Chapter 197
Everyone was in the banquet hall, waiting to see the Xiao family's attitude.

After all, this incident violated the dignity of the Xiao family.

Mr. Xiao stood in the middle, watching Tang Yingfeng walk over decadently.

His face was expressionless, and his eyes were empty like a walking dead.

Susan Shan looked shy, she finally told Brother Tang...

She was afraid that tonight, she would wake up laughing from her dreams.

"I will investigate this matter slowly." Mr. Xiao narrowed his old-fashioned eyes slightly, with a strong warning.

"Now, the most important thing is for the Tang family to give this little girl an explanation."

He knew from Xiao Moqian that Tang Yingfeng was the one who robbed his grandson of his wife.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity, he asked the Tang family boy to marry a wife to help his grandson eliminate a powerful competitor.

Mr. Xiao had a very good plan in his heart. As long as the Tang family agreed to marry Susan today, he would not be held accountable for what Tang Yingfeng did at the banquet.

Tang's father wanted to refuse, but looked at Ming Ye for help.

Anyway, their Tang family is also the Ming family's partner in Country F.

Marrying such a daughter from an unknown family has some impact on the common interests of the two families.

But Ming Ye's expression was very calm, and her phoenix eyes were calm, and it seemed that she didn't want to interfere.

Father Tang's teeth were about to be crushed.

Who is so bold that even the Tang family dares to design it?
Seeing that Tang's father remained silent for a long time, Xiao Moqian said coldly, "Could it be that the Tang family is this kind of family that has done things but dared not speak out?"

Father Tang's face turned pale with anger.

If that person is Qin Huanhuan now, he would like to get them married right away.

Feng Xi'an was not reconciled either, she prescribed medicine to Qin Huanxi and arranged for someone to bring her into the room.

Impossible to go wrong.

She looked around the crowd, but found no trace of Qin Huanxi.

Could it be that she really did that kind of thing with Tang Yingfeng, but was hidden by Xiao Moqian?
Yes, very likely.

Thinking of this, she raised her face, "I think this matter still needs to be confronted clearly. You see, the joy is not here now. Who knows what happened to them before?"

What this said is reminiscent.

"That's right, maybe Miss Qin was in that room a few minutes ago."

Father Tang followed Feng Xi'an's words and insisted on linking Qin Huanhuan with Tang Yingfeng.

Du Shasha was also here, and she was happy to help Feng Xi'an, so she also said, "Yeah, maybe it's because her clothes are disheveled and she doesn't dare to come out to meet people."

"The clothes are disheveled, and you dare not see people?" Xiao Moqian laughed softly as if he heard some big joke.

Those present had rarely seen such a reaction from him.

He has always had a cold face, and although he is smiling now, he is more terrifying than usual.

Xiao Moqian made a gesture, and within a few minutes, Qin Huanle, still wearing a water-blue dress, walked down from the second floor gracefully.

Behind her were Lu Di, Lu Yihan, and Bai Liusu.

Compared with Su Shanshan's bruises and bruises, her swan-like beautiful neck has no trace at all.

The looming beautiful back is still white and flawless.

how come?
Feng Xi'an couldn't control it, he staggered and couldn't stand steadily.

She had planned for so long, but it fell short.

Ha ha!

Qin Huanhuan's luck is too good, right?

Qin Huanhuan glanced at the crowd whose eyes were all fixed on him, and pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What happened? Why are everyone around?"

(End of this chapter)

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