Chapter 110
This may be the affectionate desire to have one-hearted people and accompany each other until old age.

There is no vigor, no romance, but there is the beauty of supporting each other.

It seems that the way he just cleared out all the servants is very wise.

Qin Huanxi's cooking movements are very skillful, and the dishes she makes are full of flavor and fragrance. When serving the table, she did not ignore the admiration in Xiao Moqian's eyes.

The corners of her lips curved happily, and she was also very happy to be able to cook a meal for him...

With their own thoughts, on the dining table, although silent, but a happy and sweet atmosphere has been spreading...
It has been a week since Sheng Hui took over Qin Huanhuan, and during this week, she has arranged her work intensively.

Accepting endorsements, shooting the cover, I haven't seen the three in the dormitory for a long time.

She will be joining the film crew next week, and there will be no time at that time, so after she finished filming the magazine cover on the weekend, she invited them to have dinner at the central square of the capital city.

The central square is a mid-to-high-end shopping mall, which integrates entertainment, shopping and dining, and is very suitable for young people.

They met at a newly opened Hunan restaurant, which is a relatively popular place for consumption.

When Qin Huanhuan hurried over, Xiao Xiao and Bai Liusu had already arrived.

"Huanhuan." Xiao Xiao happily waved to Qin Huanhuan who was looking for them at the door.

Qin Huanhuan was wearing a peaked cap and simple sportswear. Even though there were many people in the restaurant, no one recognized her.

She was very happy to see her good sister and walked over cheerfully.

"Where's Ning Ning?" Seeing that there were only two people, Qin Huanxi asked subconsciously.

Bai Liusu turned her eyes slightly, and remained silent.

Xiao Xiao, who couldn't hold back her words, snapped, "Recently, I think she's so weird, and the way she looks at people is particularly frightening..."

Bai Liusu looked at Xiao Xiao, and kicked her quietly...

Xiao Xiao immediately fell silent.

Qin Huan was stunned, "What's wrong? You are also acting strange."

"It's nothing, haha!" Xiao Xiao smiled dryly, "Let's order!"

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and pretended to look at the menu seriously.

"What are you hiding from me?" Qin Huanhuan's clear eyes swept back and forth between the two of them.

"No, Huanhuan, I just think she has changed because she is rich." Bai Liusu knew that if Qin Huanhuan was not given a reason, she would definitely keep asking her, so she found a reason at will.

Qin Huanle sighed slightly. Wang Ningning lived with them and never mentioned her parents. She earned her own living expenses and was always very economical.

"She might be scared, and we are indeed busy with work." Qin Huanle frowned slightly and explained to the two of them.

During the four years of college, the four of them supported and encouraged each other. She really didn't want the four of them to have a gap in their relationship.

Bai Liusu and Xiao Xiao looked at each other, and didn't say anything about Wang Ningning.

But Xiao Xiao couldn't help complaining to them, "Do you know? The Tang Corporation where I went to practice, I didn't expect Huanhuan's senior to be there..."

"I know." Bai Liusu said with a speechless expression to Xiao Xiao, "You have told me about this a hundred times."

"Huanhuan doesn't know yet!" Xiao Xiao ignored Bai Liusu and continued, "There's also that psychopath, Su Shanshan, who also works with me, and has always troubled me recently."

Qin Huanle stared in disbelief, "No way? She's the third runner-up in the competition, won't she enter the showbiz?"

 Next, there are exams and a long trip...

  very busy...

  If there is no recommendation ticket and comments, I don't know if I can stick to it...


(End of this chapter)

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