Chapter 140 is late

Everyone behind him was shocked by his actions.

Du Shasha's face was tense, and she pursed her lips tightly. In her eyes, there was hatred for Qin Huanxi.

Did Xiao Moqian even give up his life for her?

Without hesitation, he rushed forward and supported him.

"Xiao Moqian." Qin Huanxi exclaimed in shock, tears streaming down his face.

Doesn't he not love her?
Why do you still do this?

He was so injured that he couldn't even stand still...

"Hahaha." Sude laughed, with strong sarcasm in his laughter, "Xiao Moqian, you are too affectionate. Do you think I will let her go?"

Shade shook his head, "I will fulfill you and let you die together."

In his tone, there was the triumph of victory.

Xiao Moqian, a fool, actually shot himself...

Just when he was proud...

Suddenly, another gunshot rang out from behind.

Immediately, Shude's muffled hum came to Qin Huanxie's ears clearly.

The hand holding her was also loosened.

As soon as she pulled her away, due to inertia, Qin Huanle fell straight to the ground.

But Ming Mou kept looking at Xiao Moqian and the woman who was supporting him.

The eyes are complicated!

"Go away." Xiao Moqian looked at Du Shasha coldly, disgusted with her actions.

Du Shasha didn't withdraw her hand, instead, she grasped it even tighter...

"Xiao Ran." A slightly annoyed voice did not care about his bleeding wound.

Xiao Ran hurried forward and supported him...

Du Shasha still did not let go.

Xiao Moqian glanced at her hand coldly, and said in a bad tone, "Let go."

Immediately, Du Shasha acted as if she had just discovered his displeasure, and couldn't bear his icy eyes, so she let go of her hand...

Shude was shot, shot from behind.

Just right on the back.

It's a pity that his ability to escape is very good and his reaction is very fast.

As soon as he was injured, he fired directly at the man and fired several shots in a row.

Covered by gunfire, he slid down the slope beside him by taking advantage of the terrain.

As expected of being the number one killer, his movements were almost done in one go.

It was dark and windy at night, and it was difficult to find his trace.

"Go and find the bomb." Seeing that Qin Huanxi was safe, Xiao Ran hurriedly said to the people behind.

These people are all experts in this field, and soon found the bomb.

A helicopter descends from mid-air.

"Sorry, I'm late." Yoyo's voice sounded.

Ming Ye jumped down handsomely. After landing firmly, he stretched out his hand towards the people behind him. With his strength, Lu Di also got down smoothly.

"Lu Di." Qin Huanxi shouted when she saw her.

"Huanhuan, how are you?" Lu Di followed the sound, and Qin Huanhuan lay on the ground in a panic.

She hurried to Qin Huanhuan and helped her untie the ropes on her hands and feet.

As soon as it was untied, all the bombs over there had been found.

Qin Huanhuan quickly ran to the man's side without caring about his injuries.

Xiao Moqian could not stand still, and his whole body was leaning on Xiao Ran.

Although the light was weak, Qin Huanxi clearly felt that Xiao Moqian's breath was very weak.

"Huanhuan." His voice was very low and weak.

"Stop talking, go to the hospital!"

Xiao Moqian had already shed a lot of blood, and at this moment, he was holding on just to confirm Qin Huanxi's safety.

Lu Di followed behind Qin Huanxi, and was shocked when he saw Xiao Moqian's appearance.

Xiao Moqian's clothes were already stained with blood...

He didn't go to the hospital immediately when Shude escaped.

Lu Di exclaimed in shock.

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket.

  It's raining today, I can't go out to exercise...

(End of this chapter)

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