Chapter 149 Really Like Him

"Then I guessed right, you really like him."

Qin Huanxi didn't say a word, and threw candy at her, "There are so many snacks that can't stop your mouth..."

"If you like it, you like it, why are you shy!" Wang Ningning was very abnormal, and she seemed to talk too much.

Qin Huanhuan rolled his eyes at her speechlessly, and threw her a few more candies.

When Xiao Xiao heard that Qin Huanxi and Wang Ningning were ahead of Tang Yingfeng, there was a moment of sadness in his eyes...

It's just that she was eating with her eyes downcast, but no one else noticed.

The four chatted until late at night before slowly falling asleep.

When the three people around her were sound asleep, Wang Ningning got up lightly and took down the pinhole camera that had been installed just after entering the room.

There was a cold light in his eyes, these three people were really easy to deceive.

Qin Huanhuan's performance just now, as long as there is more fuel, I believe that many people will think that she likes Tang Yingfeng.

The next day, Wang Ningning and Xiao Xiao all left.

Qin Huanxi arrived at the set on time as usual.

As soon as she arrived, someone told her that Tang Yingfeng was coming to visit the class.

Such a coincidence?
Wang Ningning just talked about Tang Yingfeng last night, and today he came to visit the set?

Tang's enterprise is also a heavyweight enterprise in country F, and it is also involved in film and television.

It was reasonable for Tang Yingfeng to come to visit the class.

nine o'clock.

When Qin Huanxi was playing opposite Liu Miaolin, Tang Yingfeng came.

He stood behind the director and looked at Qin Huanxi in the camera.

The bright eyes touched his heartstrings.

Without Xiao Moqian, Qin Huanxi would be his...

Such a beautiful person, he should fight for it, otherwise, he will regret it in the future.

There was a warm smile on Tang Ying's clear and handsome face.

With a thin and slender figure, wearing a high-end custom-made handmade suit, standing there elegantly, naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Naturally, they discovered that Tang Yingfeng's gaze had been on Qin Huanhuan.

The meaning of gossip filled the entire crew in an instant.

When the filming of the scene was over, many people gathered around.

After all, Tang's power should not be underestimated.

If Tang Yingfeng is happy, he can invest in any drama any minute and let them be the leading actors.

The most attentive ones are the actresses in the play.

Surrounded him, always looking for topics.

If it wasn't for wearing ancient costumes, it is estimated that the clothes would have been torn off.

All kinds of showing off, all kinds of eyebrows, Tang Yingfeng coped helplessly, regretting that he didn't bring an assistant today.

Qin Huanle nodded lightly at him through the crowd, and walked directly to the lounge.

It's not that she is narcissistic, she always feels that Tang Yingfeng treats her like a friendship between classmates.

So, now I always avoid him intentionally or unintentionally.

Tang Yingfeng also felt that Qin Huanle had alienated him a lot, and today he just found an opportunity to come to see her.

After he dismissed all the people around him, Qin Huanhuan had disappeared.

Tang Yingfeng searched for a long time, but couldn't find her, so he had to go back to the set and wait.

Another actress wanted to surround her, but this time she was chased away by him.

It was all them who caused him to lose the chance to talk to Qin Huanxi.

Finally, when the second scene was about to start, Qin Huanhuan returned to the set.

When Tang Yingfeng saw her, she walked over quickly, "Huanhuan, I can't find you these days, are you busy?"

"Senior." Qin Huan looked at the concerned expression on his Qingjun's face, and when he refused, he was instantly entangled in his throat.

 Qiao Dingding said that I did not update too much, and asked me to add more.

  But I'm a handicapped party...

(End of this chapter)

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