The strongest warm marriage

Chapter 154 Chapter 170

Chapter 154 Chapter 170

Xiao Yi was locked in Xiao's darkroom, and then Mr. Xiao went to see him soon.


Seeing Mr. Xiao who came in through the door, Xiao Yi was very surprised, his eyes were full of disbelief.

However, Mr. Xiao just looked at him indifferently and didn't speak.

"Grandpa, why?"

Being placed under house arrest for no reason, and at the behest of Mr. Xiao himself, Xiao Yi has too many doubts in his heart.

"Why?" Old Master Xiao smiled coldly, his voice as cold as ice. "You actually asked me why? Don't you know yourself?"

Xiao Yi shook his head blankly.

"Xiao Yi, your courage is getting bigger and bigger. How dare you join forces with Qiao Nianzhi to plot against me?"

Mr. Xiao suddenly approached Xiao Yi, stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, and said coldly.

"Grandpa, I don't know what you're talking about?"

Xiao Yi's expression was still blank.

"Pretend me again?" Mr. Xiao's hand holding Xiao Yi's chin suddenly tightened, and the look on his face became more and more cold. "That day you went to persuade Qiao Nianzhi, and then you came back and told me that the man named Nan Qing found the clues left by Nan Zhiyuan before his death. Hehe! This is lying to me, isn't it? You just want me to mess up , and then set up a net, just waiting for Ah San to throw himself into the net?" He paused slightly, and said coldly, "Xiao Yi, I have raised you for so many years, is this how you repay me?"

Xiao Yi shook his head vigorously.

"No, Grandpa. I admit that I really lied to you. But my brother told me that you may know something about the murder in Nanzhiyuan, so you let me lie. We just hope that we can pass You convey some information to the real murderer, so that the real murderer will fall into the trap. I never thought that Ah San would be the last one to go."

"You still want to lie to me?" However, Mr. Xiao didn't believe Xiao Yi's explanation, he threw his hand away suddenly, and then the cane of the other hand knocked towards him. "Why did you and Qiao Nianzhi seize the cultural relics theft case more than ten years ago? What do you want to investigate, and what do you want to know? Maybe I should ask, how much do you know about that incident back then? What are you suspecting?"

The series of questions Mr. Xiao asked made Xiao Yi completely dumbfounded.

"Grandpa, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Then you just stay here and give me a hard time thinking about it!" Mr. Xiao paused slightly, and then said: "Xiao Yi, there is one sentence you remember. I can give you everything, and I can also make you lose everything. "

After the sound fell, he turned around and left the darkroom.Then there was the sound of locking the door, and his confession to watch Xiao Yi carefully.

Xiao Yi fell to the ground, the words that Mr. Xiao said just now lingered in his mind, lingering.Even now, he still doesn't understand why grandpa wants to put him under house arrest?Even until now, I don't want to believe that grandpa will put him under house arrest.

Even if he had indeed lied to him before, but he had already explained why grandpa didn't want to believe him?What exactly was that incident that grandpa just said?Why did he and grandpa become what they are now?

It seems that since Grandpa found out about Brother's background, Grandpa's attitude towards him has completely changed.Brother is grandpa's grandson, but so is he.Why is grandpa so persistent that he must return to the Xiao family and inherit the Xiao family?Compared with elder brother, he is actually more suitable to be the heir of the Xiao family, isn't he?

And the murder of Nan Zhiyuan, now it seems that the mastermind behind the scenes is undoubtedly Grandpa.Then why did he instruct Ah San to kill Nan Zhiyuan?Could it be because of the theft of cultural relics more than ten years ago?Grandpa had always wanted to prevent my brother from continuing to investigate, and it was true that he didn't want him to take risks. Perhaps the most important reason was because grandpa had a great relationship with the theft of cultural relics, right?

In addition, Grandpa's question just now was also very strange.He asked what they wanted to check?What do you know about that incident?Could it be that he or brother has something to do with that case?
What is the truth?

On the other hand, Qiao Nianzhi was also very shocked after knowing that Xiao Yi was under house arrest by Mr. Xiao.But he was not impulsive, but let himself calm down first.

