The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 143 158 Has she been touched?

Chapter 143 158 Has she been touched?

At the same time, Qiao Hongrui and Ye Chun, who went to the supermarket to buy vegetables together as usual, also encountered a strange thing.

After getting out of the supermarket, Qiao Hongrui went to drive, and Ye Chun was waiting for him at the door.Then a somewhat scruffy old lady walked towards Ye Chun and bumped into Ye Chun.

The person who was hit was fine, but the old lady sat down on the ground and began to cry out in pain.

Ye Chun was a little puzzled, not to mention that she just bumped into it lightly, and she bumped into it herself.The one who was hit didn't cry out in pain, but the one who hit the person fell to the ground and couldn't get up.So is she being touched?It's just that he is an old man anyway, what if some kind of illness really happens?
"Old lady, what's wrong with you? Where does it hurt? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?"

Ye Chun squatted down and asked.

"How do you talk?" I didn't expect the old lady's tone to be extremely harsh when she opened her mouth. "What do you mean do you need to take me to the hospital? You knocked me to the ground, if you don't take me to the hospital, who will take me there?"

Ye Chun only thought it was a little funny, but her good self-cultivation kept her from getting angry, and instead tried to reason with the old lady.

"Old lady, you hit me just now."

"Heh!" The old lady smiled coldly, pointed at Ye Chun and said angrily, "You spitting blood, don't bully me, old woman."

"Old lady, there is surveillance there, or we can ask the supermarket staff to call up the surveillance video just now and have a look."

Ye Chun pointed to the camera at the entrance of the supermarket, and his tone was still gentle.

Hearing this, the old lady began to howl loudly, and her voice increased several decibels in an instant.

"Everyone, come and judge for me! Someone bullied me, an old man, and wanted to play tricks when I bumped into someone? What's the matter?"

The supermarket already had a lot of people, but after the old lady yelled, it immediately surrounded many spectators.

The so-called, you are weak but you are right!People always subconsciously sympathize with the weak, such as the old lady who is crying so sad at this time.So, everyone started pointing at Ye Chun.

Facing everyone's misunderstanding, Ye Chun still had a faint smile on his face.

"Old lady, it was indeed you who hit me. I was not responsible. In fact, there is no need for you to cry, because even if I am not responsible, I will still send you to the hospital. "

Then, as soon as her voice fell, an old man suddenly rushed out from the crowd, grabbed Ye Chun's hair without saying a word, and began to curse: "Bad woman, bully my wife!"

Ye Chun was caught off guard, even more inexplicably, and subconsciously reached out to pull his hair.

Qiao Hongrui picked up the car from the parking lot and came back. He was startled when he saw this scene, got out of the car quickly, and ran towards this side without even closing the door.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

Qiao Hongrui originally wanted to pull Ye Chun away, but unexpectedly, the old man would not let him go, and even reached out to grab his hair.Then, the two wrestled into a ball.

"Hong Rui, stop hitting!"

Ye Chun was completely dumbfounded, didn't these two old people just want to touch porcelain?Isn't touching porcelain to extort money?Why did you start a fight without saying a word?
"I wanted to let go, but he kept holding on to me."

Qiao Hongrui was very helpless, he didn't know what was going on with that old man, but he was just holding on to him?
Then, another young man rushed out from the crowd, grabbed the old man's hand, threw him on the ground vigorously, then turned around and bowed deeply to Qiao Hongrui, saying, "I'm sorry! Dad is a little mentally disturbed, causing you trouble. Can you see if there is any injury? I will take care of the medical expenses. "

Things suddenly took a sharp turn, just like acting in a TV series, Qiao Hongrui just felt baffled.He himself was fine, but thinking that the old man almost hurt Ye Chun just now, he was furious.

"What if he hurt my wife just now?"

Ye Chun hurriedly ran behind Qiao Hongrui, he was really afraid of that old man who was insane.

"I'm sorry!" The young man bowed to Ye Chun again, and said very sincerely: "I apologize to you on behalf of my dad, I'm really sorry! Why don't we go to the hospital for a physical examination now? You guys I will be responsible for the injuries on my body.”

Seeing that the young man was very sincere, bowing to them and apologizing, Ye Chun didn't want to embarrass him too much, besides they were fine.She reached out and pulled Qiao Hongrui's sleeve, and said, "Forget it! I'm fine."


Qiao Hongrui is not an unreasonable person. Although he is indeed a little aggrieved, but he is mentally ill. What can you care about?Besides, his son has already apologized.

"Let's go!" He took Ye Chun's hand, turned and walked towards the car.Then it seemed that he had thought of something, and he turned around and said, "Since you know that he has mental problems, watch him closely."

"Okay, thank you!"

The young man bowed again towards their backs.

Qiao Hongrui and Ye Chun returned to the car and saw the young man helping the old lady and the old man up.The old lady seemed to lose her temper and stepped on him heavily.

"It's not easy for that young man!"

Ye Chun sighed.

Qiao Hongrui reached out and touched Ye Chun's head, without saying a word, started the car, and walked away.

Ye Chun is good at everything, but she is too easy to soften her heart.

When Qiao Hongrui's car was far away, the young man let go of the old lady and the old man's hand in an instant, and the expression on his face was no longer as gentle as before.

The old man opened his right hand, took off the long and short strands of hair stuck to his palm, packed them in a small plastic bag, and handed it to the young man.

The young man took it with one hand, and with the other he took out his cell phone and started making calls.

"Master, the sample has been obtained."


 I'm too busy and tired today, there's only so much, if I'm free tomorrow, I'll add more.

(End of this chapter)

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