Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 175 Actually, Huanhuan also likes him very much

Chapter 175 Actually, Huanhuan also likes him very much
"Actually, those boys are nothing. What Huanhuan cares most about is Mr. Tang. She always praises Mr. Tang in front of us."

Xiao Moqian's dark eyes deepened, and he asked, "Tang Yingfeng?"

"That's right! Before we went to participate in the competition together, she made a special call to ask Mr. Tang to pick her up!" Wang Ningning did not ignore Xiao Moqian's slightly changed expression.

Although his expression was very calm, she still noticed it, and added more fire, "It was the last time you had a classmate reunion, Mr. Tang often looked for her, and we all thought he was Huanhuan's boyfriend Actually, Huanhuan also likes him very much.”

As soon as her words fell, Xiao Moqian's aura suddenly dropped several degrees.

Wang Ningning pretended not to notice, and continued, "We all think that Huanhuan will definitely be with him after graduation..."

Xiao Moqian's black eyes were cold, even his breath was filled with ice slag, the line of his jaw was tense, his black eyes looked at Wang Ningning deeply like vast stars, "Say something else."

He didn't want to know anything about Qin Huanhuan and other men.

For him, those were all because of the past eight years when he was vacant in her world.

But I still couldn't help being jealous in my heart, jealous of everyone who had participated in her complete life.

The person in front of her claimed to be her classmate. Although she was talking about Qin Huanxi's past, Xiao Moqian felt that she deliberately chose some words that he didn't like to hear.

In other words, it is something that is not good for Qin Huanhuan.

Xiao Moqian's deep black eyes deepened a little, and he looked at Wang Ningning calmly.

Wang Ningning seemed to be frightened by him, staring at him blankly, not daring to speak...
When Bai Liusu woke up, he found that Qin Huanhuan had disappeared.

I called her several times in a row, but they were all prompted to turn off the phone.

Almost the entire hotel was searched, but she was not found.

Thinking of what happened last night, her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly called Xiao Moqian.

But I called several times, but there was no signal.

Anxious, she ran to the monitoring room, but the staff refused to check the monitoring for her.

Finally, she called Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran saw a white shadow flashing on the screen, and immediately picked it up without hesitation.

This is the secret bodyguard trained by Xiao Moqian, and many of them only have code names.

"Hello, I'm Bai Ying. Something happened to Miss Qin." Bai Liusu was very nervous in his heart.

She felt that Qin Huanhuan must have been taken away, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to find it in so many places.

Xiao Moqian arranged for someone to follow Qin Huanxi all the time, Xiao Ran knew about it, but he had never seen him.

At this time, since she made her own phone call, it proved that the situation was urgent.

"Have you called Grandpa?" Xiao Ran spoke quickly.

"I called, but it didn't work."

"Understood, you continue to look for it, and I will arrange it as soon as possible."

Xiao Ran hung up the phone, looked for Xiao Moqian's number on the phone with one hand, and directly dialed the manager of the hotel where Qin Huanle lived with the other hand.

That hotel is Xiao's property.

Xiao Moqian's call was not connected, but the hotel manager had already picked it up.

"There is a young lady who wants to check the monitoring. You explain it to her and ask her to check. If she has any needs, you should cooperate."

"Yes..." The hotel manager was respectful.

Xiao Ran called Bai Liusu and asked her to go to the monitoring room, and then quickly went downstairs to find Xiao Moqian.

Although he was concerned about Xiao Moqian's body, if something happened to Qin Huanxie, his father might not be able to survive...

(End of this chapter)

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