick your tongue together, lick it, repeating endlessly.Qiao Zijin and Xu Xinyou's tongues hurt from licking, but they couldn't get the chopstick out.

"Forget it, it's not hard for you guys, let's have a deep kiss for 5 minutes, and this level will be over."

It's not interesting to play a game all the time. It's almost enough to make a fuss and laugh.

Qiao Zijin thought it was easy, so she immediately put her arms around Xu Xinyou's waist and kissed her lips.

Song Chu held a stopwatch to time the time, not to mention, the kissing skills of these two people are really good, and it looks pleasing to the eye.This made Song Chu feel lustful, so he handed the stopwatch to Huo Cheng who was beside him, and Su Mier who hugged him also kissed him.

"Brother, let's compete!"

While kissing Su Mier, he said vaguely.

Regarding his inattention when kissing, Su Mier expressed that she couldn't bear it, she bit his lips so hard that the blood came out, pushed him away, and said, "Sister than you!"

Out of the corner of Qiao Zijin's eyes, he glanced at Song Chu who was covering his mouth and screaming for pain, and that look clearly said "weak chicken".

Song Chu looked at his family's fur-fried little lion, feeling a little helpless, but there was nothing he could do.Resigned to his fate, he took the stopwatch and started to continue timing.

After the kiss, Qiao Zijin and Xu Xinyou both blushed and panted heavily.

A full 6 minutes!
These two are definitely durable!

"The performance is very good, thumbs up! Applause!"

"Director Song" gave full affirmation.

"What's next is the main event."

he said again.

Xu Xinyou curled her lips and said, "That's all it is!"

"It seems that sister-in-law feels that the first two links are not exciting enough!" Song Chu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then brother, take off your shirt!"

Qiao Zijin was slightly taken aback and hesitated.

"Sister-in-law, take care of big brother."

Song Chu stroked his chin and smiled wickedly.

"Little case!"

Xu Xinyou is definitely not someone who can't afford to play with her. She even took the initiative to help Qiao Zijin take off her shirt. The level of cooperation almost gave her 1008 likes.

After Qiao Zijin took off his shirt, Song Chu had already asked Han Ye to cut up the bananas.Han Ye is a typical foodie, his knife skills are natural, and the sliced ​​bananas are thin and well-proportioned.Then let Qiao Zijin lie on his back on the bed, and then put banana slices on his face, neck, and chest, and finally blindfolded Xu Xinyou, and brought her to the bed.

"Sister-in-law, eat all the banana slices on my brother's body one by one! Brother can't help, but you can tell sister-in-law the direction properly. Besides, sister-in-law can only use her mouth, not her hands!"

Following Song Chu's order, Xu Xinyou leaned over and began to look for banana chips.

Because she was blindfolded, she couldn't see at all. She could only rely on what she saw just now without the blindfold, and follow her own feeling to find a general orientation.

Then Qiao Zijin was forced. It would be fine if Xu Xinyou could find it right away, but if she couldn't find it right, her tongue would sweep across his skin, gently and moistly, not too ecstasy.Before Xu Xinyou ate a few slices of bananas, he was already aroused.

"Yuyou, a bit to the left, a bit above... no, a bit below."

His voice became low and hoarse.

(End of this chapter)

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