Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 127 Miss Qin misses you very much

Chapter 127 Miss Qin misses you very much
When the call was connected, Xiao Moqian had just hung up Sheng Hui's call and was in the video call with Lu Yihan.

Seeing that it was his home number, he immediately picked up the phone.

"Master, Miss Qin is back, she said she misses you very much." Aunt Lin said loudly.

Qin Huanxi, who was watching and drinking the sugar water, was frightened by her words, and before she could swallow the sugar water, it suddenly choked in her throat, causing her to cough violently...

When Xiao Moqian heard Aunt Lin's words, his stern brows were dyed with a soft light.

He suddenly heard coughing over there, and asked nervously, "What's wrong with Huanhuan?"

"The cough is a bit serious." Mrs. Lin glanced at Qin Huanxi, who had stopped coughing on the sofa, and said deliberately, "Miss Qin, drink some water, oops, my face is red from coughing."

Then he said loudly, "I don't know why, I'll let Dr. Ou take a look later."

Xiao Moqian frowned tightly, "I'll go over and have a look later."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Miss Qin..."

Aunt Lin said a few more emphatic words, and then hung up the phone in satisfaction.

Miss Qin and the young master seem to have a good relationship these days, but she still needs to work harder.

When Qin Huan heard Sister Lin's words, she looked at Bai Liusu in embarrassment, and regretted bringing her back today...

Mrs. Lin really acted too much...
In the video, Lu Yihan looked at Xiao Moqian's nervous expression, and couldn't help but tease, "Is this the Boss Xiao who I know who doesn't show emotions?"

He shook his head slowly, "Tsk tsk, men who fall in love are really scary."

Xiao Moqian glanced over with a cold look.

Through the screen, Lu Yihan could feel his powerful aura.

Immediately there was an embarrassing silence.

Only then did Xiao Moqian return to the topic in satisfaction, "This matter is your fault, you find a way to solve it for me."

"Isn't it?" Lu Yihan wailed, "Why didn't you go find the man who was at the door yesterday? Don't you worry about her taking you to wear a green hat?"

"I was in her room yesterday." Xiao Moqian said lightly, with a flash of hostility in his black eyes.

He naturally recognized that the man at the door was Bao Sihao.

What does this person want to do?

Lu Yihan seemed to have discovered something important, and there was gossip in his eyes, "Hey, tell me, how far have you guys developed?"

"Why is there so much nonsense?" Although Xiao Moqian spoke bluntly, he didn't feel any displeasure.

Lu Yihan yelled wildly, "Boss, can you stop abusing the dog like this?"

As soon as he saw Xiao Moqian's arrogant appearance, he felt ten thousand points of damage.

Xiao Moqian glanced at him again with arrogant eyes, "I have to go back to see Huanhuan, hurry up."

"Let me just say yes, if I'm asked to replace the hunk at the door, I won't take the blame." Lu Yihan said anxiously.

He has a goal now, in case Bai Liusu really misunderstood...


"Whose news do you think should be used to lower the popularity of this news?" Xiao Moqian has resumed his usual vigorous style.

Lu Yihan pondered, "It's best to be a person who is concerned by the whole people, who will cause a sensation as soon as he appears, such!"

In his mind, he thought about all the well-known people, and felt that Xiao Moqian was more suitable.

"If you suddenly broke the news about marriage, engagement, or just a little bit of news, I'm afraid, women all over the country will lose their composure. Who cares about my rumored girlfriend!"

 Late update……………

(End of this chapter)

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