Chapter 172
"Liu Miaolin has found a new investor, come here quickly."

The director just said this, then hung up the phone and sent an address.

Qin Huanhuan just woke up, still a little confused.

Recalling the content of the phone call just now, although she felt that Liu Miaolin was surprised to find an investor, but now that someone has invested, the film should be able to be filmed, so she didn't think much about it.

Looking at Bai Liusu, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Qin Huanxi did not wake her up, and tidied up her appearance in front of the mirror. Feeling satisfied, she went out.

The place to meet investors is also in the hotel, in the VIP restaurant.

Qin Huanhuan got into the elevator, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

Liu Miaolin has found an investor, why not take the opportunity to let her be the heroine?

What is the purpose of calling yourself in the past now?
With doubts, she turned a long way and found the VIP restaurant on the first floor.

This place can be used as a VIP restaurant, the environment is very nice and quiet.

Walking on the grass, you can still hear the chirping of birds and see the dewdrops that have not dissipated.

The only inconvenience is that it is too far from the room.

Generally, if there is nothing wrong, no one will come.

According to the address on the phone, Qin Huan sat in a box with Liu Miaolin, the director, several assistants, and a middle-aged man who seemed to be of some status.

This should be the investor the director mentioned.

"Hello, everyone." Qin Huan glanced at the people sitting around the round table.

There is a large revolving dining table, with a few people sitting here and there.

Seeing Liu Miaolin sitting next to the investor, Qin Huanxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it seems that I shouldn't be asking myself to accompany the wine.

If the investor and Jin are always the same kind of person, she will definitely throw the table and leave regardless of the consequences.

After finding a seat not too far from everyone and sitting down, the director began to introduce Qin Huanhuan.

"This is Mr. Li from Fengsheng Entertainment." Pointing to Qin Huanxi again, "She is our heroine this time."

Mr. Li just nodded lightly to Qin Huanxi, his eyes were bright. Obviously, he really came to talk about cooperation.

At the dinner table, Liu Miaolin's witty remarks were like pearls, and the atmosphere was adjusted very well.

Not long after, Mr. Li agreed to invest in the film.

The cast and crew have not changed much either.

When rejoicing, everyone raised their glasses to celebrate.

After going around and around, the TV series can still be filmed as usual, Qin Huanxi is very happy.

When toasting, the wine in the glass was stuffed in one gulp.

I just feel that the smell of wine is lighter than usual.

Qin Huanxi's drinking capacity is relatively average.

After drinking a few cups, she didn't dare to drink any more, a layer of pink appeared on her skin, making her look like a lotus just out of water.

Liu Miaolin chatted happily with Mr. Li, but from time to time, she watched her from the corner of her eye.

Seeing Qin Huanhuan's reaction, the corners of her lips curled up happily.

After the negotiation, Mr. Li and the director will go to sign the contract.

The party naturally broke up.

Qin Huanxi was on guard against Liu Miaolin, and left immediately after it was over.

As soon as I left, I felt my head was a little heavy.

Just now I thought those wines were not strong, but I didn't expect them to be wines with particularly strong stamina.

After walking a few steps, she couldn't even hold the phone anymore, and it fell to the ground.

Her steps were staggering, and she had to lean on the wall to move forward slowly.

Behind her, there was someone stepping on high heels, following her.

 Ou Ou, please vote...

(End of this chapter)

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