Chapter 103 Gold Broker, Sheng Hui
Qin Huanxi was in the car, watching the scenery on both sides of the road passing by, secretly blaming himself for not living up to expectations.

Just after breakfast, Xiao Moqian said he would send her to work at Starlight Media, and she stupidly agreed.

It was only when she got in the car that she realized that she didn't have a job at all today...

Sure enough, beauty misleads others, she was confused by Xiao Moqian's beautiful face and this sudden and meticulous concern...

She was troubled in her heart, should she tell him the truth now?
It's so embarrassing...

Qin Huanxi was covering her face in her heart.

Forget it, it would be good to go to Starlight Media to find out about the situation.

After all, Xu Lian has been exposed with so much black material, her work may be affected...

Finally, when Qin Huanxi got out of the car, Xiao Moqian stopped her again, his black eyes filled with tenderness, "I'll pick you up after get off work."

"Ah?" Qin Huanxi paused, maybe she came and walked around and left. When he got off work, wouldn't it be dark?
"No need..." She said weakly, very confident.

Xiao Moqian's thin lips curled up in a big arc, and he pressed a kiss on her cheek, pampering her black hair, "Hey, you must be busy with a lot of things today, I'll come over after get off work."

"Oh!" Qin Huanxi could only respond...

"Then you go up first! I will pick you up for dinner at night."

"You should go first!"

Xiao Moqian took a deep look at her with dark eyes, and said with persistence, "No, I want to watch you go up, otherwise I don't feel at ease."

"Okay!" Qin Huan felt that the two of them were too smeared, so he nodded and walked to the elevator.

Looking at her slender and straight back, Xiao Moqian's eyes and brows were filled with smiles. It turns out that the feeling of letting go is so happy.

Xiao Ran's work efficiency is very fast, he bought Starlight Media last night, and made a series of plans for Qin Huanhuan.

Next, she should be very busy.

Qin Huan went up to the fifteenth floor in a daze, but saw a tall and straight man in a professional suit and glasses standing at the elevator entrance.

The handsome, but serious young man looked at her fixedly.

"Miss Qin."

Qin Huanhuan wanted to bypass him and walk to Xu Lian's office, but he didn't expect him to call her.

This man looks very gentle, but he is also very serious. Qin Huanle looked at him lightly, "Hello, what's the matter?"

Since it appeared here, it should be an employee of Starlight Media.

The man nodded slightly to her, stretched out his hand and introduced himself to Qin Huanxi, "I am Sheng Hui, the gold agent of Starlight Media."

"Hello." Qin Huanle put his hand on it, squeezed it lightly, and then let go.

Sheng Hui helped his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "You should know about Xu Lian, right? I'm taking over from Xu Lian."

"Well, I didn't expect the company's work efficiency to be so fast." Qin Huanxi had lingering fears, and she was really afraid of the manager.

As if seeing Qin Huanhuan's thoughts, Sheng Hui quickly explained, "Our income is actually linked to the artist's work. I am a very professional manager, so Miss Qin can rest assured."

"En." Qin Huan saw the sincerity of what he said, and responded with a smile.

The two walked and talked, and came to Sheng Hui's office.

He put several scripts in front of Qin Huanxi, "Miss Qin, these are the scripts I picked that are better and suitable for you. You can choose and read first."

"As for advertising endorsements, there are quite a few that I want to ask you to shoot, and I've helped you choose them."

 With the supplementary update, this is the fourth update today.

  Your author is going to be exhausted, it's a pity that you haven't saved your manuscript...

(End of this chapter)

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