Chapter 190 How is it possible?

Xiao Zhiqian had a special status and did not go downstairs.

At this moment, he was leaning against a hidden place on the second floor, and had a panoramic view of everything downstairs.

Xiao Moqian stretched out his hand to Qin Huan who was stunned in place.

Everyone stared in disbelief.


How can it be?

Xiao Moqian won't choose the old lady this year?

Who is this girl he chose?

Why have you never seen it before?
Everyone was shocked to varying degrees.

The jealousy in Feng Xi'an's and Du Shasha's eyes can't be concealed, like a volcano ready to explode, it's about to erupt...

Su Shanshan's gaze was always on Tang Yingfeng and never left. She only had Tang Yingfeng in her eyes.

Mingye and Mingchuxin both came.

They were invited by Xiao Moqian.

Because of Qin Huanxi's fate with Ming Chuxin, Xiao Moqian got closer to them.

Seeing the startled expression on Qin Huanhuan's face at this moment, Ming Chuxin couldn't help laughing, "Huanhuan is so cute."

Ming Ye glanced at the expression on her aunt's face, she looked like a fan of Qin Huanxie.

He secretly sighed that Qin Huanxi was poisonous, not only his aunt, but even his little Didi liked her so much.

As soon as he thought of Lu Di, his eyes automatically scanned. After searching for a long time, he didn't see the figure that made him think about it day and night...

Xiao Moqian's hand stopped in front of Qin Huanhuan for a long time, but she didn't respond.

What is Xiao Moqian doing?

In front of so many people, Qin Huanhuan was a little uncertain whether he should stretch out his hand.

A voice from the bottom of her heart told her to quickly reach out her hand and let those people know that Xiao Moqian was hers.

But another voice said, no, we can't let everyone know about their relationship...

When the battle between heaven and man was in the bottom of my heart, the old lady Xiao had already put her hand into Xiao Moqian's.

Everyone, "..."

They also hoped that Qin Huanxi would refuse, so that Xiao Moqian could choose herself to dance this first dance.

It seems that there is no chance.

But who is this girl who has never seen before?

How can I get Xiao Moqian's favor?

After the banquet is over, they must check it out.

Although Qin Huanle is already an artist, she doesn't have many works.

The people here are of a high level, and they generally don't pay attention to things in the entertainment industry.

Naturally, no one knew her.

Tang Yingfeng looked at the dancing princess in the arena with complex eyes, following Qin Huanxi's steps.

I saw her lithe figure, dancing gracefully, like a swan playing in the water.

All the brilliance of the banquet was taken away by her alone.

Su Shanshan noticed Tang Yingfeng's gaze, and a layer of sadness appeared in her eyes.

No matter how hard she tried, Qin Huanxi would always be the only one in Brother Tang's eyes...

Xiao Moqian and Qin Huanxi cooperated very well.

Spin, head shake, forward, backward.

There is no mistake in any movement, it is as harmonious as it has been rehearsed countless times in advance.

The two seem to be a particularly good match at this moment...

One white and one blue complement each other.

The two are like elves, people can't take their eyes off.

Until the end of the music, can not seem to see enough.

Xiao Moqian clung to Qin Huanxi's ear, and said with a voice that only the two of them could hear, "It seems that the compatibility between the two of us is really good."

"It was you who brought it well." Qin Huanxi panted slightly, and dancing took a lot of energy.

"Well, it's the same on the bed." Xiao Moqian looked at her dazzling brilliance, her beautiful back was like a shadow, and suddenly thought of hiding her.

 The lovely draftsman asks for votes, chapter reviews, and book reviews.

(End of this chapter)

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