Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 166 Endurance, in a few days, I will find you after I finish my work

Chapter 166 Endurance, in a few days, I will find you after I finish my work
Although it was only a girl standing in front of her, the aura she exuded made him suddenly think of Ming Chuxin when he was young.

Yin Zheng stood still, looking at Qin Huanle calmly.

To be cautious, he still called his assistant.

In the noisy scene, Liu Miaolin's assistant suddenly ran to Mr. Jin and said a few words to him in a low voice.

President Jin rolled his eyes, called back the bodyguards, and whispered in their ears.

After listening to the bodyguard, he turned and left.

Qin Huanle looked at the direction of the bodyguard and frowned slightly.

Didn't President Jin want to do something just now?
Why did you change your mind again?

Puzzled in my heart, I looked at Boss Jin.

I saw that Boss Jin lost the nervousness just now, and looked at her with a smile instead, "As long as you apologize to me and have a few drinks with me, the matter of you seducing me today will be fine."

"Then adjust the monitoring! Don't say anything." Qin Huanle was neither humble nor overbearing, with his back straight.

President Jin sneered, "Okay!"

How dare you agree so readily?

Didn't he just stop him stubbornly?
Qin Huan looked at the direction where the bodyguard left just now, and suddenly thought of something.

Ming Chuxin also guessed it, she glanced at Yin Zheng, and Yin Zheng gave her a reassuring look.

Looking back, Qin Huanle said to her, "Sister, can you lend me your mobile phone, I'll make a call to my friend."

Ming Chu was startled, this little girl actually called her elder sister?
She is old enough to be her mother.

However, this was not the time to talk about it. She took out her mobile phone from her bag and handed it to Qin Huanhuan.

Qin Huanxi took the phone, hesitated a little, and entered 11 numbers on the dial pad that she had engraved in her heart and would never forget.

Xiao Moqian was changing his dressing, and Xiao Ran was holding the phone.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number from a foreign country, he hung up immediately.

But the phone rang three or four times as if unwilling to give up.

For the last time, when the phone was about to be hung up, Xiao Ran finally picked it up.

"Xiao Moqian."

At the other end, Qin Huanxi's voice came. Xiao Ran was glad that he had just answered it. If he missed Miss Qin's call, then he would definitely not let him go...

"Miss Qin, wait a moment, I'll show it to my grandfather."

Xiao Ran quickly handed the phone to Xiao Moqian, praying in his heart, Miss Qin must not say that he didn't answer the phone just now.

Xiao Moqian answered the phone, and Qin Huanhuan's deep voice reached Qin Huanhuan's ears, "Huanhuan, miss me?"

"Yeah." Qin Huanhuan's ears turned red suddenly, why did she admit it?
When Xiao Moqian heard her answer, his brows and eyes were filled with a tender smile. In the past few days, his gloomy mood because of the video Zhang Li showed him seemed to have improved a lot.

He didn't dare to question Qin Huanxi, because he already knew what Qin Huanxi wanted, didn't he?

Known eight years ago.

Now that she is slowly accepting herself, he can wait.

Qin Huan took the initiative to call him, and even Xiao Moqian's tone was sweet, "Renren, in a few days, I'll find you when I'm done."


"Tolerance for what?" Qin Huanle asked belatedly.

Xiao Moqian's low laughter came over, "Didn't you miss me? Be good, bear with it for now."

"You..." Qin Huanhuan's face flushed even redder, her gaze suddenly touched the crowd looking at her, and she bit her red lips in annoyance.

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(End of this chapter)

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