No matter what Mr. Xiao's motive is, Xiao Yi will not be in danger for the time being.So as a top priority, he must first figure out what Mr. Xiao wants to do.

Before, he always thought that Mr. Xiao only knew the inside story of the case ten years ago.That's why he asked Xiao Yi for help, and joined forces with the police to lure the snake out of its hole.Deliberately let Xiao Yi bring false news to Mr. Xiao, making him think that Nan Qing had found the clues left by Nan Zhiyuan before his death.He thought that after Mr. Xiao knew the news, he would definitely pass it on to the people behind the scenes, so that they could catch a big fish smoothly.

However, what he didn't expect was that they would make old man Xiao show his feet by mistake.As he himself said, he didn't know Nan Zhiyuan well, so he didn't intend to kill him at all.So the only possibility is that the theft of cultural relics that Nan Zhiyuan was investigating more than ten years ago hindered some of his interests, so he had to kill people to stop Nan Zhiyuan from continuing to investigate.

It was from here that the whole thing became extremely weird.Even if Mr. Xiao had something to do with that case back then, since Xiao is also surnamed Xiao, he must have joined him.At this time, he didn't want to find a way to exonerate himself, but instead put Xiao Yi under house arrest and cut off his own arm, which was obviously not worth the candle.What is his purpose in doing this?

Earlier, Xiao Yi told him that since he knew that he was Xiao Chuhuai's biological son, Mr. Xiao's attitude towards him had changed.Logically speaking, compared to him, who doesn't respect him, doesn't want to recognize him, doesn't want to go back to Xiao's house, and in his eyes is an unfilial grandson who recognizes a thief as his father, Xiao who grew up by his side shouldn't be Do you win his heart more?Why is he pushing Xiao Yi farther and farther now?
What is the reason?What important detail has he overlooked?


Before Qiao Nianzhi could figure it out, he received another call from Mr. Xiao.

"Qiao Nianzhi, it's me."

Mr. Xiao's voice was cold and severe.

"What's the matter?"

Even though he knew that Mr. Xiao had put Xiao Yi under house arrest, Qiao Nianzhi restrained himself and waited for Mr. Xiao to speak first.

"I put Xiao Yi under house arrest."

Mr. Xiao really brought up this matter first.

"What do you want to do?"

Qiao Nianzhi pretended to be surprised.

"You have a good relationship with Xiao Yi, right? So you definitely don't want anything to happen to him?"

Mr. Xiao didn't answer the question instead.

"so what?"

"If you want Xiao Yi to be safe and sound, you must promise me to give up investigating the theft of cultural relics."

Mr. Xiao set out his conditions.

"Hehe!" Qiao Nianzhi laughed coldly, and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are so naive! At most, I can only be considered as an assistant to the police in handling the case. Now that you think I give up the investigation, the police will Give up? And, don't forget, your bodyguard is still locked up in the police station. Even if I don't continue the investigation, are you so sure that you can escape unscathed?"

"You don't need to worry about these, I have my own way."

Except for Qiao Nianzhi, his grandson, he had nothing to worry about.

"What if I don't agree?"

At this moment, Qiao Nianzhi seemed to be in a foggy forest, so he could only move forward tentatively.

"Then Xiao Yi will be very dangerous."

There was a murderous look in Mr. Xiao's tone. It was obvious that he was not joking, and he was not just threatening, but forcing Qiao Nianzhi to make a choice.

"Heh!" Qiao Nianzhi smiled, his smile was extremely cold. "Mr. Xiao threatened me with his own grandson, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Mr. Xiao didn't speak.

"Xiao Ding, you'd better not forget that Xiao Yi is the only one left in your Xiao family. As for me, don't expect it. Indeed, I have a good relationship with Xiao Yi, and I treat him as a brother. But he He's also your own grandson, since you, a grandfather, puts his safety at risk and uses it to threaten me, why should I care? Then let's take a gamble and see who is more ruthless, shall we?"

Qiao Nianzhi said coldly.

"So, do you think I don't have enough bargaining chips with just Xiao Yi?"

After a while, Mr. Xiao's cold voice sounded.


(End of this chapter)

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