Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 112 Worried About Xiao Moqian's Injury

Chapter 112 Worried About Xiao Moqian's Injury
I saw Susan holding a water bottle, and was about to pour it on Qin Huanxi.

"Huanhuan..." Xiao Moqian's black eyes narrowed suddenly, a layer of cold sweat started to form on his back, and he kicked Susan down with his kick.

Susan's body fell forward, and due to inertia, the kettle was thrown backwards, and the scalding hot water fell straight onto Xiao Moqian's long legs...

"Xiao Moqian..." Qin Huan exclaimed in surprise, looking at his slightly furrowed eyebrows, he knew that he must have been burned.

Bai Liusu glanced at Xiao Moqian reproachfully, and kicked away Susan who was lying on the ground.

When this incident happened, the restaurant was already in chaos. Someone picked up his mobile phone and planned to take a picture, but the bodyguard who rushed over took the mobile phone away.

Qin Huan rushed to Xiao Moqian's side and looked at him nervously, "How are you? Is it hurting? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Feeling Qin Huanxi's concern, Xiao Moqian's slightly frowned brows slowly unfolded, this little pain was nothing to him at all.

But when the deep black eyes met the little woman's concerned gaze, the "no pain" on her lips was suddenly replaced with, "It hurts."

After finishing the words, from the corner of his black eyes, he caught a glimpse of Qin Huanxie's delicate brows tightly furrowed.

The thin lips curled up contentedly.

Bai Liusu glanced at Xiao Moqian, and said to Qin Huanhuan, "Huanhuan, why don't you go to the hospital first! Leave the matter here to me."

"Okay." Qin Huan had already recognized Susan, but she was more worried about Xiao Moqian's injury.

Nodding to Bai Liusu, she immediately supported Xiao Moqian, "Let's go, let's go to the hospital and treat the wound."

The hot boiling water poured directly, Xiao Moqian's legs might have peeled off.

If the boiling water was poured on her just now, then she might be disfigured.

Thinking about it, Qin Huan was afraid for a while, pursed her red lips, and looked at Xiao Moqian gratefully.

"En." Xiao Moqian stared at her with deep black eyes. Although he thought it was a trivial matter, he could gain her concern by magnifying the pain.

No matter how you look at it, the injury was worth it.

Bai Liusu looked at the backs of the two leaving and felt scared. If Xiao Moqian hadn't appeared suddenly just now, Qin Huanxie's injuries would have been unimaginable...

She looked coldly at Susan who was screaming heart-piercingly, and then kicked her angrily a few times...
In the hospital, when the doctor cut open Xiao Moqian's trousers, revealing the burnt part, Qin Huanxi gasped suddenly.

The epidermis of the wound has fallen off, and it is bloody, which looks very oozing.

The doctor helped Xiao Moqian deal with it with a solemn face, and Qin Huanxi accompanied him all the way.

No matter what, Xiao Moqian was here to save her. Even if he wasn't injured, her heart would still be in suspense...

After the treatment, the doctor also warned that the wound must not touch water, otherwise it will become inflamed and infected, and the consequences will be serious.

Hearing the doctor's words, Xiao Moqian's dark eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Qin Huanxie deeply...

Her thin lips were raised, and her dark eyes looked at the doctor standing aside with coercion, "In this case, don't you need a wheelchair?"

The doctor looked at the gauze on Xiao Moqian's calf, "There is no fracture, don't you need it?"

"Are you sure?" His tone became a little colder, and the coldness in his black eyes became stronger.

The doctor stared at him blankly for a few seconds, then nodded affirmatively, "I definitely want it, it was my mistake just now."

After the words fell, the nurse moved the wheelchair in to the market.

This master has a noble status, he dare not offend...

 Thanks to the little cuties who gave me book reviews, I love Ni Meng!
(End of this chapter)

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