Chapter 182 I Believe In This Girl
Ming Chuxin took out her mobile phone, and after Qin Huanhuan reported a series of numbers, the mobile phone rang.

The place of attribution is the number of country A.

"Auntie, what's wrong with your neck?" When Ming Chuxin lowered her head to put down her phone, Qin Huan saw dense rashes on her neck.

Ming Chuxin didn't care, "I accidentally ate celery just now..."

"Oh, it turns out... I'm also allergic to celery. I have medicine here." Qin Huan enthusiastically took out a bottle of ointment from his bag.

When Xiao Moqian wanted to stop it, it was already too late.

How could a person of Ming Chuxin's status use something unknown?
Unexpectedly, Ming Chuxin took it directly and opened the lid...

"Aunt..." Ming Ye's relationship with Xiao Moqian has improved since he rescued Qin Huanxi last time.

But it was far from being so reassuring. Seeing that she wanted to use it, he hurriedly stopped her.

"It's okay, I trust this girl."

Qin Huanhuan seemed to have seen her behavior, which caused troubles for Ming Chuxin, and quickly waved his hand, "Auntie, the effect is actually very ordinary, or else, forget it..."

"It's okay." Ming Chuxin didn't care, and wiped it on his neck.

In fact, she has a lot of swelling on her body now, and she doesn't know that there is celery in her lunch...

It's cool and comfortable after applying ice.

"Thank you, my aunt was allergic to celery last time and almost killed me. Next time my aunt calls you out, you can't refuse!" Ming Chuxin handed the ointment back to Qin Huanhuan.

Qin Huanhuan took it and put it away, "Auntie, celery allergies can be big or small. I heard that if it is serious, it will really be life-threatening..."

"Yes, so people like us must be careful."

Qin Huanhuan and Ming Chuxin chatted very well, and they chatted for more than half an hour before they knew it.

Xiao Moqian rushed back to Xiao's house, reluctantly saying goodbye to Ming Chuxin.

Their things had already been picked out, and after Qin Huanle agreed, they left.

Seeing them coming out, Feng Xi'an found a giant decoration and hid behind it.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huanhuan was allergic to celery, and Wang Ningning didn't tell her.

It seems that Wang Ningning cannot be trusted completely.

I heard that allergies are severe and can lead to shock.

Very good!
Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
Dinner, of course, is for Xiao's old house.

It was the first time for Qin Huanhuan to go to the old house, and he felt a little expectant and nervous.

Along the way, she leaned against the car window, looking at the scenery going backwards.

The car drove straight to the most prosperous and ancient area in the city center.

Qin Huanhuan originally thought that the Xiao family's old house was on the mountain or in a relatively secluded suburb.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the most expensive prime location in the capital.

The car turned a few turns, and finally stopped in front of an antique building.

It's really a good place to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

The hustle and bustle of the road ahead does not affect the high-level layout here.

At the gate, there are two huge mythical beasts, carved galleries and painted walls, Qin Huanhuan feels as if he has traveled to an ancient palace.

Xiao Moqian directly pressed the password, and the two wooden doors opened automatically, which really kept pace with the times.

Walking in, you can see lush green plants, flowing water, and rockery.

The attics one after another, according to the feng shui pattern, each has its own place.

Unexpectedly, she really guessed right.

Grandpa likes things in oriental style.

 I suddenly became interested in cooking. I made chicken feet today. I'll see if it tastes good later.

  Showing cuteness and rolling around asking for tickets, asking for five-star praise.

(End of this chapter)

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