Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 138 Seems very different...

Chapter 138 seems very different...

Originally, Xiao Moqian only wanted to use members of the Xiao family for this operation.

But when Xiao Zhiqian's men brought weapons, Du Shasha followed behind.

The other party kept saying that she was also responsible for protecting the country and dealing with such vicious terrorists.

Xiao Moqian refused and ignored her at all.

But Du Shasha has to follow no matter what, the rescue of Qin Huanxi is imminent, Xiao Moqian doesn't want to waste any second.

Therefore, he didn't stop her and let her follow.

Xiao Moqian knew in his heart, perhaps, the president was concerned about the power of their Xiao family and found an excuse to monitor him?
On the pitch-black mountain, Su De and Qin Huanxi stopped at a place full of big trees.

This location is very good, very suitable for Tibetans, in order to sneak attack.

Qin Huanhuan's hands and feet were tied up again, and a rag was stuffed in his mouth.

Suo De's men hid behind trees in all directions, forming a complete siege.

He personally planted a bomb ten meters away from Qin Huanhuan.

When I turned back, I was a little worried. I took out several bombs from behind the tree, and quickly buried five or six bombs.

Looking at his movements, Qin Huanhuan's bright eyes were full of horror.

If Xiao Moqian really came, maybe he would be blown to pieces.

No, he can't die!
Qin Huanxi struggled desperately, twisted the rope in his hand, and scraped desperately towards the raised part of the tree trunk.

Sure enough, several figures at the foot of the mountain hurried towards Shude's direction.

The tall and tall figure at the front is obviously Xiao Moqian.

Qin Huan shook her head desperately, but unfortunately, her mouth was blocked and she couldn't make a sound.

Shu was so upright, standing beside Qin Huanxi, waiting for Xiao Moqian to come up.

One second, two seconds...

Qin Huanxi felt that his heart was about to lift up.

Xiao Moqian, don't come here!

I don't know if her inner prayer had an effect, but Xiao Moqian stopped at a distance of 15 meters from them.

Sude pulled Qin Huanxi away, pointed a gun at her head, "Mr. Xiao, do you want me to help you send her to see the King of Hades?"

The tone is very slow and indifferent, just like chatting with ordinary friends.

But the killing intent in his eyes was undisguised.

"Stop." Xiao Moqian felt his scalp go numb, and was afraid that Shude would really shoot.

Shu De smiled without saying a word, and kept staring at Xiao Moqian.

In fact, he was looking at the distance, and he had already contacted their organization's eyeliner in country F.

Soon, the helicopter that picked him up will arrive.

"You let her go, otherwise..." Xiao Moqian exudes a cold and stern aura all over his body, his eyes are like cheetahs catching Shude.

Suo De looked at him coldly, completely unaffected by his aura, "Let her go? Yes!"

He grinned, showing a weird smile, "Come closer, and I'll let her go."

After saying that, he deliberately pulled Qin Huanxi and took two steps forward.

Qin Huan paused as she grinded the rope, feeling as if the rope was about to break...

Xiao Moqian hesitated for a moment after listening to Shude's words, then stepped forward and walked forward calmly.

Every step he took forward felt like he was stepping on the bottom of Qin Huanxie's heart. Her heart was pounding nervously.

If Xiao Moqian went any further, he would definitely be bombed...

No, don't come here!

Qin Huan desperately shook her head at Xiao Moqian.

Xiao Moqian's deep black eyes scanned the front by the faint moonlight.

The ground, seems very different...

 There was a cute tip just now, but the system hasn't displayed it yet.

  When the system is normal, thank you
  Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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