Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 152 Doing Something That Hurts Qin Huanxi

Chapter 152 Doing Something That Hurts Qin Huanxi
At the same time, there was a courier on Xiao Moqian's desk.

He opened it, and it was a USB flash drive.

Inside, there is a video of Qin Huanhuan having dinner with Tang Yingfeng yesterday.

It seems that the picture is very harmonious.

Yesterday, when he called her, she said that she was eating alone.

Why lie to him?

Xiao Moqian's heart suddenly felt a little painful as if being pulled.

Does she still not love him?
But, she clearly said that she was reluctant to leave his...

After taking several deep breaths, Xiao Moqian calmed down a little...

Press the internal line and directly ask the driver to prepare the car for him.

The notification tone of the mobile phone just rang, and Zhang Li's name flashed on the screen.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Moqian swiped the answer button with his slender fingers.

Zhang Li looked graceful and luxurious, looking at her exquisite nails, "Mo Qian, are you free now?"

"No time." Xiao Moqian directly refused.

If she wants to see herself, she can come in Xiao's building at any time, and she still needs to call to ask herself to see her?
"Please, meet Mom!"

Xiao Moqian's deep and stern black eyes became a little colder.

When he was a child, just when he needed maternal love, he cried and begged her not to leave. How did she do it?

Suddenly, the tone became colder and colder, "Ms. Zhang, I have nothing to do with you, please respect yourself."

Zhang Li's hands-free is turned on.

Bao Sihao and Du Shasha were both there, so they could hear his words clearly.

He looked at her slightly.

Zhang Li glanced at them, feeling that they were all laughing at her ability.

Fingers digging into the flesh, what she hates the most is when others question her.

Instead of asking for perfection just now, he changed his tone of ice, "Aren't you afraid that I will do something to your little girlfriend?"

Xiao Moqian's dark eyes narrowed, "Tell me, what's your purpose?"

Zhang Li went on to say, "Komian Garden, come or not, you can decide for yourself."

After speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

On Xiao Moqian's side, the extremely handsome face was already covered with icicles.

Zhang Li dared to threaten Qin Huanhuan with his safety?

What exactly do you want to find him for?
According to Zhang Li's personality, if Xiao Moqian didn't go, she would really do something to hurt Qin Huanhuan.

Originally, he wanted to prepare a car to see Qin Huanhuan, but now, he went directly to the Cotton Tree Garden.

As soon as he arrived, Xiao Moqian saw Zhang Li sitting alone on the European sofa.

The villa looks a little empty.

It seemed very lonely.

Zhang Li ordered the servant to serve him tea.

Xiao Moqian didn't drink.

She glanced over Xiao Moqian's cup of tea, picked up the one in front of her, and drank it slowly.

Seeing Zhang Li, Xiao Moqian didn't let the bodyguards follow him.

After all, Zhang Li's remarriage is a family scandal.

He stared at Zhang Li sharply with his dark eyes, crossing his legs, as if he was the owner of the villa.

Zhang Li felt a little guilty. After all, calling him here today was to plot against him.

And he is his son...

"Mo Qian, are you serious about the woman beside you?"

"Oh." Xiao Moqian sneered, feeling ironic, "Since when did Ms. Zhang start caring about the people around me?"

Zhang Li ignored the sarcasm in his words, his face was full of concern for him, "You are my son, I will definitely care about you."

She glanced at the servant standing aside, "Go and change the young master for a glass of warm water."

After the servant left, she turned on her mobile phone and sighed, "Originally, I didn't want you to know about this matter, but after thinking about it over and over again, my son, being deceived by others like this, really hurts my heart." very."

 It's Da Qiao's first time writing a book, if it's not good, please forgive me.

  If you bring it up, I will definitely improve it.

  It's climbing time again, friends who want to add more, recommend tickets here, remember that chapter 98 will be three times every day next week.


(End of this chapter)

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