Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 192 Playing around with ambiguous people

Chapter 192 Playing around with ambiguous people


Qin Huanhuan is not the kind of person who likes to play around with ambiguities. In his head, he searches for words of rejection.

"Brother Tang, I want to dance with you."

Just when Qin Huanxi was struggling, Susan, who had been staring at Tang Yingfeng, appeared out of nowhere and blocked the sight of Tang Yingfeng and Qin Huanhuan.

Tang Yingfeng's warm face froze in an instant.

Qin Huanxi breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at them with a smile, "Yes, senior, why don't you dance with Shanshan, I just drank some wine and I'm a little tired."

"Then I'll take you there to rest!" Tang Yingfeng turned sideways, pointing to a quieter corner.

Qin Huanxi was afraid of conflicting with Susan again in such a conspicuous place.

Shu Er lifted the hem of her skirt, avoided the crowd and walked over.

Tang Yingfeng followed, and Susan naturally followed.

Bai Liusu was worried, carrying a tray, and followed.

Su Shanshan's eyes were always on Qin Huanxi and Tang Yingfeng.

Tang Yingfeng ignored her and looked at Qin Huanhuan, "Huanhuan, how about a glass of fruit juice to soothe the hangover?"

After Tang Yingfeng finished speaking, he went to serve the drink on the tassel tray.

That cup of drink was secretly exchanged for Qin Huanxi just now.

That was fueled by Feng Xi'an!
Bai Liusu wanted to grab the drink back.

did not expect……

"Orange juice! It's my favorite drink."

Su Shanshan immediately took the drink from Tang Yingfeng's hand, took a sip, and drank it all...

Bai Liusu was dumbfounded.

Qin Huanxi was also dumbfounded.

They wanted to stop it, but it was too late...

After finishing drinking, Susan seemed to be still thinking about it, "It's really delicious. The drink that has been handed by Brother Tang is the best."

Qin Huanxi was speechless, and she didn't know what medicine Feng Xi'an took.

Fortunately, Bai Liusu appeared just now and helped her change the drink, otherwise, she wouldn't dare to drink what Feng Xi'an handed her.

Tang Yingfeng was very helpless.

Su Shanshan has been following him like a voyeuristic stalker for the past few months.

Even if he has a good temper, there is a limit to patience.

She is just too much.

Tang Yingfeng felt that she had reached the limit of her patience, but Su Shanshan didn't know it yet.

He has been chattering and praising him all the time.

He didn't even have the chance to talk to Qin Huanxi alone...

"Young Master Tang, so you are here."

When Tang Yingfeng heard the voice, he raised his eyes and saw that it was the sons and brothers of two small aristocratic families.

He knew these two people, both of them were rich second generations who were idle and addicted to gambling.

Tang Yingfeng didn't have close friendship with them.

"Wow, so there are beauties here, no wonder Young Master Tang wants to hide in this good place secretly!"

When they saw Qin Huanxi, their eyes were all filled with amazement.

And Su Shanshan is also a cute loli.

These two are really rare beauties in the world!

Unfortunately, one of them belonged to Tang Yingfeng today.

Seeing that there was nothing to drink in front of Tang Yingfeng, the two of them called the servants on their own initiative and gave Tang Yingfeng a glass of wine.

"Come on, Young Master Tang, toast to our beauties."

Tang Yingfeng was upset by Susan Shan's anger, and Qin Huanxie's attitude of avoiding him made him feel very depressed.

Pick up the wine glass, raise your head, and the gurgling will come to an end.

"Haha, Young Master Tang is good at drinking."

Tang Yingfeng drank one cup after another. He didn't know how many cups he drank. When he felt a little dizzy, he was taken to the lounge on the second floor by those two people.

"Come on, Young Master Tang, let's continue drinking."

It wasn't until Tang Yingfeng was drunk to the ground that the two sneaked out the door.

 I really am a handicapped party, I only wrote a chapter in two hours......

  Begging for tickets, begging for tickets, the little cute tickets are coming.

  One ticket is very happy, two tickets are very happy.

  Beg, beg, beg for votes...

  Haha, do you feel like a song?
(End of this chapter)

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