Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 160 Don't Understand Women

Chapter 160 Don't Understand Women

After Xiao Moqian came out of the red cotton garden, he walked for a long time before he stopped a car and went straight to the hospital.

It was his miscalculation that made himself so embarrassed.

When Xiao Ran rushed to the hospital, seeing his grandfather's miserable appearance, he thought he had encountered a killer.

Although Xiao Moqian didn't faint, he already had no strength to support him.

The hospital was in chaos, and the doctor rushed to examine his wound.

The wound showed signs of infection.

If it is not handled properly, it will be life-threatening.

Redisinfection, medication, the whole process, the doctor is very cautious.

I was busy until twelve o'clock before I gave him a drip.

Only now did Xiao Moqian's face regain a little color.

Xiao Ran had already bought a new mobile phone for Xiao Moqian, when he handed it to him, he hesitated to speak.

Xiao Moqian glanced at him, "Speak up if you have something to say."

Xiao Ran fell silent.

He was very hesitant, should he tell Master about Miss Qin's hospitalization?

If you tell him, he will definitely...

But Lord's current physical condition, if he insisted on going to see Miss Qin, his body would not be able to bear it.

But once he goes online, he will also know...

After hesitating, Xiao Moqian's deep voice came from next to his ear, "Is there something wrong with Huanhuan?"

Xiao Ran nodded respectfully, "Miss Qin was injured in taking pictures today..."

"What?" Hearing that Qin Huanxi was injured, Xiao Moqian immediately stood up.

Xiao Ran hurriedly supported him, "However, I've woken up now, it's just a slight concussion, nothing serious."

"I'm going to see her." Xiao Moqian pushed Xiao Ran's hand away with his hand that didn't have an injection.

"Master, your body can't bear such torment." Xiao Ran looked at him beggingly, feeling very distressed.

Xiao Moqian had never been injured so seriously.

If it wasn't for paralyzing Shude that time, he didn't have to shoot himself twice.

With this precarious appearance, he still wants to see Miss Qin.

Doesn't he know that his body is worse than Miss Qin's?

His wound was infected, and he still has a high fever...

Xiao Moqian looked at him, with eagerness in his black eyes, his thin lips pursed slightly, "If you stop me again, you will leave Xiao's house tomorrow..."

There was a mist in Xiao Ran's eyes immediately.

He has been with Xiao Moqian since he was a child, and to him, the Xiao family is like his own home.

But Xiao Moqian actually wanted to drive him away...

He looked at Xiao Moqian in shock, and finally couldn't hold him back, and sent the drip to the car with Xiao Moqian.

Anyway, it’s also a hospital there, although it’s not as good as Mary’s Hospital, but there are doctors for any emergencies...

In the car, Xiao Ran was always worried about Xiao Moqian's injury, but fortunately, his condition was fairly stable along the way.
Bai Liusu was startled when he saw the pale boss suddenly appearing.

Qin Huanhuan had already fallen asleep, Xiao Moqian looked at the gauze wrapped around her head, feeling very heartbroken.

Turning his head, he asked in a very low voice, "Did you check things out?"

"I found out, it was an accident." Knowing that his master was afraid of disturbing Qin Huanxi, Xiao Ran lowered his voice.

After staying for a while, Xiao Moqian looked at Bai Liusu, "Don't let her know about my injury."

"Huanhuan is still asking today, did you call her?" Bai Liusu felt that the boss really didn't understand women.

If Huanhuan knew that he was injured and came to see her, I don't know how touched he would be.

And he actually said, don't let her know, wasting such a good opportunity for nothing.

 Thanks to [Joe Dingding] for the reward.

  I still ask for a recommendation ticket, haha!Tickets to be added will come here.

  Add or not, you have the final say.

(End of this chapter)

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